Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Vol VII No. 757 - Part 1a

Russell Means - Issues of the American Indians...……….


Hawaiian Kingdom - Empower Yourselves.............

Vol VII No. 757 - Special Article - Against A Monarchy Article: U.S. President Cleveland and the Bankers Formulated the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY"

Vol VII No. 757 - Special Article 

  Against A Monarchy Article: U.S. President Cleveland and the Bankers Formulated the "SCARCE MONEY                                                                                                POLICY"

                                                                                    Researched by Amelia Gora (2019)

Brother Cazimeros " Hana Chant/Pua Ana " Proud Family(1983) Label:Mountain Apple Company.

Note:  This article was found in Queen Liliuokalani's Files at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.  It is about the bankers.

The references below shows that the U.S. President Cleveland and the Bankers formulated the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY".

Other Presidents who followed the Policy was U.S. President Roosevelt, Wilson.

It appears that the following Presidents continued the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY" which obtains monies from the American people through interests.

Read the articles below to better understand how the U.S. Government and the Bankers obtain your monies which renders most of the population bankrupt and ill able to complete the payments of their mortgages.

It appears that the racketeering scheme exploits all citizens funds and forces all to pay for the Rail Systems, Mortgages, etc. and leaving most citizens unable to obtain a home.

Paid off homes are still attacked by taxes which can mean an end to homeownership as well.

That is the American Democratic Society since the time of the "Secret Banker's Constitution" of 1878.


  1. Hawaiian Kingdom: Important Historical Events - Keep for ...
    Apr 26, 2018 · The bankers made a Secret U.S. Constitution. See: World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Act of 1871 Secret US Constitution ... January 9, 1893 posted - he found it in 1997 thereabouts. Reference: ... Amelia Gora March 19, ...
  2. Hawaiian Kingdom: Jail Time for a Lot of People - Evidence ...
    Apr 26, 2018 · HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11 - IN RE AH HO, et. al. shows on page 665 "In the exercise of the power conferred by the first of these two provisions, the President of the United States, on August 12, 1898, directed by proclamation, that "the civil, judicial and military powers in question shall be exercised by the officers of the Republic of Hawaii, as it existed just prior to the transfer of ...

U.S. President Cleveland's time in office is given credit for the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY".

The following U.S. President's continued the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY".

This research exposes the U.S. which has no monies, is bankrupt, and failed to maintain  Rule of Law, and the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy moved to maintain Rule of Law, and the U.S. Constitution.  He and his brother Bobby Kennedy who hoped to run for President were assassinated.

The later Presidents failed to follow Rule of Law, and the U.S. Constitution until the current U.S. President Donald Trump.


IMPORTANT KEEPER! - Why U.S. President Trump Is Unpopular ---Because He Believes In Rule of Law AND the U.S. Constitution!: U.S. President Trump's Message via e-mail dated August 8, 2018 From The White House

IMPORTANT KEEPER! - Why U.S. President Trump Is Unpopular ---Because He Believes In Rule of Law AND the U.S. Constitution!:  U.S. President Trump's Message via e-mail dated August 8, 2018 From The White House

                                                             The following message was sent to me and for some reason many people want a copy of this!

                                                                           posted by Amelia Gora (2018)

fyi...….from President Trump...…….

Now do you see why the Haters hate him....including former Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The White House <>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Response to Your Message
To: <>

The White House, Washington

Thank you for taking the time to express your views regarding our Nation’s judiciary.
The rule of law, including equality under the law and protection of individual liberties, is America’s cornerstone. As President, I am committed to nominating judges who will support the Constitution and apply the law as written.
As part of my pledge to stand for the rule of law, I promised the American people that I would nominate individuals to the Supreme Court who will faithfully adhere to our Constitution and the laws of our great Nation. In keeping with that pledge, shortly after my inauguration, I nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch, a dedicated constitutionalist, to replace the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia. On July 9, 2018, to fill the vacancy created by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, I was pleased to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to the Constitution and its protections. In the coming months, I look forward to working with the United States Senate as it fulfills its constitutional duty of advising on my nomination and deciding whether to provide its consent.
Thank you again for writing. To learn more about my decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, please visit I am confident that like Justice Gorsuch, Judge Kavanaugh will decide court cases based on the law and not his personal policy preferences or ideology.
Donald Trump
Privacy Policy | Contact the White House

Research incomplete.



United States Financial Policy Forces Men to do Business on Credit...example: Rail 129%, Mortgages 220%, etc.

Mohave County miner. (Mineral Park, A.T. [Ariz.]) 1882-1918, October 21, 1893, Image 1

Image provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link:






U.S. Government and Banking Racket: Confiscating Properties Through Foreclosures For Failing to Pay off the Mortages

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link:


Appears that the intent of the U.S. Government and the Bankers is that most of the people will be sucked into buying homes, owe mortgages with an excessive amount of interest and the people are not expected to follow through and complete the payments, resulting in foreclosures, and bankruptcy.

 See the following article for examples of the percentages charged:

United States Financial Policy Forces Men to do Business on Credit...example: Rail 129%, Mortgages 220%, etc.

Mohave County miner. (Mineral Park, A.T. [Ariz.]) 1882-1918, October 21, 1893, Image 1

Image provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link:






by Amelia Gora (2019)

Note that this policy was utilized by U.S. President Cleveland's time.  It appears that this policy has also been utilized by other Presidents over time.

The interest rates, however, does not remain the same.

The U.S. Government and Bankers are certainly making monies off of the Rail, the Mortgages, Loans, etc.

The expenditures for the purposes of Businesses for War is another area that many are making monies from.

The American people are the fall guys from their loans, credit, and also become victims for their support of a system that cares little for their soldiers whose lives are not valued as persons, but just and expendable piece of meat to plunder upon others with the goal of obtaining wealth, etc.

A wicked racket with disregard for human life generally.

That is the democracy way of life.

It appears the policies of the Royal government from the Hawaiian Kingdom, a Constitutional Monarchy form of government has a more honest, direct approach to taking care of it's people/ subjects.

Although the alodio system is locked in, anyone marrying into the land owners and have children will continue to own the lands, have less monies owed to bankers, etc.

Also, in a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, and treaties in hand means no lives lost through wars and so contrary to the United States and the Bankers Businesses of War, Plundering, Racketeering, etc.




President Roosevelt's Period Showing the Scarce Money Policy of 1896 - President Cleveland's Time

Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, December 05, 1906, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:



Scarce Money Policy and the "existing gold Standard" Policy

Elmore bulletin. (Rocky Bar, Idaho) 1889-1906, January 13, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link:


Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, November 06, 1907, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:


Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, June 09, 1909, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:


Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, February 09, 1910, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:


Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, February 23, 1910, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:



Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, August 24, 1921, Image 6

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:




Manchester Democrat. (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930, September 28, 1921, Image 4

Image provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link:




Against A Monarchy Article: U.S. President Cleveland and the Bankers Formulated the "SCARCE MONEY POLICY"
by Amelia Gora (2019)
Note that this policy was utilized by U.S. President Cleveland's time. It appears that this policy has also been utilized by other Presidents over time.
The interest rates, however, does not remain the same.
The U.S. Government and Bankers are certainly making monies off of the Rail, the Mortgages, Loans, etc.
The expenditures for the purposes of Businesses for War is another area that many are making monies from.
The American people are the fall guys from their loans, credit, and also become victims for their support of a system that cares little for their soldiers whose lives are not valued as persons, but just and expendable piece of meat to plunder upon others with the goal of obtaining wealth, etc.
A wicked racket with disregard for human life generally.
That is the democracy way of life.
It appears the policies of the Royal government from the Hawaiian Kingdom, a Constitutional Monarchy form of government has a more honest, direct approach to taking care of it's people/ subjects.
Although the alodio system is locked in, anyone marrying into the land owners and have children will continue to own the lands, have less monies owed to bankers, etc.
Also, in a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, and treaties in hand means no lives lost through wars and so contrary to the United States and the Bankers Businesses of War, Plundering, Racketeering, etc.
See More


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