Thursday, April 25, 2019

Vol VII No. 752 - Part 1a - Advice, Important Information for All Kanaka Maoli.........

Did i miss ceremonies? Everywhere I turn, there is a self proclaimed princess or Mo'i? I come from Royalty but, I don't dare self proclaim myself as a Mo'i. This nonsense is Irritating. Stay away from me all you wannabes! Titles are earned and given by the Ali'i. Who made you Mo'i? I'll keep doing what I am doing. Stop making yourselves Royalty! This is HEWA! You know who you are? Stop it now. Mahalo


Moana Stange Luck Urioste Gotta share um. Half my timeline is filled with these fake fakaz



Moana Stange Luck Urioste I'm so over it. I feel you kahaka. It's bull shit. Undiluted bullshit



Shane Niau Kahaka Poe kepalo๐Ÿคฃ palakukae



Dianne Hoapili Not worth raising blood pressure. Contenders only. Not pretenders, contenders. Takes more than just “I am.” Sovereignty started with Ali’i, kings, queens, princess. Now Mo’i whom I work for that raised the bar to that level first for good cause. He is NOT a contender or pretender, but the raised bar sure set it on fire today. Many now claim to be the Mo’i. Aole pilikia. Who needs to know and why a Mo’i is the one need to have that answer. Aole pilikia. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Alan D. Ackerman THE POE ELECT THE KAHU ...




Dianne Hoapili Alan D. Ackerman Aole pilikia, but she was as the others were just administrators How you say, it does not diminish nor take away her sovereignty status. There’s more to it. Each one failed to state the correct language of claim. They are still in the correct line of descent, but only in administrative capacity. Not ruler. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Dianne Hoapili The Mo’i is not for anybody or everybody, only one.



Kahaka Patolo Dianne Hoapili . The one we ALL VOTE FOR! No can make your own?






Dianne Hoapili Correction: There can only be one Mo’i (e.g. ruler, not two or more rulers at one time). There is no limit to how many ali’i you can have and there are already many, because you do need more per number of Ahupua’a that you have who appoints the Konohiki, yes? Pololei? To whom do the Ahupua’a ali’i report to? ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Dianne Hoapili Alan D. Ackerman the Mo’i I do work for has a purpose and agenda. It’s part of full restoration. It’s a necessary criteria for nation building to have Ka Mo’i. He has stepped up to this responsibility and obligation by bloodline to the last Mo’i, Kauikeaouli III. Knows the protocols, fulfilled pertinent responsibilities, but more to do. Ka Ali’i still has its powers, calls the shots, makes the pertinent decisions for its Ahupua’a, but limited in its power. It cannot speak for the nation as a whole, only it’s Ahupua’a assignment. This Mo’i is for the whole, all the Ahupua’a which also includes island nations of our sisters in the south from Rarotonga to Aotearoa, New Zealand and within that triangle boundaries. The work is not over, still progressing. I’m allowed to disclose this much. We are not about challenging or defending ones position. It’s about restoring the Crown Spiritual (ancestors performance)and Crown Physical (equitable and divine use of our assets) not the foreigners use. They need to demonstrate respect for our declaration of rights (permanent) because they only have privileges ( temporary) subject to their nations treaty with us. They and everyone else need to know, we advocating no dual citizenship which has been the bone of contention from the get go. People will have 30 days to decide which citizenship they want. Theirs or ours as a citizen. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Dianne Hoapili ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Maihialani De Lima-Dolbeare Funny how these guys do this. I have ali'i blood but I no need to say nothing cuz real ali'i no brag. Our people will know who's who when the time comes and Ke Akua will let us know.



Maelani Lee I have ali’i blood and so does about 3,000 more of my family members according to our genealogy. So people who claim to be mo’i seem to be the ones who are more active as an activist making a change. However, everyone still has their own perspective on how their idea of sovereignty can place a huge impact on the ones that have koko. I believe that everyone with Hawai’i koko are making a difference no matter how big or how small by just keeping our culture alive, spreading awareness, educating, attending marches and carrying themselves strong. We don’t need to carry titles or be related to ali’i... just be yourself and stay active to make a change for our nฤ Keiki with koko.



Maihialani De Lima-Dolbeare Maelani Lee exactly. Well said. I just don't get why people gotta brag about a title. I was always taught that you don't need to brag about a title. It shouldn't matter, people will love you for who you are not because you have a title.



Kalama O Ka Aina There were 40,000 of Kanaka Maoli in 1893, now there's 677,000
It makes sense that most of us have Koko mo'i.
And yes, I have the full mo'okuauhau to back that up.
Lol, so folks claiming mo'i status should just calm down ๐Ÿ˜‚



Amelia Gora Genealogies are the basis of our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii....everyone needs to review what the Hawaiian government is all about...Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS Rex vs. Booth case...…..oh, the pilau Alii have been exposed btw.. see:

Amelia Gora Alii bashers beware....many poe have already been listed on the Genocide Activities List on the number assigned to me since 1998....our families have a lien on the entire Hawaiian archipelago check it out Afft./Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) documenting the Alii heirs of the Crown lands....and none of us are calling ourselves kings and queens even though we descend from Princess Poomaikelani, Kamehameha through four (4) of his children, from Kalaniopuu's four (4) of his 6 children, from Kaumualii's two (2) children, and Kamehameha's hanai/adopted children from two (2) of the 3 of Isaac Davis descendants who were the descendants of John Young...….it is foolish to call oneself the King or Queen.....a genealogy gauntlet awaits you......what's more important is that the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees are claiming to be heirs...….so if you too are Kamehameha's join us because it's time to charge the pirates, pillagers, racketeers...…….did you know that it is because of these racketeers, they supported the lands that they gave to the aliens, entities including the military? our immediate cousins are also Kamehameha's in multiples of lines and many of us have genocide stories...Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants.....the Giants are the Kamehameha's and the supporters, not the pretenders who do nothing and only walaau….waha nui's is Not what we need......if you can't help, at least sue the UH educators who put out the untruths, the lies over the ages and support the scum of the earth in these beautiful islands which is owned by our alodio owners......reclaim your tutu's aina…...remember what Queen Liliuokalani said....everyone has to reclaim their lands individually...….Bet you didn't know that we have 3 nations who have protectorates over us....the U.S., France, and Great Britain...…..did you know that protectorates are there to protect and Not take lands.....Rule of Law is important and Trump did claim that he is with Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution.....did you not know that it is ONLY the Alii, the Kamehameha's who are parties to the Treaty of 1849/1850 ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and U.S. President Zachary Taylor....a permanent treaty of friendship, does Not include everyone! but the Kamehameha's represent the kanaka maoli…. wake up and smell the roses folks! Treaties are the Supreme law of the land, and even the judges have to step aside because they are NOT the parties to the, let us count the Kamehameha's who knows these things, not the little boys and little girls who want to concoct a title for themselves!

another post on FB:

Genealogies are the basis of our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii....everyone needs to review what the Hawaiian government is all about...Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS Rex vs. Booth case...…..oh, the pilau Alii have been exposed btw.. see:
Pirate Eyes on Hawaii: Documented…
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Amelia Gora Alii bashers beware....many poe have already been listed on the Genocide Activities List on the number assigned to me since 1998....our families have a lien on the entire Hawaiian archipelago check it out Afft./Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) documenting the Alii heirs of the Crown lands....and none of us are calling ourselves kings and queens even though we descend from Princess Poomaikelani, Kamehameha through four (4) of his children, from Kalaniopuu's four (4) of his 6 children, from Kaumualii's two (2) children, and Kamehameha's hanai/adopted children from two (2) of the 3 of Isaac Davis descendants who were the descendants of John Young...….it is foolish to call oneself the King or Queen.....a genealogy gauntlet awaits you......what's more important is that the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees are claiming to be heirs...….so if you too are Kamehameha's join us because it's time to charge the pirates, pillagers, racketeers...…….did you know that it is because of these racketeers, they supported the lands that they gave to the aliens, entities including the military? our immediate cousins are also Kamehameha's in multiples of lines and many of us have genocide stories...Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants.....the Giants are the Kamehameha's and the supporters, not the pretenders who do nothing and only walaau….waha nui's is Not what we need......if you can't help, at least sue the UH educators who put out the untruths, the lies over the ages and support the scum of the earth in these beautiful islands which is owned by our alodio owners......reclaim your tutu's aina…...remember what Queen Liliuokalani said....everyone has to reclaim their lands individually...….Bet you didn't know that we have 3 nations who have protectorates over us....the U.S., France, and Great Britain...…..did you know that protectorates are there to protect and Not take lands.....Rule of Law is important and Trump did claim that he is with Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution.....did you not know that it is ONLY the Alii, the Kamehameha's who are parties to the Treaty of 1849/1850 ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and U.S. President Zachary Taylor....a permanent treaty of friendship, does Not include everyone! but the Kamehameha's represent the kanaka maoli…. wake up and smell the roses folks! Treaties are the Supreme law of the land, and even the judges have to step aside because they are NOT the parties to the, let us count the Kamehameha's who knows these things, not the little boys and little girls who want to concoct a title for themselves!


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