Saturday, May 4, 2019

Vol VII No. 753 - Part 1b

[taken from answer given to same statement above] actually, good they didn't. Hereʻs why. Her Majesty Queen Liliʻuoklani and Her advisors were familiar with international law. If She had fought the pg at this point She would have had to engage the US Marines that had landed and were backing the pg. Taking everything into consideration, the HK forces might have been able to win this bloody battle. But you kill hundreds of US Marines and you will find thousands on your doorstep soon enough. She would have lost the eventual war. Under international law, if you engage and lose, sovereignty of the nation is passed through a treaty of conquest--like the one that ended WWII and every other war. If you instead, do not engage, but formally protest their so-called abrogation of the lawful monarchy, sovereignty remains with you until that case is settled. The reason the issue of sovereignty is talked about today is because Her Majesty Queen Liliʻuokalani was wise enough to do exactly what She did.
Calvin Hulihee and 3 others shared a link.
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Tepco has confirmed it plans to release the radioactive material from the Fukushima plant into the ocean saying that the “decision has already been made”. The decision has an upset local fisherman who says the decision will kill their industry as...
Noelani Josselin and 2 others shared a post.
Hank Fergerstrom
I am sorry I did not catch earlier..what going on in Waimea...Hawaiian Homes. Apparently there is an ef...fort by a group of Hawaiian Homesteaders calling themselves "Waimea Nui" who is in the process of establishing themselves as a recognized Government. From the little I know right now, it appears that they have been pushing for FEDERAL RECOGNITION AS AN INDIAN TRIBE....apparently they have been working closely with Robin Danner and has somehow been convinced that they would like to work directly with the US Department of Interior on gaining recognition as an Indian tribe.
While it is not my business to tell anyone what they can do or can't....BUT ...this is being done with such secrecy and so underhanded that THIS MATTER CRIES FOR ATTENTION....because it in direct opposition of the will of the people as expressed islands wide during the last attempt of the DOI to make us indians.

My suggestion at this point is the following:
1)That the actions of this group called "Waimea Nui" along with their paperwork be shared on social media as the impact of their action may ADVERSELY affect/effect all Hawaiians regardless of if they live on Hawaiian Homes Lands. Thus far this effort has been contained in house (Waimea Hawaiian Homestead Association) and has not been open to others that are not necessarily part of their organization....not even to other Hawaiian Homesteaders of differant homestead associations, nor the Hawaiian Community as a whole.
2) Call upon them to open this conversation to the greater whole, so that important facts may be shared with them also as to HOW their actions could ADVERSELY affect all Hawaiians and generations to come.
3) Our ancestors fought against ANNEXATION and we have stood with them with every attempt to render us Native Americans under United States Domestic Law like they continue to do.
Public Law 103-150 states that Hawaiians never directly relinquished their Inherant Sovereignty or their Nation Lands.
This move could be considered a direct relinquishment of your inherant rights and your lands.
I am Hanalei Fergerstrom and I have lots of information and facts that I am eager to share regarding this matter. I will avail myself at any time to any organization, any Hawaiian homestead association, any organization that has an interest in Hawaii or the Hawaiian People. PLEASE TAKE ME UP ON THIS OFFER.
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Joyclynn Costa commented on this.
About this website|By EcoWatch
"A day to celebrate. A day for #ClimatePride. The Irish parliament has passed a law to #BanFracking. Here's to a #FossilFree future."
Joyclynn Costa Fraking E! Just by the name it should be a no no🌴
With this 'superhighway' you can travel by car from the US to Europe:
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Russia has proposed to build a road stretching all the way from London to New York, going thru the entire of Russia in the process. It really is what you would call a superhighway. The idea for the…
Wow! Here is an important endorsement for Joe Biden.
International Association of Fire Fighters It is our responsibility as your union to support the candidate who will have your back when it comes to signing laws, making agency appointments, writing rules and making the important decisions that affect you on the job every single day. Joe Biden has a proven track record of supporting fire fighters. He helped to double SAFER funding helping to save thousands of fire fighter jobs when he was vice president. "
Sean Gardner Turner This endorsement enraged Trump into a huge twitter rant Lol

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