Thursday, April 25, 2019

Vol VII No. 752 - Part 1aa

Former U.N. Official: U.S. Goal Is to “Asphyxiate” Venezuela…/former-u-n-official-…/


Denis Cloutier Comme l' Iran et la Russie, du terrorisme commercial .


Diego Claret Peñalver Delgado Para que sirve la ONU si permite esto


David Alexander Trump has really pissed off the CIA so they are going to let Trump's regime change fail miserably. Social dislocations, economic sabotage, currency and stock devaluations through creating artificial panic, right wing terror cells, propaganda, its being done in the most stupid way imaginable. The CIA would normally want this, but they would rather see Trump fail in all of it. Can't really blame them actually. Trump has disrespected the CIA in the worst ways imaginable. The national security state has smart people, Trump is not one of them.



Judith González Montero
David Alexander have smart people, no doubt, also smart criminals.


Rick Osborn David Alexander


Raiza Martínez La ONU es un cero a la izquierda, o sea, cuando el imperio quiere hacer algo, generalmente malo, lo hace y punto, no hay Organismos Multilaterales que valgan


Rosa Linda Mummolo Martinez
There is no international body that can take care of any country in the world of the aggression of the us terrorist government... they dominate international laws, which break daily, and there is no one who defends us...


See Original (Spanish)



  1. U.N. Expert to Hawai`i Judges: Islands Under “Strange Form ...

  2. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas - Wikipedia

  3. OHCHR | Biography of Mr. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas

  4. Alfred de Zayas - Private Site

  5. Hawaiian Kingdom Files Lawsuit Against President Trump

  6. United Nations Acknowledges the Occupation of the Hawaiian ...

  7. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Dr.Alfred DeZayas Exposes ...

  8. U.N. to Endorse Hero of Holocaust Deniers, Alfred De Zayas ...

  9. PHOTOS Press - Alfred-Maurice de Zayas

  10. Syria: Interview with Prof. Dr. Alfred De Zayas PART 1 ...

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