Monday, June 10, 2019



                                                                        Updated by Amelia Gora (2019)

Color Codes used:

Yellow for Slave Holders, etc.
Green for those who defended Slavery
Light Blue for those who lived in the Southern States - the Losers of the American Civil War
Red is for those with the bloodlines of the British Royalty, U.S. President Washington and Robert E. Lee Families
Orange for those who wanted to annex the Hawaiian Kingdom to the United States

Chronological List of Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents of the United States

Selected Images From the Collections of the Library of Congress

Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20540-4730
This chronological list contains entries for each president with his corresponding first lady and vice president. Note: Multiple entries appear for a president whenever there was a change in the office of vice president.
1789-1797George Washington*&Martha WashingtonCJohn Adams
1797-1801John AdamsAbigail Adams&Thomas Jefferson
1801-1805Thomas Jefferson*&[Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
died before Jefferson assumed office;
no image of her in P&P collections]
Aaron Burr
1805-1809Thomas Jefferson*&see aboveCGeorge Clinton
1809-1812James Madison*&Dolley MadisonCGeorge Clinton
1812-1813James Madison*&Dolley MadisonCoffice vacant
1813-1814James Madison*&Dolley MadisonCElbridge Gerry
1814-1817James Madison*&Dolley MadisonCoffice vacant
1817-1825James Monroe*&Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
(no image)
Daniel D. Tompkins
1825-1829John Quincy Adams*&Louisa Catherine AdamsJohn C. Calhoun
1829-1832Andrew Jackson*CRachel JacksonCJohn C. Calhoun
1833-1837Andrew Jackson*CRachel JacksonCMartin Van Buren
1837-1841Martin Van Buren*Hannah Hoes Van BurenRichard M. Johnson
1841William Henry Harrison*&Anna Tuthill Symmes HarrisonJohn Tyler
1841-1845John Tyler*  HawaiiLetitia Christian Tyler and
Julia Gardiner Tyler (no images)
office vacant
1845-1849James K. Polk*Sarah Childress PolkCGeorge M. Dallas
1849-1850Zachary Taylor*&HawaiiMargaret Mackall Smith Taylor
(no image)
Millard Fillmore
1850-1853Millard Fillmore*CHawaiiAbigail Powers Fillmoreoffice vacant
1853Franklin Pierce*HawaiiJane M. Pierce&William R. King
1853-1857Franklin Pierce*HawaiiJane M. Pierce&office vacant
1857-1861James Buchanan*(never married)John C. Breckinridge
1861-1865Abraham Lincoln*Mary Todd LincolnHannibal Hamlin
1865Abraham Lincoln*Mary Todd LincolnAndrew JohnsonC
1865-1869Andrew Johnson*CHawaiiEliza McCardle JohnsonCoffice vacant
1869-1873Ulysses S. Grant*HawaiiJulia Dent GrantSchuyler Colfax
1873-1875Ulysses S. Grant*HawaiiJulia Dent GrantHenry Wilson
1875-1877Ulysses S. Grant*HawaiiJulia Dent Grantoffice vacant
1877-1881Rutherford Birchard HayesLucy Webb HayesWilliam A. Wheeler
1881James A. GarfieldLucretia Rudolph GarfieldChester A. Arthur
1881-1885Chester A. ArthurEllen Lewis Herndon ArthurCoffice vacant
1885Grover Cleveland &
12th cousin 3 times removed via Sir John Beaufort
Frances Folsom ClevelandThomas A. Hendricks
1885-1889Grover Cleveland 7Frances Folsom Clevelandoffice vacant
1889-1893Benjamin Harrison*&HawCaroline Lavinia Scott Harrison
Mary Lord Harrison
[Harrison's second wife,
but never a first lady]
Levi P. Morton
1893-1897Grover Cleveland&Frances Folsom ClevelandAdlai E. Stevenson
1897-1899William McKinleyIda Saxton McKinleyGarret A. Hobart
1899-1901William McKinleyIda Saxton McKinleyoffice vacant
1901William McKinleyIda Saxton McKinleyTheodore Roosevelt&
1901-1905Theodore Roosevelt&Edith Kermit Carow Rooseveltoffice vacant
1905-1909Theodore Roosevelt&Edith Kermit Carow RooseveltCharles W. Fairbanks
1909-1912William H. TaftHelen Herron TaftJames S. Sherman
1912-1913William H. TaftHelen Herron Taftoffice vacant
1913-1921Woodrow WilsonCEllen Axson Wilson and
Edith Bolling Galt WilsonC
Thomas R. Marshall
1921-1923Warren G. HardingFlorence Kling HardingCalvin Coolidge
1923-1925Calvin CoolidgeGrace Goodhue Coolidgeoffice vacant
1925-1929Calvin CoolidgeGrace Goodhue CoolidgeCharles G. Dawes
1929-1933Herbert HooverLou Henry Hoover&Charles Curtis
1933-1941Franklin D. RooseveltEleanor Roosevelt&John N. Garner
1941-1945Franklin D. RooseveltEleanor Roosevelt&Henry A. Wallace
1945Franklin D. RooseveltEleanor Roosevelt&Harry S. Truman
1945-1949Harry S. TrumanBess Wallace Trumanoffice vacant
1949-1953Harry S. TrumanBess Wallace TrumanBarkley, Alben W.
1953-1961Dwight D. EisenhowerCMamie Doud EisenhowerRichard M. Nixon
1961-1963John F. KennedyJacqueline Kennedy OnassisLyndon B. JohnsonC
1963-1965Lyndon B. JohnsonCLady Bird JohnsonCoffice vacant
1965-1969Lyndon B. JohnsonCLady Bird JohnsonCHubert H. Humphrey
1969-1973Richard M. Nixon&Pat NixonSpiro T. Agnew
1973-1974Richard M. Nixon&Pat NixonGerald R. Ford
1974-1977Gerald R. FordBetty FordNelson Rockefeller&
1977-1981Jimmy CarterC&Rosalynn CarterCWalter F. Mondale
1981-1989Ronald ReaganNancy ReaganGeorge BushC
1989-1993George BushC&Barbara BushDan Quayle
1993-2001Bill ClintonC&Hillary Rodham Clinton& - notes below with TrumpAlbert Gore
2001-2009George W. BushC&Laura BushCRichard Cheney
2009-2017Barack Obama&Michelle ObamaJoseph R. Biden
2017-Donald J. Trump&-notes belowMelania TrumpMike Pence

Notes about Donald J. Trump's Father dressed in Klan attire or Hater's in the news:  

1927 Arrest at KKK march[edit]

On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest that "Native-born Protestant Americans" were being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City".[15] Fred Trump was one of seven men who were arrested that day "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."[15] In 2016, Vice magazine reported on their investigation of earlier newspaper clippings and found that Trump was the only person arrested who was not charged with any crime, leading them to conclude that he could have been a bystander; they also speculated that Trump may have been a member of the KKK, which had gone through a revival in urban areas after 1915.[16] All seven men arrested however were declared to be wearing Klan attire according to several sources cited in the Vice article. When asked about the issue in September 2015 by The New York Times, Donald Trump, then a candidate for presidency of the United States, denied that his father had been arrested, or that he had been in the KKK.[17]

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan ...
Watch video · In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens By Philip Bump By Philip Bump February 29, 2016 Follow @pbump Klan members march through Queens in May 1927.
also "Both Clinton and Trump claim lineage to John of Gaunt, (pictured) the 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster and son of England's King Edward III"

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Presidents: Introduction (Rights/Ordering Info.) | Adams - Cleveland | Clinton - Harding
Harrison - Jefferson | Johnson - McKinley | Monroe - Roosevelt | Taft - Trump | Tyler - Wilson
List of names, Alphabetically
| List of names, Chronologically

First Ladies: Introduction (Rights/Ordering Info.) | Adams - Coolidge | Eisenhower - HooverJackson - Pierce | Polk - Wilson | List of names, Alphabetically

Vice Presidents: Introduction (Rights/Ordering Info.) | Adams - Coolidge | Curtis - Hobart
Humphrey - Rockefeller | Roosevelt - Wilson
List of names, Alphabetically
| List of names, Chronologically

The yellow highlights in the above chart shows which of the U.S. Presidents owned slaves based on this list:

1. George Washington owned slaves while president.

2. John Adams did not own slaves.

3. Thomas Jefferson owned slaves while president.

4. James Madison owned slaves while president.

5. James Monroe owned slaves while president.

6. John Quincy Adams did not own slaves.

7. Andrew Jackson owned slaves while president.

8. Martin Van Buren owned slaves, but not while he was president.

9. William Henry Harrison owned slaves, but not while he was president.

10. John Tyler owned slaves while president.

11. James K. Polk owned slaves while president.

12. Zachary Taylor was the last president who owned slaves during his presidency..

13. Millard Fillmore did not own slaves.

14. Franklin Pierce did not own slaves.

15. James Buchanan did not own slaves, although some may disagree.

16. Abraham Lincoln did not own slaves.

17. Andrew Johnson owned slaves, but not while he was president.

18. Ulysses S Grant owned slaves, but not while he was president.  He was the last president who did.


U.S. Presidents who defended Slavery are highlighted green asterisk:

1. Slave Trader

Andrew Jackson

Many presidents who owned slaves found it abhorrent to sell one, even if they needed the money.  Lincoln observed that many slaveowners would not shake the hand of a slave-trader.  But for some years Jackson made part of his living doing just that.

2. Permanent commitment ot Slavery
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
James K. Polk 
Zachary Taylor 
John Tyler
Each of these presidents owned slaves for all of their adult lives, and none of them freed the people in their wills.  Some owned over a hundred, some owned only a few, but all owned "as many as they could get."

3.  Lifetime commitment to slavery.
George Washington
Unlike the men in category 2, Washington arranged that his slaves would be freed after he and his wife died.  They could not free the slaves Martha had inherited from her first husband except by buying them from the estate.  They did not do so.

4.  Interrupted slaveowners

William Henry Harrison
Andrew Johnson

Harrison owned slaves until he moved to the (free) Northwest Territory.  He converted his slaves to indentured servants and urged Congress to permit slavery in the territory.  Later in life he claimed to have belonged to an abolitionist organization as a youth ; still later he claimed it was just a humane society.

Johnson  was a Democratic pro-union Senator from Confederate Tennessee.  Rebel forces confiscated his slaves and at that point things get murky.  Some reports say they were given back.  Johnson says that at least some them came back on their own and he treated them as free employees from then on.  If he had any slaves left  he certainly freed them when, as Military Governor of Tennessee, he freed all of the slaves in the state in 1864.
5.  Minimum slaveownership.
Martin Van Buren
Ulysses S Grant
Martin Van Buren inherited slaves.   Twenty years before he became president his only slave ran away.  When the slave was caught eight years later he offered him for sale.

Grant apparently never bought or sold slaves but his wife received some from her father, and he used the labor of other of his father-in-law's slaves.  There is a certificate signed by Grant freeing a slave.
6.  Technically non-slaveowner
James Buchanan
Buchanan certainly thought he was not a slaveowner.  When running for the Senate he bought his brother-in-law's slaves and freed them so that no one could say there were slaves in the family.  But when he "freed" them he actually converted them to indentured servants who had to work for him for seven years in one case, and 23 years in the case of a child.
7.  Accidental non-slaveowner
Franklin Pierce
Pierce was from a free state and owned no slaves but he defended the rights of southerners to do so.
8. Passive anti-slavery.
John Adams
Millard Fillmore
While he called it "an evil of colossal magnitude," most of Adams' public arguments against slavery seemed practical.  He didn't want slaves in his country for the same reason he didn't want gunpowder in his kitchen: too dangerous.

Fillmore said he despised slavery, but as president he felt he had a constitutional duty to defend it.
9.  Active anti-slavery
John Quincy Adams
Abraham Lincoln
John Quincy Adams did nothing about slavery while president (in fact, he did almost nothing useful about anything while president).   However, he later entered the House of Representatives  (the only ex-president to do so successfully), from which battled  slavery for many years.

Lincoln was consistently anti-slavery, though not always pro-abolitionist.  The South expected him to move against slavery and that is one of the reasons they seceded.  Lincoln felt constitutionally justified in freeing the slaves in the rebel states as a war measure.  He did not attempt to free the slaves in Northern territory.



 U.S. President George Washington married to Martha Washington heirs was Robert E. Lee, a Confederate General

Who was Robert E. Lee?

"In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln offered General Lee the opportunity to command the entire Union Army. Lee, however, chose to follow his heart which was with his home state of Virginia. When Virginia seceded from the Union, Lee went with her.
A year later General Lee was the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia and soon established himself as the greatest tactician and leader of the war. One has to wonder how different the war may have gone had Lee accepted Lincoln's offer.
One of the more interesting and ironic aspects about General Lee's ancestry is his relationship to President George Washington. It is commonly known that Robert E. Lee married Mary Custis, great-granddaughter to Martha Washington and step-great-granddaughter to George Washington.
What isn't so well known is that Robert E. Lee and George Washington were 3rd cousins, 2 times removed through their common ancestor of Augustine Warner. It is ironic how one fought so hard to create the Union while the other fought to split it in two."

Some of his relatives signed the Declaration of Independence:

United States Declaration of Independence

United States Declaration of Independence
The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer …

The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule. These states would found a new nation – the United States of America. John Adams was a leader in pushing for independence, which was passed on July 2 with no opposing vote cast. A committee of five had already drafted the formal declaration, to be ready when Congress voted on independence.

Signatory's of the Declaration of Independence who were part of the Families of George Washington his wife Martha and Robert E. Lee - Confederate General - Haters of People of Color:

 The Declaration of Independence 1776 Signatories

There were four (4) signators related to U.S. President George Washington and wife Martha who owned stocks in the Bank of England.

More connections >>

Benjamin Harrison V

Signer of the Declaration of Independence
1st cousin 2 times removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter

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Richard Henry Lee

Signer of the Declaration of Independence
1st cousin 2 times removed via Richard Lee II

More connections >>

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Signer of the Declaration of Independence
1st cousin 2 times removed via Richard Lee II

More connections >>

Thomas Nelson

Signer of the Declaration of Independence
2nd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter

American Civil War Period 1861 - 1865

Highlighted Information or the Dynamics of Southern Attitudes
"Southerners are a peculiar breed of men, on whom time produces no effect whatever, and who feel about things that happened twenty years ago just as they feel about things which happened a month ago."

"Some of us at the North think their minds are occupied with schemes for the assassination and spoliation of negroes, and for a "new rebellion." Their minds are really occupied with making money, and the farms show it, and their designs on the negro are confined to getting him to work for low wages."

"They were evidently laborer and employer to each other, and nothing more."

Add the Southern States:

"Eleven states left the United States in the following order and formed the Confederate States of America: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee."

Add the U.S. Presidents Since 1861 (Confederate States of America formed) through 2017:

Name of President                                              State Born In

15. James Buchanan                                              Pennsylvania
16. Abraham Lincoln                                            Kentucky
17. Andrew Johnson                                             North Carolina                      Confederate State
18. Ulysses S. Grant                                              Ohio
19. Rutherford B. Hayes                                        Ohio
20. James Garfield                                                 Ohio
21. Chester A. Arthur                                            Vermont
22. Grover Cleveland                                             New Jersey
23. Benjamin Harrison                                           Ohio
24. Grover Cleveland                                             New Jersey
25. William McKinley                                            Ohio                          20th Century
26. Theodore Roosevelt                                          New York - banking influence
27. William Howard Taft                                        Ohio
28. Woodrow Wilson                                              Virginia                              Confederate State
29. Warren G. Harding                                            Ohio
30. Calvin Coolidge                                                 Vermont
31. Herbert Hoover                                                   Iowa
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt                                         New York - banking influence
33. Harry S. Truman                                                 Missouri
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower                                       Texas                      Confederate State
35. John F. Kennedy                                                 Massachusetts
36. Lyndon B. Johnson                                             Texas                     Confederate State
37. Richard M. Nixon                                               California
38. Gerald R. Ford                                                    Nebraska
39. James Carter                                                       Georgia               Confederate State
40. Ronald Reagan                                                    Illinois              
41. George H. W. Bush                                             Massachusetts-lived in Texas Confederate State
42. William J. Clinton                                               Arkansas             Confederate State
21st Century
43. George W. Bush                                                  Connecticut -lived in Texas  Confederate State
44. Barack Obama                                                     Kenya or Kingdom of Hawaii
45. Donald J. Trump                                                 New York

other researches by Amelia Gora

The Confederate State Presidents are marked with "C".

The following are some of those who have affected American Indians, Blacks/African Americans, Hawaiians/kanaka maoli or the three (3) Primary Groups of People of Color in the United States:

President George Washington and wife Martha; Robert E. Lee's Families

George Washington1st U.S. President
3rd cousin 2 times removed via Augustine Warner

Note:  The bloodlines of George Washington and wife Martha; Robert E. Lee are marked with red (blood) and marked "&"

3rd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence
2nd cousin 2 times removed via Col. William Randolph of Turkey Island

More connections >>

James Madison
4th U.S. President
4th cousin 1 time removed via Richard Eltonhead

John Quincy Adams
6th U.S. President
11th cousin 1 time removed via Sir Thomas Stanley

9th U.S. President
2nd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter

John Tyler

10th U.S. President
5th cousin via William Armistead

More connections >>

Zachary Taylor

12th U.S. President
3rd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Richard Lee

 Grover Cleveland22nd and 24th U.S. President

12th cousin via William Mainwaring

Benjamin Harrison23rd U.S. President
3rd cousin 1 time removed via Col. Robert "King" Carter

26th U.S. President
5th cousin 4 times removed via John Carter of Christchurch, London, England

Jimmy Carter

39th U.S. President
5th cousin 6 times removed via John Carter of Christchurch, London, England

Barack Obama

44th U.S. President
5th cousin 8 times removed via Richard Eltonhead

Eleanor Roosevelt

First Lady of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
6th cousin 3 times removed via Thomas Ludlow

George H. W. Bush

41st U.S. President
9th cousin 6 times removed via Sir James Harington

George W. Bush

43rd U.S. President
9th cousin 7 times removed via Sir James Harington

Abigail (Smith) Adams

First Lady of President John Adams
11th cousin via Sir Thomas Stanley

George Clinton

4th U.S. Vice President
10th cousin 3 times removed via Sir Ralph Neville

John Quincy Adams

6th U.S. President
11th cousin 1 time removed via Sir Thomas Stanley

Alice (Lee) Roosevelt

First Wife of President Theodore Roosevelt
11th cousin 2 times removed via Richard Charlton

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice
11th cousin 2 times removed via Sir Thomas Stanley

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd U.S. President
11th cousin 3 times removed via Sir Thomas Stanley

Jane (Appleton) Pierce

First Lady of President Franklin Pierce
12th cousin 1 time removed via Sir Ralph Neville

More connections >>

Lou (Henry) Hoover

First Lady of President Herbert Hoover
14th cousin 3 times removed via Sir Richard Sergeaux

Edith (Carow) RooseveltFirst Lady of President Theodore Roosevelt
19th cousin 2 times removed via Sir Geoffrey FitzPiers

More connections >>

Richard Nixon

37th U.S. President
15th cousin 4 times removed via Ralph de Stafford

Warren G. Harding

29th U.S. President
15th cousin 4 times removed via Ralph de Stafford

John D. RockefellerFounder of the Standard Oil Company
12th cousin 3 times removed via Sir John Beaufort

J.P. MorganAmerican Banker and Art Collector
18th cousin 1 time removed via Sir Humphrey de Bohun

More connections >>

J.P. Morgan, Jr.

American Banker and Philanthropist
18th cousin 2 times removed via Sir Humphrey de Bohun

Admiral George DeweyAdmiral of the Navy
20th cousin via Maud of Angus

Allen Dulles5th Director of the C.I.A.
12th cousin 2 times removed via William Mainwaring

John Foster Dulles

52nd U.S. Secretary of State
12th cousin 2 times removed via William Mainwaring

Lt. Gen. James BrudenellLeader of the “Charge of the Light Brigade”
10th cousin via Richard Cave

General George C. MarshallAuthor of “The Marshall Plan”
4th cousin 4 times removed via Katherine

More connections >>

General George S. Patton

U.S. Army - World War II
4th cousin 5 times removed via Katherine

American Revolutionary War Hero
12th cousin 2 times removed via Sir David Lindsay


The Haters of People of Color are shown in the above chart.

The use of the 'Executive Order' is likened to the Monarchy government rule/Constitutional Monarchy rule that "Royal persons are not subject to the laws".

George Washington became the recorded President of a temporary, experimental government called a Democratic government.  It was not meant to last.

George Washington expected his supporters to call him "His Mightiness", eventually he changed his title to President.

There were many Family members who became Presidents over time.

Evidence of Haters against our Hawaiian Monarchs are documented since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1840 due to the U.S. Presidents beginning with U.S. President Tyler.

The other U.S. Presidents were:

Zachary Taylor

   Note:  1854 - The U.S. President Taylor instructed his Secretary of State to move towards
               Annexation of Hawaii

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

Andrew Johnson

Note:  1867 - The U.S. President Johnson instructed his Secretary of State to move towards
               Annexation of Hawaii

Ulysses S. Grant

Benjamin Harrison

The above U.S. Presidents planned to Annex Hawaii to the United States.  Premeditation is documented.

Understanding where the U.S. Presidents came from, the mindset, their attitudes, etc. makes for a better understanding of those who hate and wrongfully Plunder Upon Innocents such as the American Indians, Blacks/African Americans, Native Hawaiians/Kanaka Maoli, and All People of Color.

Others from other countries also had a hand in wrongfully Plundering Upon Innocents.

In 1822, during U.S. President James Monroe period, the Secret Treaty of Verona was signed by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, the Vatican and the United States.  It was to create a One World Order/New World Order.

The Vatican, Roman Catholic Church was complemented in maintaining Obedience among the people.  Other problematic issues includes the fact that they had a detrimental attitude towards People of Color and moved to destroy, decimate, Plunder Upon Innocents on an edict called the Papal Bulls.

Over time, the Genocide against People of Color with the help of the Catholic Church who now recognizes that all Churches who believe in God are part of their Church, etc. have turned away from the "Christian" attitude of love, peace, and understanding.

Instead, rape, Plunder, hate, War, failure to understand is the mentality held by people who claim to be leaders of their Church and are now in the business of Piracy/piracies against all People of Color.

The Partners in Crime against People of Color can be seen by reviewing the Secret Treaty of Verona, the Papal Bulls, the governments which moved to War against "barbaric nations".   United States, an experimental nation which came to infiltrate lands.

The study of genealogies, history, and laws reveals the injustices perpetuated by leaders who have the inbred thinking of their ancestors, and move to War because of the ongoing animosities towards People of Color.  

The minority moves to capture, imprison, decimate, destroy those who are not like them and move to get rid of the "needless" and "useless eaters".

It appears that the injustices will lead to the destruction of some nations naturally.

Queen Liliuokalani did say that if the U.S. did not make corrections, they will fall apart.....and now we know that the U.S. is indeed connected to other Partners in Crime and like dominoes, they too may fall as well.

Our Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court, the Court of original jurisdiction, Judges did document many problematic, pirates, pillagers, racketeers, frauds, etc. in the moves to make corrections of those found who did aid, assist in dethroning our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

It was those documented in research and shown to have continued their assignments in criminally assuming our Hawaiian lands, assets, gold, water, minerals, etc. and supported by the United States, and Great Britain who supported and defended the thieves, pirates, scum, and scoundrels who are now on record and whose followers wrongfully, criminally continue to do their racketeering.

Those who continue to do wrongs have been legally stripped of their criminal claims.

Those who continue to do wrongs are Not the alodio/allodial, paramount, superior title land owners and are not related to the Kamehameha's.

The entity Provisional government turned Republic of Hawaii then Territory of the United States and changed to the Territory of Hawaii - an 'identity thieving entity' that had no Annexation, became  executive ordered to be a State.

 U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower disregarded the oppositions to annex Hawaii by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.  He also disregarded the facts that U.S. President Grover Cleveland had given Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897.

The "Scarce Money Policy" since the time of U.S. Grover Cleveland was continued by U.S. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson, et. als.

The Hawaiian Kingdom Court of original jurisdiction have stripped the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools and the 1909 fraud Trust of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani of all claims, interest in lands, monies, rents, etc.

Additional evidence has been found in writings/testimony of Reverend Sereno Bishop/Sereno Bishop/under the pen name of "Kamehameha" who declared that Bernice Pauahi Bishop and her husband Charles Reed Bishop were supporters of the planners/usurpers criminal moves and in support of the United States, and further defraud the Kamehameha descendants/heirs who existed since the beginning of the Monarchy government in 1810 turned Constitutional Monarchy government in 1840.  

Research incomplete.


George Washington
Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington.jpg
George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1797
1st President of the United States
In office
April 30, 1789[a] – March 4, 1797
Vice PresidentJohn Adams
Preceded byPosition established
Succeeded byJohn Adams
Senior Officer of the U.S. Army
In office
July 13, 1798 – December 14, 1799
Appointed byJohn Adams
Preceded byJames Wilkinson
Succeeded byAlexander Hamilton
Commander-in-Chief of the
Continental Army
In office
June 15, 1775 – December 23, 1783
Appointed byContinental Congress
Preceded byPosition established
Succeeded byHenry Knox (Senior Officer of the Army)
Delegate to the Second Continental Congress from Virginia
In office
May 10, 1775 – June 15, 1775
Preceded byPosition established
Succeeded byThomas Jefferson
Delegate to the First Continental Congress
from Virginia
In office
September 5, 1774 – October 26, 1774
Preceded byPosition established
Succeeded byPosition abolished
Personal details
Born(1732-02-22)February 22, 1732
Bridges Creek, Colony of Virginia, British America (present-day Virginia, U.S.)
DiedDecember 14, 1799(1799-12-14) (aged 67)
Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.
Cause of deathEpiglottitis and hypovolemic shock
Resting placeWashington Family Tomb, Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.
Political partyNone
Spouse(s)Martha Dandridge (m. 1759)[1]
ParentsAugustine Washington
Mary Ball
AwardsCongressional Gold Medal
Thanks of Congress
SignatureCursive signature in ink
Military service
AllegianceKingdom of Great Britain
United States of America
Service/branchColonial Militia
Continental Army
United States Army
Years of service1752–58 (British Militia)
1775–83 (Continental Army)
1798–99 (U.S. Army)
RankColonel (British Army)
General and Commander-in-Chief (Continental Army)
Lieutenant General (United States Army)
General of the Armies (promoted posthumously: 1976, by an Act of Congress)
CommandsVirginia Colony's regiment
Continental Army
United States Army

George Washington and his wife Martha were part of the British Royal Family/Kingdom of Great Britain's Royal Families:

"The Kingdom of Great Britain. Created in 1707 as a result of the political union of England and Scotland under the monarch, Queen Anne. There have been three officially recognised Houses since the union:
However for historical interest, I have also included:

Reference: - First Ladies info*******************

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol VI No. 682 Special: A Christmas Gift - A Gift of Truth December 25, 2017 ...

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