Saturday, April 27, 2019

Vol VII No. 753 - Mauna Kea Issues

If you read only one thing about Mākua this week, make it this manaful post on our website from Lynette Cruz, who, along with Sparky Rodrigues, traveled to Pōhakuloa on Moku O Keawe last week in representation of Mālama Mākua. Mākua, Pōhakuloa, Maunakea, all are not separate. We are all connected. Aloha nō.
Part I of this important post is about Mālama Mākua and a philosophy of healing and peace. It leads into Part II that describes how we think Mālama Mākua relates to Pōhakuloa. Some folks may not agree, but that's okay. We're all trying to figure out our kuleana and the best way to exercise it.
Claud Sutcliffe We are Rising Everywhere
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HILO >> The town of Hilo has come alive as the 56th Merrie Monarch…
Maggie Connor Mahalo Lori! Heres a pic of Uncle George Naope dancing hula at Merrie Monarch in 2006. Aloha.
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Kau'i Pratt-Aquino
Aia I hea I ka wai a kāne? Where are the waters of kāne that nourish our 'āina? Release them!
Calling all water warriors! Stand with us again for our wai! us for a rally at the Capitol on Tuesday, April 30 at 9:30 a.m.
We have received credible information that there may be an attempt to pull the water theft bill to the floor for a vote by the Senate on Tuesday, April 30. (I know this is nuts). It's time to reclaim our government, kick A&B out of the Capitol and hold our leaders accountable!
We need to watch our leaders again to ensure they act pono or expose them for what they really are.
We need to also support those leaders that have been pressured to vote in support of A&B. They need us more than ever now to carry them through this at time when their environment does not support values-based leadership.
If the bill is pulled to the floor on Tuesday and it passes, the Senate will have 48 hours before they vote on the same bill again. If it passes the Senate, the bill goes to the Governor for his signature. We all know where the Governor stands on this issue.
I am hopeful that the Senate will do right by our community but they need us there to support them to end this.
We will either witness history and celebrate a win, or expose bad leadership.
I know this has been exhausting on everyone. But, we can't move on until this over. Asking that you call upon your Kupuna to gather the strength that you need to push ahead. We can do this together.
When you feel tired, I ask that you remember Uncle Sammy Akina and all the Kupuna who sacrificed themselves for us. Mahalo.
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Tiare Lawrence
Should stop non resident traffic in and out of Waipio unless they receive a permit.
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Posted by Hawaii News Now
Hawaii News Now
A big influx of tourists to stunning Waipio Valley on the Big Island is triggering more and more confrontations -- as visitors try to navigate the steep, one-lane road to the area.
#HINews #HNN
Maka Kaili I agree LOCALS only !! All others catch shuttles to go down ...and PAY da price !!! Period .....
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Hanale Kila Hopfe Over exploitation of our resources
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This is what the Chairman and CEO of KTA wrote in Hilo’s paper at the beginning of Merri Monarch 2019.
“I pray that no one is hurt if protesters have to be physically removed to follow the rule of law...In particular, it would help if you email your opinion to Mayor Kim ( and Gov. Ige ( Both support TMT, but they may be heartened to know that the community is behind them.”
1. Of course unarmed p...rotectors are going to get hurt by forced removals by armed law enforcement some carrying semi automatics weapons. And no one should “have to be physically removed”.
2. Conservation law and the Hawai’i State Constitution has been violated by the approval of the permit by the majority Hawai’i’s Supreme Court. So much so that some of the best legal minds in Hawai’i tried to intercede.
3. Finally remember Mayor Kim the person who advised astronomers to ‘Stomp on the Souls’ of Hawaiians with compassion. Remember Gov Ige the person who supported emergency rules on the Mauna that violated not just the constitutional rights of Kanaka but their Human Rights as well? How dare he tell the public to email them to make them feel “heartened”.

Here is link to Mayor Kim’s racist words of advice to ‘stomp on Hawaiian souls with compassion’.
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I am writing to ask for your help to make the Thirty Meter Telescope a reality and help preserve astronomy as an asset to our community.
Sharron Gonzalez Cushman You can boycott...Or be a presence in your mauna wear!!!
Sharron Gonzalez Cushman Better yet...Flash Mob maybe?
Susan Rosier Or cruise on through in your Mauna wear and no buy nothing!
Marty Martins Harry Kim and the DNLR welcome you to Mauna Kea.
Linda Lani Proctor Anyone know where to get Mauna wear in Hilo?
Linda Lani Proctor Renee Ku'uleinani Price thanks. I messaged him.
I ordered a cool shirt from another company, for the parade on Saturday, but they fell behind in production and it won’t arrive in time. ☹️
Renee Ku'uleinani Price Linda Lani Proctor he is in Maui he has some cool stuff
Linda Lani Proctor Renee Ku'uleinani Price I was just ʻchattingʻ with him. Looks like there will be some hats available at MM. Yay. I was so bummed about my T-shirt not coming.
Cheryl Ann Is Hawaiian Force still open? They used to have. :)
Linda Lani Proctor Cheryl Ann Iʻll do some research. Mahalo.
Linda Lani Proctor Cheryl Ann I sent them an email. We’ll see 😊
Sharron Gonzalez Cushman Mauna Kea shawls will be available at a booth at the Hilo Civic on Piilani
Sharron Gonzalez Cushman Will be available in the civic Wednesday-Saturday. Booth 68
Nawahine Noho Puukapu KTA needs a serious application of BDS.
Cassandra Leinohea Pai So. If other Hawaiians feel the same, will you disown them and cast them out as well? How would you handle a family member who’s been actively gathering information for better understanding and has decided to be in support of the TMT and no longer protest against it?
Susan Rosier Cassandra Leinohea Pai don't be silly! Have you seen that happening? What I have observed has never ever been exclusion of 'ohana! The subject of the Mauna doesn't come up or conversations are changed back to a different subject during 'ohana gatherings!
Cheryl Ann and in this case, Mr. Taniguchi is attempting to use his business "power" to influence others. We will see more of this kind of promotion this week by those who know that the building of the telescope (and by the way none of the others there as well) See More
Malia Marquez When you have THOUSANDS standing in solidarity for ALOHA 'ĀINA and standing UP for PAPA (EARTH MOTHER), all things are possible. I have family members who support TMT. And we dont speak on the issue. But to be 100% truthful...I have lost some respect oSee More
Teresa Lee Salgado Nakama Wise words of wisdom Malia speak from your pu'uwai and the depth of knowledge you have. Share your traditional wisdom of your ancestors to those who have no knowledge nor do they dance, oli or chant deep within their na'au. Mahalo for your wise words..
Malia Marquez Teresa Lee Salgado Nakama awwww mahalo nui. Sometimes it can NOT always be about $$ sending aloha.
Cissy Silva Malia my girl , yes , yes you are truly wise 🇬🇧
Malia Marquez Cissy Silva mahalo e ku'u 'anakē. Aloha wau iā 'oe!
Vernal Stevens Isn't it time to change the American rule of law in Hawaii? It is of no benefit to Hawaiians.
Nawahine Noho Puukapu It looks like Current Events the PR firm for TMT wrote that letter it has their hideous psychology manipulation all over it.
Kealoha Pisciotta Here is my response to Mr. Taniguchi’s Letter to the Editor, somehow they wouldn’t let me post in the comments section. Classic lol!!!

Aloha Physics Police,

Perhaps your are not aware of some important numbers that do play a role in the Mauna Kea Case.

People continue to quote the Star Advertiser (SA) even when they know it is (1) not a scientific poll SA even says so and (2) a person could only Participate to vote in the poll if they were a subscriber to the news paper which means it is biased poll. Admittedly why the news media does these kinds of polls that are meaningless eludes me also.

There is a way however to see how much support for Mauna Kea there really is by going to website to the Section where it discusses a petition to Gov Ige Calling for the state to stop of TMT and arresting Protectors. In that section you can find the tally numbers your self, which are as of about a minute ago at 66,645 signature Ms—of people who have actually signed.
We hand carried these signatures to Gov Ige a while ago.
Also others in this thread mention a Navigator who supports the TMT (Babayan) but they fail to mention that the majority and those who are members of the Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) do not.
See my previous article below:

May 3, 2013​​
Kealoha Pisciotta
P.O. Box 5864
Hilo Hawai`i 96720

The following is an Op-Ed in response to Mr. Baybayan’s 4/19/13 West Hawai`i

“Baybayan’s Truth Not The Whole Story
By Kealoha Pisciotta

Aloha. As a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner, I wish to respond to Mr. Chad Kalepa Baybayan’s opinion piece about Mauna Kea (4/19/13). First, Kalepa, mahalo for speaking your truth, as I believe that is one of the greatest forms of respect one may offer another. While I respect your truth, other important truths about Mauna Kea were omitted from your commentary, thus altering readers’ perspectives on the issue of Mauna Kea development. I wish to point out some omissions you may have forgotten to share. It is my hope that by doing so, a more complete story of Mauna Kea—and the impact of its astronomy development—will appear.
The four most glaring omissions are as follows:
1. You did not inform the readers that you work for the Imiloa Astronomy Center that has received funding from Gordon Moore, one of the Thirty Meter Telescope funders.

2. That while testifying at the Contested Case Hearing, the University did not offer you as an expert witness nor were you qualified as an expert of the cultural practice relating to Mauna Kea--as were members of the Mauna Kea Hui, including Kumu Hula Paul Neves, Kumu Hula Pua Case and Mr. Kalani Flores of the Flores-Case Ohana, Mr. Clarence Kauakahi Ching and I.

3. When questioned about your native Hawaiian practices relating to Mauna Kea, you answered that you understood Mauna Kea from the perspective of the sea. So you did not mention that construction of the TMT atop Mauna Kea would NOT directly impact your particular cultural or religious practice, as it would other Native Hawaiian practitioners—including members of the Mauna Kea Hui and me.

4. Lastly, you mentioned that you are only one of four individuals that Papa Mau Piailug graduated into the rank of Master Navigator and while that must have been a tremendous honor for you, you failed to mention that others of that rank, including Nainoa Thompson, have spoken out in support of protecting Mauna Kea. While serving as a University Regent, Nainoa said of further development on Mauna Kea, “This is really about the native people being subject to racism and disrespect” (quoted in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June, 21, 1999).
In the end, the core issue is about the many Hawaiians whose practices will be negatively impacted. It`s about the `Aina that will be negatively impacted. Even the University’s Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) admits this fact: “From a cumulative perspective, the impact of past and present actions on cultural, archaeological, and historic resources is substantial, significant, and adverse: these impacts would continue to be substantial, significant, and adverse with the consideration of the [TMT] Project and other reasonably foreseeable future actions.” This means development is not good for either Mauna Kea or the people of Hawai`i.
Aloha and Mahalo for listening to my truth too.
Kealoha Pisciotta is a Native Hawaiian practitioner and one of the six petitioners in the BLNR Contested Case to protect Mauna Kea from further industrialization and desecration. She lives in Ola`a.

So Mr Tanikuchi, the Hawaiians have been Peaceful for 126 years since the overthrow and US occupation and have been peaceful in Kapu Aloha even when they are being unlawfully arrested (remember the court did issue a stay because their right were in fact being violated) they were being arrested for what? For protecting their burial ground and sacred Mauna? If the same was happening to other people in Hawai’i we would and have historically defended them too—actually we did during the WWII which u should remember. And we will continue to do so since that is the the Way of Aloha. Because like the famous Union Leader H. KaMoku used to say “an injury to one is an injury to all.”
If there is violence it will come from the State since the TMT is not moving the rumors that action will start soon on the Mauna the State is!
The TMT still has much to do, its Board hasn’t even voted to come to Hawai’i over Canary Islands, there is a 400 million dollar budget short fall, there are 43 conditions of the permit that must be meat and the still need to put up a performance bond in full (as in full price of the project NYT reports it to be 1.4 - 2 billions dollars—this is very important so the people of Hawaii don’t get stuck paying for a failed project, like if there is a catastrophic economic crisis making it impossible to complete the project —you know like the Rail.

Truth to Power? No because real Power is Aloha Mr. Taniguchi...Mauna Kea is that ALOHA!!!

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