Wednesday, May 8, 2019

History Recorded: Why the Hawaiian Kingdom Never Went Away and The Court of Original Jurisdiction Remains in the Royal Legitimate Government - The Hawaiian Kingdom

 Why the Hawaiian Kingdom Never Went Away and 
The Court of Original Jurisdiction Remains in the Royal Legitimate Government - The Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                   Researched and Narrated by Amelia Gora (2019)
                                                                   one of the Royal Families Representatives, House
                                                                   of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial
                                                                   Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge, Hawaiian
                                                                   Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki,
                                                                   Land owner, Landlord, Publisher of the IOLANI -
                                                                   the Royal Hawk news on the web with 753 issues to date

Part 1:  file://laptop-679dc3ul/Users/amy/Documents/Sound%20recordings/Recording.m4a

Part 2:  Recording (2).m4a (file://LAPTOP-679DC3UL/Users/amy/Documents/Sound%20recordings/Recording%20(2).m4a)

Part 3:  Recording (3).m4a (file://LAPTOP-679DC3UL/Users/amy/Documents/Sound%20recordings/Recording%20(3).m4a)

Part 4:  Recording (4).m4a (file://LAPTOP-679DC3UL/Users/amy/Documents/Sound%20recordings/Recording%20(4).m4a)

Part 5:  Recording (5).m4a (file://LAPTOP-679DC3UL/Users/amy/Documents/Sound%20recordings/Recording%20(5).m4a)




Amelia Gora Important Note: Since 1851, the U.S. is documented as premeditating to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation....well folks that means 42 years of their Pirate Eyes on Hawaii! Premeditation means all is null and void.... Issues include: Identity theft, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, contractual agreement through a permanent treaty of friendship, amity, etc. then the issues of being a Protectorate with France, and Great Britain.....Great Britain suggested that the U.S. annex Hawaii after Queen Liliuokalani died........wicked moves by bankrupt nations who together with the J.P. Morgan bankers moved to form the CFR - Council of Foreign Relations and develop the United Nations to plunder upon weaker, innocent nations......with the intent of exterminating the masses, the "needless" and "useless eaters"...... know that U.S. President Harrisons Secretary of State John Foster admitted the crimes of the U.S. in the following article...see link:

United States Secretary of State John W - ........yes my great grandmother used to say "Maka Ala the Sleeping Giants!" ...we maintain a neutral, friendly, non violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.. ;)

Amelia Gora Don't forget the important article by Sereno Bishop under the pen name of Kamehameha - another identity thief.....which shows that Princess Kaiulani was on the take, a sellout, a treasonous person with half white Bernice Pauahi Bishop and her treasonous, conspirator husband, a J.P. Morgan banker named Charles Reed Bishop who premeditated the dethronement of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani... see the following link: Remember that we are the direct descendants of Kalola who was the "next-of-kin" to Bernice Pauahi Bishop in Probate, and some of us are part of the permanent part of the House of Nobles from the Hawaiian Kingdom .....Note: had to try to explain to Hank Fergerstrom and others about the recent letter to U.S. President Trump who documented that he believes in "rule of Law" and "the U.S. Constitution". Questions? aloha.

Amelia Gora we maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation...and none of us are calling ourselves Kings, Queen's, Princes, Princesses even though we descend from Princess Poomaikelani, and are Kamehameha's, and Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted children's descendants.....hope many understand now...we are also researchers, investigative Royals Family members, with the goals of making corrections..... know that Protectorates are not suppposed to assume lands, etc. aloha.



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Amelia Gora Empower yourselves with knowledge, researched evidence, etc.

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Amelia Gora ' our children should know what went on ……...years ago...….' pass on, share widely, empower yourselves with knowledge..... ;)

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copy and paste each link, then paste on a new page and enter...….the link to the recording should appear...…...

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sorry for the inconvenience...… but empower yourselves with history researched......


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