Saturday, June 29, 2019

Vol VII No. 761 - Part 1aa - Mauna Kea, etc.

Candace Fujikane
Press Release for the Kū Kiaʻi Mauna press conference
HONOLULU, HAWAII - On Friday, June 28th, protectors of Mauna Kea will hold a press conference before the B...oard of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) board meeting, its first public meeting scheduled since it authorized the removal of two hale and two ahu from Mauna Kea on Thursday, June 20th. In response to state actions, the protectors will speak about the significance of the hale and ahu and the concerns they have with the potential uses of excessive force in upcoming actions
Those scheduled to speak at the press conference include Kealoha Pisciotta (Mauna Kea Anaina Hou), Billy Freitas (practitioner of uhau humu pōhaku, stone wall masonry), Davianna McGregor (Kanaka Maoli scholar), Noealani Ahia (Haleakalā protector), Shelley Muneoka (KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance), and Lance Collins (attorney representing KAHEA). Speakers will address the serious problems raised by the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), implications of the failure to protect natural resources, the violation of Native Hawaiian customary and traditional practices, and DLNR’s recently purchased Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), also called a sound cannon, which has been used for crowd control at confrontations with water protectors at Standing Rock and potentially violates state and federal laws.
Shortly after the removal of the hale and ahu, Governor Ige, Attorney General Clare Connors, Department of Land and Natural Resources Director Suzanne Case, and UH President David Lassner held a press conference on the state’s action, maintaining that these were “unauthorized structures.” AG Connors further stated that “The two structures at the summit were reviewed by the Hawai’I Supreme Court as well as the board. They were determined not to bear any traditional customary significance.” Protectors, however, insist that the two ahu at the summit and the hale located near Hale Pōhaku were built in ceremony to honor the sacred mountain and to serve as a site of religious observance and practice for Native Hawaiians.
On June 24th, 2015, TMT construction crews, escorted by Hawaiʻi County and State DOCARE officers, attempted to make their way to the summit of Mauna Kea, but were stopped at Hale Pōhaku by protectors. Offering ti leaf lei to the crews and their escorts for protection and chanting in ceremony, the protectors stood in lines across the Access Road to safeguard the mountain from the construction of the TMT. The proposed TMT would excavate five acres, 20 feet into the earth, removing 66,000 cubic yards of the sacred mountain— the equivalent of 1,782,000 cubic feet of earth.

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KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance
KAHEA's Statement at Kū Kiaʻi Mauna Press Conference
Aloha, my name is Shelley Muneoka and Iʻm speaking today as a board member of KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environme...ntal Alliance. Last weekʻs press conference hit the pinnacle of absurdity when just hours after seeing cherished hale and ahu destroyed, Governor Ige declared that the State would “proceed in a way that respects the people, place and culture that make Hawaiʻi unique”. Itʻs not respectful to throw cultural and religious items into a truck labeled “Junk Removal”. Nor is it respectful to see workers flinging the stones that once formed the foundation of a beloved community gathering space through their legs. UH President Lassner offered an apology for the pain that he knows TMT will cause, but forges ahead anyway. He claimed that TMT will be the last new site developed on Mauna Kea and pledged to decommission 5 other telescopes -- which is already a requirement of the current general lease that expires in 2033 and is therefore an unimpressive claim of mitigation for the construction of an 18-story building. Governor Ige closed with a patronizing warning to those who want to “exercise their constitutional right of free speech” to conduct ourselves without endangering the lives of others. An ironic statement considering that in the past kiaʻi mauna on Haleakalā -- also defending against a telescope -- shielded with lei, prayer and song, were confronted by law enforcement armed with guns, riot gear and a sound cannon. A military grade weapon that KAHEA recently learned docare (dlnr enforcement) has procured.
Following last weekʻs insistence by the state that TMT had met all its pre-construction conditions, KAHEA sent out an action alert to our supporters about a hearing for a water permit that we believed TMT had yet to obtain. Over 1,400 people submitted testimony in just a few days, showing how much Mauna Kea means to our community. Unfortunately, we learned that the department of Health elected to grant an administrative extension on TMTʻs 2014 stormwater runoff permit, buying them another 5 years without any further public review. This is the technicality on which TMT claims to have “obtained” this necessary permit. Today we challenge UH, TMT and the State to not merely aim for what is technically legal, but for what is right, fair and moral.
I just want to close with a quick message to the kiaʻi across the pae ʻāina and beyond. Itʻs time for hard conversations with family and friends. We need you to reach out and educate the people who know and trust you. Now is the time to prepare. Find like-minded, like-valued folks and form relationships and make plans to take care of each other in this struggle. We have a long road ahead and it is important to mālama ourselves and each other. Many people have asked about fundraisers or ways to help, we will be putting out a list of vetted organizations to give to, please look for that and give to whoever you know and trust. Mahalo nui to everyone for coming today, to the kiaʻi standing behind us and for those who continue to stand. We want to especially thank the speakers who represent a broad base of support and love for Mauna Kea.
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Mauna Kea Press Conference 6/28/2019 8:30a
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Thirty Meter Telescope opponents pledge to hold steady as project’s construction nears
By Timothy Hurley Today Updated 2:33 p.m.

Kealoha Pisciotta, of Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, speaks at a news conference in front of the Department of Land and Natural Resources at the Kalanimoku Building at 1151 Punchbowl St. today. Opponents to the Thirty Meter Telescope pledge to continue to resist construction of the project on Mauna Kea.
In this photo provided by Pi’ikea Keawekane-Stafford, state and county officials remove Native Hawaiian structures from Mauna Kea, on June 20, just hours before state officials announced that construction of the long-delayed, controversial Thirty Meter Telescope will proceed on the mountain. Today, TMT opponents in Honolulu complained of what they said are heavy-handed state tactics against their protests.
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The opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope this morning vowed to stand firm against the cutting-edge observatory expected to begin construction atop Mauna Kea in the next few months.
In a news conference at the Honolulu headquarters of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources, the “protectors” of Hawaii’s tallest mountain called on the state, the University of Hawaii and the TMT International Observatory board of governors to stand down on a $1.4 billion project which opponents say will desecrate sacred land.
With more than 50 people holding signs and flags of protest, speakers complained of heavy-handed state tactics in removing Native Hawaiian structures from the mountain, including two ahu, or altars, which were built on the TMT site in 2015.
“We’re also here to voice our concerns over what looks like the state’s gearing up for the excessive use of violence when the protectors of Mauna Kea have only shown aloha in this struggle,” said Candace Fujikane, board member of KAHEA: The Hawaiian Environmental Alliance.
“I want to ask the question here: Why is the state risking our lives and our safety for a private corporation?” Fujikane added. “They are looking at arresting us for a private corporation and we need to ask the question: Why?…Why?”
KAHEA attorney Lance Collins called on DLNR and Gov. David Ige to renounce the use of a recently purchased Long-Range Acoustic Device, also called a sound canon, which has been used for crowd control and confrontations with protesters at Standing Rock and elsewhere.
Collins said the device potentially violates state and federal laws and a United Nations’ convention against using military weapons for torture.
In a statement, the DLNR said the purchase from the LRAD Corp. was for a portable battery powered public address and hailing system and not a weapon.
“We understand and acknowledge the concerns raised regarding use of excessive force on nonviolent noncombatants. The LRAD system purchased by DOCARE is not intended to be used in that way,” the statement said.
The state last week issued a “notice to proceed” for construction of the 180-foot tall observatory on Mauna Kea following more than 10 years of planning, approvals and delay. TMT officials said construction would begin this summer after consulting with state officials on logistical concerns.
University officials have said they tried to work with foes regarding their plans to removal of the unpermitted structures on the mountain.
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The opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope this morning vowed to stand firm against the cutting-edge observatory expected to begin construction atop Mauna Kea in the next few months.
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From 2day's press conference
is actually reaching out to the State.
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Our fight against the TMT has never been about culture versus science. It’s about reminding people that science doesn’t trump all, especially when it comes at t...he expense of the ʻāina and our culture. At a press conference on June 28, 2019, protector Kealoha Pisciotta spoke about this topic. What the protectors are saying is not to stop doing science, but to do better science. To remember that science involves much more than just the subject you are studying. It affects the people, the community, and the ʻāina around you.
We are Hawaiʻi ʻimi loa, the Hawaiian who goes far in search of knowledge, and we would never tell anyone to stop seeking for knowledge. What we are saying is that there is a better way to do it. One that does not forget the earth. One that is not built on the bones of our culture and sacred sites. We urge you to listen to what we are saying, so we can all benefit from better science.
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Kapohuolahaina Moniz Pa
In the END Aloha always WINS!
~Kealoha Pisciotta ~
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Ahu removed from Mauna Kea Summit, Northern Plateau 6/20/2019
All these days of no construction our people could have removed it properly if given Notice. None was issued or received. I feel as if it's retaliation against my culture for saying: "The Public Rules were a failure, the case by OHA is still unresolved and a water permit hearing to be done next week, so let's just desecrate and destroy their presence on Mauna Kea already." ~Kainoa Bugado
Photo credit: Lori Halemano
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The article clearly states: "Although the ahu were removed Thursday without the protesters’ input, Chun said."
Kahu Ku Mauna are not protectors or protestors of the desecration of our Mauna, they are COMPLICIT with OMKM and do not consult the Hawaiian community on matters of the Mauna as a group. For years I was under the impression that Kahu Ku Mauna, supported and preserved the Hawaiian Culture and Cultural Practices for the Mauna, however, I am gravel...y mistaken.
I attended one meeting which is not normally open to the public in interest of their role and involvement in decision making for the community and Hawaiians who attend the Mauna. Yet my impression of the meeting is that the group itself is only for consultation and not REQUIRED for any decisions and Kahu Ku Mauna as a group does not interact with the public or various cultural practicioners directly on a normal basis.
HUGE DISCONNECT in the Cultual area hence we need to communicate our concerns ourselves! ~Kainoa Bugado

ʻAhu o ka Uakoko on the day it was erected on the Mauna, June 24th, 2015 (Kahapouli/Kūkolu)
PC: L.K.Trask
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The rapid removal of two ahu at the Thirty Meter Telescope site on Maunakea last week came after years of failed attempts at communication between the University of Hawaii and TMT protesters, UH advisers told the Tribune-Herald.
  • Ku Ching The members of Kahu Ku Mauna are mostly hand-picked so-called cultural practitioners who do not represent the "real" cultural practitioners or extended Hawaiian community. They are specially selected puppets that are shosen to support astronomy on Mauna Kea. Any other white-washing propaganda that anything that the University puts out are out-right lies, misrepresentation, deceit and fraud!
  • Beth Leeds State of Hawaii
    just acknowledged
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Candace Fujikane
Press Release for the Kū Kiaʻi Mauna press conference
HONOLULU, HAWAII - On Friday, June 28th, protectors of Mauna Kea will hold a press conference before the B...oard of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) board meeting, its first public meeting scheduled since it authorized the removal of two hale and two ahu from Mauna Kea on Thursday, June 20th. In response to state actions, the protectors will speak about the significance of the hale and ahu and the concerns they have with the potential uses of excessive force in upcoming actions
Those scheduled to speak at the press conference include Kealoha Pisciotta (Mauna Kea Anaina Hou), Billy Freitas (practitioner of uhau humu pōhaku, stone wall masonry), Davianna McGregor (Kanaka Maoli scholar), Noealani Ahia (Haleakalā protector), Shelley Muneoka (KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance), and Lance Collins (attorney representing KAHEA). Speakers will address the serious problems raised by the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), implications of the failure to protect natural resources, the violation of Native Hawaiian customary and traditional practices, and DLNR’s recently purchased Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), also called a sound cannon, which has been used for crowd control at confrontations with water protectors at Standing Rock and potentially violates state and federal laws.
Shortly after the removal of the hale and ahu, Governor Ige, Attorney General Clare Connors, Department of Land and Natural Resources Director Suzanne Case, and UH President David Lassner held a press conference on the state’s action, maintaining that these were “unauthorized structures.” AG Connors further stated that “The two structures at the summit were reviewed by the Hawai’I Supreme Court as well as the board. They were determined not to bear any traditional customary significance.” Protectors, however, insist that the two ahu at the summit and the hale located near Hale Pōhaku were built in ceremony to honor the sacred mountain and to serve as a site of religious observance and practice for Native Hawaiians.
On June 24th, 2015, TMT construction crews, escorted by Hawaiʻi County and State DOCARE officers, attempted to make their way to the summit of Mauna Kea, but were stopped at Hale Pōhaku by protectors. Offering ti leaf lei to the crews and their escorts for protection and chanting in ceremony, the protectors stood in lines across the Access Road to safeguard the mountain from the construction of the TMT. The proposed TMT would excavate five acres, 20 feet into the earth, removing 66,000 cubic yards of the sacred mountain— the equivalent of 1,782,000 cubic feet of earth.

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KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance
Join us tomorrow for a Kū Kiaʻi Mauna Press Conference at 9am (meet up at 8:30) at the Kalanimoku building outside DLNR.
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2016 Visual display of Hale Ku Kia'i Mauna and ahu that WAS located across from the Visitor station on Mauna Kea
Sharron Gonzalez Cushman
Lori Halemano
June 27, 2016. My friend and I were the only two people there that day, not a Tourist in sight. Our prayers and chant echoed throughout. When... we were done and about to leave, I gave my mahalo and snapped this photo. I didn’t see this glow with my own eyes and was surprised when I seen what I had captured on the photo.
It is not altered in any way, I don't know what the bright light is but I felt the mana. 💚 The hale and ahu may have been removed, but this is proof that the mana remains - even without any structures.
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Kainoa Bugado updated the group cover photo.
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Healani Sonoda-Pale shared a post.
Hawai’I entertainer Fiji sharing his mana’o on Mauna Kea and TMT. #AoleTMT #ProtectMaunaKea
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Healani Sonoda-Pale
Hawai’I entertainer Fiji sharing his mana’o on Mauna Kea and TMT. #AoleTMT #ProtectMaunaKea
Mahina Poepoe is with Kealoha Pisciotta and 2 others.
Ode to Mauna Kea by Jayson Mizula in our Molokai Dispatch Newspaper 🏔💓 "there is no reason to trust anything good will come from this telescope, sure we can all hope, but our taxes buy the rope used to hang cultures out to dry, as mother earth is still sliced like a pineapple" #aoletmt
Environmental Destruction of Keck 1. 40 ft of cinder cone removed, also destroying valuable Wekiu bug habitat. Cellar dug (bones said to have been removed). Kona fishermen complained they lost an important triangulation point to find fish in the open ocean. Industrial Astronomy has been told - Enough. Shine the Light on this Cultural Genocide.
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Seems like SHPD (State Historic Preservation Division) is just a rubber stamp agency. All these years of heinous acts—digging up graves, destroying heritage sites, green lighting overdevelopment and land theft tactics—that’s absolutely acceptable to the U.S. Occupational Government here.
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Posted by Kamamaluula News
Kamamaluula News is in Wailuku, Hawaii.
#DeepDive: Archaeological Permits & Practices
Noelani Ahia, a member of Malama Kakanilua, shares how archaeological permits are handed out by the U.S. Occupatio...nal Government’s State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) to various entities in our country. Shockingly, Kamamaluula News is as yet unaware of any permit ever being denied by SHPD.
For more information on the particular case won by Malama Kakanilua, and its possibly immense implications, see our June 24th #ManaoMonday video with Clare Apana.
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For tomorrow's commemorative ceremonies on Mauna Kea at various ahu still standing from times past...
Piikea Keawekane-Stafford is with Jessa Lei and 11 others.
Making lei for tomorrow’s commemoration of the June 24, 2015 Mauna Kea Stand at One Aloha Shave Ice, Kona. With the .most awesome ‘Ohana. We love you guys!!
#maunaup #standforMaunaKea #seeyouonthemauna #eo #ea
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Mahealani Richardson (Hawaii News Now):
Group asks DLNR to not use ‘sound cannon’ against TMT protesters
The purchase of a portable battery powered public address and hailing system kit by the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) was done following state procurement rules, is a matter of public record and KAHEA received the entire procurement file via an open records request.
A device like the one purchased by DOCARE can be used for public warning and hailing in many types of emergency situations, including hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. DOCARE officers are often called upon in their roles as State Law Enforcement Officers to provide warnings in emergency situations and these devices are common amongst emergency management and law enforcement agencies for public safety purposes. The public address and hailing system is not a weapon and is not listed in DOCARE’s use of force continuum.
The assertion that DOCARE utilized an LRAD in association with activity on Haleakala is completely false.
Kainoa Bugado: they do not deny that it could be used!!
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  • Rocky Kalani Fraud is fraud. No statues of limitations for fraud. The Kingdom lives
  • Leighton R. Tseu Sad and shame Hawai'i illegal Government. They all know the truth there is No Treaty of Annexation and they continue to commit WAR CRIMES. What good is law when the USA continues to commit WAR CRIMES. USA is full of it. Their way of owning land is by stealing land from the natives. Why do we have prejudice? History in every native land the white man killed and stole from the native. SAD!
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Pua Case: Just for the record you cannot construct in a manner that will destroy and desecrate up to eight acres of pristine and sacred landscape and at the same time respect cultural practices and be good stewards. Its just not humanly possible Governor Ige and anyone else that is trying to convince themselves and others that that could ever happen.
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After years of protests and legal battles, Hawaii officials have announced…
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Spread a little aloha around the world...share everywhere...
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La'aloa Beach Park Kona - Magic Sands
The continuing war against the Hawaiian people...
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“This could open the floodgates” Yes, and it absolutely should—These permits were supposed to protect us, both living and dead. Instead they’ve been used to shield YEARS of violation, desecration, and abuse.
This ruling proves that ALL these permits issued CAN be contested—and moreover our Citizens have EVERY RIGHT to demand it.
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Posted by Kamamaluula News
Kamamaluula News is in Wailuku, Hawaii.
#ManaoMonday: Iwi Protection as Traditional Property Rights
June 14th, 2019, at the Second Circuit Court, Wailuku, Maui, Judge Joseph Cardoza of the Maui Enviro...nmental Court ruled that Malama Kakanilua, an Iwi protection group, had the right to a Contested Case Hearing on archaeological permits issued. The group was denied a hearing by the U.S. Occupational Government’s State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) when they put in complaints against Archeological Services Hawaii for alleged Kupuna Iwi disruption at the Maui Lani development.
Judge Cardoza took the ruling a step further by saying that protection of Kupuna Iwi are part of Native Hawaiian “property rights”, which are guaranteed and codified in the U.S. Occupational Government’s Hawaii State Constitution Article XII, Section 7. In this video, Malama Kakanilua member and appellant Clare Apana reacts to their significant win as well as the implications it will have.
See the full State of Hawaii Constitution here:
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Purchased for natural disaster warning. Are na Kanaka and our culture disasters? Wow
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Mahealani Richardson
Group asks DLNR to not use ‘sound cannon’ against TMT protesters
The purchase of a portable battery powered public address ...and hailing system kit by the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) was done following state procurement rules, is a matter of public record and KAHEA received the entire procurement file via an open records request.
A device like the one purchased by DOCARE can be used for public warning and hailing in many types of emergency situations, including hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. DOCARE officers are often called upon in their roles as State Law Enforcement Officers to provide warnings in emergency situations and these devices are common amongst emergency management and law enforcement agencies for public safety purposes. The public address and hailing system is not a weapon and is not listed in DOCARE’s use of force continuum.
The assertion that DOCARE utilized an LRAD in association with activity on Haleakala is completely false.
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Audis Brown-dombrigues
Prayer's of the Mauna 'O Wakea ~ Hawai'i and across the World....
Protection of the 4 Directions Special Oli Pule Prayer’s.
Aumakua Chant
Aumakua, Aumakua
Oh Great ancestor spirits
Na Aumakua o ka po
Ancestors of the dark
Na Aumakua o ke ao
Ancestors of the light
Na Aumakua o ka pau luna
Ancestors of the farthest reaches of the heavens
Na Aumakua o ka pau lalo
And the farthest reaches down below
Hele mai, hele mai!
Come now, come quickly
He me ka ike, ka mana, ke ola no
Bring us the awareness, the power, fill us with life
Elieli kapu, elieli noa
Profound has been the kapu, profound is the freeing
Amama ua noa
This prayer is released, and so it is
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Ahu removed from Mauna Kea Summit 6/20/2019
Photo credit: Lori Halemano
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Kāhealani Alapai was live.
Kealoha Pisciotta’s response to the desecration and destruction of the places of worship and Gov Ige’s press conference. #AlohaMaunaKea
Here's our OHA Statement. The legal action is still unresolved.
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
In November of 2017, OHA filed a claim for breach of fiduciary duties by the State of Hawaii and DL...NR for their continued mismanagement of Maunakea dating back to the 1960’s. Additionally, the State has failed to hold the University of Hawaii accountable for its negligent mismanagement of Maunakea, considered a sacred mountain and source of spiritual mana for Native Hawaiians.
As the chair of OHA’s Ad-hoc Committee on Maunakea, I believe the actions by Gov. Ige and President Lassner of the University of Hawaii condoning the arrest of Kaho'okahi Kanuha, a Hawaiian cultural practitioner, and the destruction of culturally significant structures on the Mauna, demonstrates their insensitivity to the inherent rights of Native Hawaiians and traditional and customary practices on the Mauna.
Their decision to selectively enforce obscure rules by removing Hawaiians and our presence from the Mauna demonstrate the continued criminalization of the indigenous descendants of these islands and erasure of what makes Hawaii UNIQUE. Native Hawaiian culture and its people are the heart and soul of Hawaii.
When the State chooses to ignore the rights and humanity of Native Hawaiians and their sacred sites, Hawaii as a society loses its moral compass, which strikes to the core and fractures the essence of the "Aloha Spirit."
The acts of desecration that took place were utterly shameful and it is unacceptable for the State’s leadership to consciously endorse such behavior. This is a poor example set by so called ambassadors of aloha and multiculturalism.
OHA has made extensive efforts for many years to reconcile tension with Governor Ige and President Lassner to engage in serious and meaningful discussions to address solutions, improve oversight and management, and to seek pono (moral and upright) stewardship practices. Unfortunately, OHA’s efforts and our community’s efforts have proven unfruitful.
OHA developed reasonable recommendations to the Governor's 10-point plan and presented those to him in 2017, again these efforts were disappointingly, unsuccessful. This is why, after much debate and consideration, OHA pursued legal remedies via a lawsuit to seek justice for our people, future generations and to protect, preserve, and perpetuate our sense of cultural identity, mana, and spirituality. That case is yet to be resolved, which makes these aggressive tactics by the State even more offensive.
Thus, if Hawaiians cannot seek the constitutional protections of speech, religion, and our traditional and customary rights under the fundamental tenets of democracy, then perhaps we must seek our own remedies beyond the boundaries of colonization provided in international forums such as the United Nations or the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR.)
Photos: Hawaii News Now, Kanuha ʻOhana, and Leinaʻala Sleightholm
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This week
Protect Mauna Kea
TMT Storm Water Permit Hearing
Tuesday, June 25 at 5:00
in Kona at the West Hawaii Civic Center
“Those wishing to speak about the water permit are asked
to s...ubmit two copies of their statement before or at the hearing.”
Written statements
are accepted until
4:30pm on Tuesday, June 25
or at P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-3378.
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Artists have a direct action request help Mauna Kea.
Mahalo for your part in our stance!
Andre Perez is with Brent Maness and 23 others.
Message to the people:
HULI is planning a Maunakea Art Build to make silk screens prints, signs and banners. Messaging & visuals are critical to resistance move...ments and cannot be last minute after thoughts. Any artists out there willing to help us with some art for silk screens? It's an important way to support the movement from wherever you're at.
Also if anyone is interested in participating in the art build let me know.

Hit me up, we need you, the mauna needs you!
HULI is fundraising for this art build, if anyone has any funding leads please let me know or see our fundraiser link below. Mahalo nui and please share this post!
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  • Beth Leeds Actually... I want to contribute MORE!
    i have drafted a legal action demanding action from DLNR, Gov Ige and other agencies and decision makers to follow the LAW! The Spirit of Aloha law. When I go into court magic will happen. I am the World Peace Envoy to the United Nations since 1987. I can stand up!
  • Beth Leeds I will create my Postcards of Aloha campaign to send to three recipients:
    The United Nations
    New York
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  • Solomon Kaleiopu Jr. OH! Fuck you Liar that's why you ordered a Late night raid of our Sacred lands and Shrine and you will Proceed with respect for the people and culture that make My Hawaii Nei unique.. you can't say you did not know,, nothing moves Legally or IllegallySee More
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Kainoa Bugado is feeling annoyed.
Na keiki experiencing their religious rights taken away!
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Posted by Kanoe Wilson
Kanoe Wilson
Kū Kiaʻi Mauna! Love that our Hālau Mauli Ola Summer School at KS had our haumāna go to the mauna 💖💖. My daughter sharing the beauty of Puʻu Huluhulu and th...e mauna🙂.
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Mālama Kakaniula - a hui dedicated towards protecting Hawaiian iwi - will…

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