Thursday, April 18, 2019

Vol VII No. 751 - Part 1d - Sanctuary Cities? Trump Might as well Allow All States to Be Independent.and other issues.....hmmmm

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WATCH: Trump Threatens to Bus ALL Illegals to 'Sanctuary Cities'
White House Brief
Democrats are stunned after President Trump revealed he wants to bus ALL detained illegal immigrants to liberal "sanctuary cities" and let them loose.
"We can give them an unlimited supply." 🔥🔥🔥


Lawrence Ha'ae Buhaha...I guess that will do it. 🤣



Garren Lo What an asshole



Jason Hine
Individualism, individuality, individuation and the will are held as high values in industrialized culture; we see everyone trying to get what they want, to get... their part, to be successful. This extreme focus on individuality may have contributed to the current ecological crisis and multiple crises of civilization. The focus on individuality may have lead to the debt based economy which has to continuously grow and destroy nature and the commons in doing so, creating artificially produced scarcity and ecocide. The conditions for potential ecological and human social collapse may be fuelled by excessive individualism and separation.
Individuation may be helpful in some ways; it can be linked to the ability to focus, have intent, have boundaries, and at a base level to a kind of primal life force aggression. But also, as individualism and success are held to be high values in late capitalist culture, those who are most aggressive, least ethical and most willing to dominate or oppress others are often successful and become ‘winners’ or celebrities. This is not a new human trait but can also be seen successively in some (but not all) early agricultural societies, some (but not all) early city states and in all empire building and later colonial societies. In such cultures we then get a stratification of society where the priest and political leaders (later increasingly the mercantile classes) are on top and everyone else is below them. Animals and plants are relegated to an even lower level..
This focus on the will and on individualism can also be witnessed in the alternative culture scene where spiritual teachings or indigenous teachings are borrowed from another culture or from one's own culture and then sold on the growth economy market place for a fixed price. In a sense this gatekeeping of earth based teachings resembles the process of privatizing the commons, taking something that was once 'freely' available (or more precisely, available through ritual payment to the earth) and monetizing, privatizing it and imposing scarcity upon it.
Is individualism and individuation inherently bad? Not necessarily, its also possible to conceive of a society that goes to the other extreme, where the will and any sense of personal calling are pushed down. Intentional communities ARE very likely one of the most important future directions for humanity and yet they occasionally have a particular ‘shadow.’ I've witnessed in some intentional communities that the extreme focus on communal life represses the individual. We then see the ‘return of the repressed’ as this sense of personal will returns in explosions of aggression and expressions of the distinct personality. These intentional communities typically fail, falling apart as the repressed sense of personal calling emerges in everyone simultaneously and can’t be held, erupting in uncontainable anger, dissatisfaction or aggression.
Intentional earth based communities may need to help people to find vision of a life or part-of-life calling given from the earth and then to allow for and facilitate the development of the expression of this life calling and life direction. Its no use for the woman with the vision and calling to work with homeless people to be doing dry stone walling, or the man with the earth granted calling to be a gardener to be doing social work and vice versa. Then next step is to find ways for folks with these particular life callings to serve the community and the local bioregion. The life calling or purpose may not be something we can personally invent, but needs to be given to us from the earth as an instinct, a vision or a gift.
Many people may turn to a therapist, healer or life coach to find purpose, become more of themselves and so on; such people sometimes need to repair or re-find intention, the ability to engage in large scale aggressive money making, get what they want, or develop animalistic ferocity, persistent focus and embodied boundaries. These are often valuable and useful qualities. There are whole sections of culture, especially alternative culture which have become superpassive and have lost the capacities of aggression, warrior like qualities, focus and discipline. Why so? They may have extremely good reasons. It may be partly because of trauma personal and cultural trauma and partly because of an unconscious or conscious sense of how much harm the historical process of individualism has caused.
People who resist individualism are perhaps giving the culture a gift, a return to a deeper more community based way of living. In some ways even trauma, although unpleasant, can be a gift at the deepest medicine level, and, which when tender care is taken to regulate the nervous system, this gift may eventually lead to a deeper sense of embodiment and a more fulfilling sense of intraconnection with life, interdependence and community.
Individuation, the will, ferocity, aggression, focus, boundaries; these things are useful for many and yet also in late capitalist culture the balance has perhaps gone too far away towards the disembodied will that wills ONLY itself, towards the individual walled off in their office, in their gated community, in their Cartesian thinking mind, separate from the earth and its myriad more than human-intelligences and separate from the real community based human presence on earth. For this reason, for those who have grown estranged from it, we may need a cultural return to mutualism, gift economy, employee owned corporations, non-growth economies, sharing and mutual becoming, dreaming and co-creation with a million other lifeforms.
It is as if the natural animal need to form a boundary and defend its territory, in the industrial growth culture has become an enormous demon, laying waste and destroying everything. Life coaches, CEO’s and successful celebrities preach individualism and the will. New age and traditional spiritual teachers join in this chorus when they speak about interdependence and non-separation but in practice focus on individuation above the practical dividuation work of getting out on the land and streets, talking to challenging people and making community.
Are all these CEO’s, new age teachers, psychologists, life coaches and spiritual teachers just inadvertent preachers of the machine and the destroyer? It seems they are perhaps in possession of something like a half-digested truth, a tiny remnant or cultural memory of a much more complex ancient initiation process. Yes we may need focus, boundaries, strong intention, discernment, specific individuation or dividuation and so on, but the purpose of all this is entirely to serve the community and the earth.
What we perceive in celebrities, much of the corporate world and the traditional religious and spiritual and new age world is not the development of initiated fully developed ecosystem integrated adults but adolescents who will only their own will rather than being in service to the earth and the health of community. Equally the expression of what is often called ‘awakening’, in the therapeutic, alternative culture and spiritual world, the emergence of the being embodied connected to life, is from the earth based or indigenous perspective, just a manifestation of normal, everyday healthy adulthood
The rising of the will, aggression, ferocity and a deeper sense of individuality that comes about at adolescence may need to be integrated, absorbed into the person and community so they integrate or weave in their warrior spirit, absorb it into themselves, embody it and use this power to feed or serve the beings of the local biosphere, to serve the mythbeings and Gods in the earth, to serve the larger community. That is perhaps its real purpose.
The will cannot will only itself, or be directed only towards its own ends or we get the world we have today, the world of total destruction of all life and total separation. Instead life calling and warrior powers may need to be integrated or weaved into service and adoration of the life of the animals and plants surrounding the person, into the biosphere, into the myths and stories of the land, into the service of community to be able to become a full human presence on earth
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Pikanini Pake Sicko! Earth calling Mars, we have a something on the loose, it's a threat to society and possibly to itself. Do you have room out there for it and it's entourage! Please? 😭



Ruthann Caudill If he does that, then the people don’t have to stay in the cities.



Ruthann Caudill Mayors of the cities want the refugees.
I think it might be illegal, though.



Lindsay Marie Hillegas
Ex CIA operative Robert David Steele: “I was devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister of France and I believe all of the following to be true and an indictment of Macron, Merkel, May, and the Pope — Notre Dame would not have burned as it did without the explicit complicity of the Church — and key police, fire, and government offices in Paris — in detail, in advance, and into the future.
Here is what I have been told by a ranking source in France:
Extraterrestial View of the Satanic Sacrifice Site
01 Canadian intelligence officers who went immediately to the site for a first hand look were prevented from getting close.
02 No electricity in the area where the fire is alleged to have started.
03 Two dead within the fire, both evidently murdered (two bullets each)
04 No helicopters brought in to fight the fire
05 Dysfunctional water spraying machine, a mockery of a fire-fighting performance
06 Official narrative pretending it was an accident was immediate and clearly on the shelf and ready to go.
07 Timing impossible to dismiss — intended to prevent announcement of Macron’s loss in the national debate inspired by the Yellow Vests.
08 Afternote A: anniversary of the Titanic that was precursor to the creation of Central Banks and the subversion of all governments.
09 Afternote B: This is intended to save the global financial system owned by the Satanists by saving the European Election in May, anticipate a call for “financial solidarity” that keeps France trapped in Europe by “EU” agreeing to pay for the renovation of the cathedral. “EU” and Central Banks are the beneficiaries of this false flag event, along with Macron as the token leader of France on behalf of the Satanic Deep State.
10 Afternote C: This is an intended “death blow” against Western Civilization. Although the Muslims are not being blamed, the sub-text is Frankfurt School / Tavestock Institute fundamental: whites and the West are shit, hail all illegal immigrants, transgenders, and fat stupid people — the sheep of all sheep.
11 Afternote D: The roof of Notre Dame was original to the 13th century and has survived all wars, all manner of natural hazards. This was the single most precious asset in France, not so much a Catholic religious asset as a national spiritual cultural asset. Final conclusion: the Satanists are DESPERATE.
Notre Dame burning early on, fire brigades evidently held back
Separately I am told by sources in Asia with access to secret society leaders:
01 This was a Satanic Easter energy sacrifice by Satanists Macron, Merkel, and May, each believed to be an individual Satanist (and pedophile and sacrificer of children in ritual torture ceremonies). Each has their own major secular physical world failures pointing toward their Earthly demise.
02 This was assuredly done with the complicity of the Pope and the Catholic Church hierarchy, the two dead may have been murdered because they would not comply with Satanic instructions. This was not an accident, this was an inside job with outside (French national police) complicity in closing the area off and preventing effective responses from being coordinated. For the existing plan to blanket this sacred site with water to not have been executed instantly is the equivalent of Dick Cheney controlling NORAD on 9/11.
03 The coincidence of Steve Bannon setting up shop in an Italian monastery and calling the Pope an enemy with the timing and scope of the fire (total destruction) is considered just that — a coincidence.
04 The Pope’s incentive — apart from being a Satanist for whom God is the enemy and Notre Dame a lovely sacrifice to Satan — is said to revolve around the WikiLeaks dump and the exploding pedophilia scandal that if properly investigated would lead to every single cardinal and most bishops being defrocked, and the arrest of Assange, which has triggered the “dead hand” data dump and will lead to further deeply scandalous revelations about the Catholic Church in relation to Satanism, pedophilia, and financial crime.
05 Commercial insurance fraud is beginning to be discussed. The Church’s income has suffered from the pedophilia scandal, apart from a Satanic sacrifice of epic proportions, the Church should be investigated for the possible use of the event as a two-fer: Satanic sacrifice and insurance fraud.
“Notre-Dame is owned by the state and has been at the centre of a years-long row between the nation and the Paris archdiocese over who should bear the brunt of costs for badly needed restoration work.”
The “patsies” for the alleged “gross negligence are likely to be the restoration team, we look for them to be placed under investigation as a means of distracting the public from
Scott Bennett, always a good source for Grand PSYOP, says this:
If I was a betting man, my guess is this Notre Dame Cathedral fire was a “Kristolnacht” type of psyop event, similar to when the Nazis ignited the 1930’s fire and blamed the communists to win the election….my guess is this is similar, with Macron benefiting by shutting down the yellow vest protests (which have been destroying him and putting France in civil war. Who benefits from the fire? well perhaps Israeli Mossad and/or Shin-bet doubling-down on their “religious war” between Muslims and Chrisitians as may have been the case in the “Chr*st-Ch_rch” NZ event and the fake video of the guy running around like he’s in a video game with fake weapons, etc. A renewed religious war is always good for the military industrial complex. Perhaps they might even try and blame it on Iran–but most likely would have been MEK if it was anyone, working with MI6-CIA. Just another day in the police-state.”

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