Saturday, June 29, 2019

Mauna Kea Comments Taken Till July 9, 2019: The Department of Health Open for Thirty Meter Telescope

"Hawai‘i Department of Health extends public
comment period to July 9 for NPDES permit for
Thirty Meter Telescope construction"
June 27, 2019 19-042
Hawai‘i Department of Health extends public
comment period to July 9 for NPDES permit for
Thirty Meter Telescope construction
HONOLULU — The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) has extended the public comment period for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit renewal for the Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory. On June 25, the DOH was unable to receive public comment through email due to technical issues. The email address has been restored and the comment period extended. Written public comments will be received by DOH until July 9, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. and may be sent by email to: or delivered to:
State of Hawai‘i
Clean Water Branch
2827 Waimano Home Road #225
Pearl City, HI 96782
The purpose of this NPDES permit is to provide conditions for safely managing storm water during construction activity. More information on the NPDES permit renewal is available at DOH’s Clean Water Branch website at…/clea…/public-notices-and-updates/
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Request for Surface Water Quality Data for the 2020 Integrated Report…
  • Keith Chai Will the TMT project continue regardless of this procedure?
  • Darryl Kalua This is all for show, the States of Hawaii and all its trailers Kim, Ige, wally, Bill and the University is going to proceed regardless of the opinions of native Hawaiians. Even though the Canary Islands is willing to accept the TMT without protest.
  • Darryl Kalua Traitors
  • Duane N Row Follow the money.🤔

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