Saturday, May 25, 2019

Vol VII No. 755 & 756 Part 1c

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On my birth cert, my "race or color" is white. Say what? They literally identified me by color. Not Italian, not Scottish, not Irish not Austrian. Odd.


Freeman Clarkbar I say northern European ancestry



Don Batchelor I suspect that genetic testing hadn’t evolved enough by then...



Dianne Hoapili Yup, my territorial days said Caucasian and while we’re at it DO NOT BELIEVE the online census when it shows “PH” is for Filipino. If the original census is from Hawai’i, it stands for Part-Hawaiian. Do due diligence in research. Always go to the beginning. I went back to 1890, 10 years before the 1900 census was done. In 1890 it revealed Kanaka, Kane, Wahine, Makuakane, Makuawahine and correctly identified foreigners by its nationality, where they came from. Its purpose was for trade, commerce and navigation (treaty, rule of law) long forgotten and buried under today’s latest identy labels. Thanks for bringing up subject matter and FB media to expose fraud as we know it. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Dianne Hoapili My haole ancestor George R Carter, Sr (third Governor of the Tertitory of Hawai’i) birth certificate reveals his birthplace as Hawaiian Islands which is true, but his nationality was “Anglo Saxon”. Which is also true. He was not a national of the Hawaiian Islands. His father refused to pledge allegiance to Kamehameha the Great and was killed by his men. However, the fathers children remained in Hawaii without incident. Never abused their place of respect and privilege. Only one parcel of land in their name. There were 6 children. One became the Esquire to Queen Liliuokalani. Another drafted a reciprocity treaty, Henry Alpheus Pierce Carter. Charles Lunt Carter was killed defending the Queen. He advocated for our justice. The Joseph O Carter, Sr children were loyal to our islands. Only one had 9 children by a Royal bloodline wahine, my great grandmother Hannah. ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Hoomanapono Pac Welcome to the race of “colored” people!

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Desmond Dano tell that to my gf. lol
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Ka'iu Lambert and 2 others shared a link.
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