Saturday, June 29, 2019

Vol VII No. 761 - Part 1b

June 2, 2019 ... Carrie Fellner
MY COMMENT: Pancreatic Cancer from Roundup. You know that their two cancers were from something toxic that they both were expos...ed to. I know of several people that died from this same cancer.
..." In 2017, Mr Dunn was also struck down with pancreatic cancer at the age of 73, of an identical kind to his wife.
Neither Mr nor Mrs Dunn had a family history of pancreatic cancer, which has been linked to Roundup exposure in scientific studies overseas.
Ms Woolston was blindsided.
"Exact same pancreatic cancer, same spot, and he lived for about eight months," she said.
"We strongly believe it's [Roundup/glyphosate] that killed Mum and Dad prematurely, absolutely. Especially when we read their diaries and find out how much they were using and spraying. "...

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Dot and Bernie Dunn were vigorously healthy. Then both died from the "same cancer, same spot".

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Today is June 18, 2019 this story comes from Monsanto's home town of St Louis.
" By Greg Edwards – Reporter, St. Louis Business Journal
a day ago"...
..."Baye...r said it will spend $5.6 billion over 10 years to research glyphosate alternatives to Monsanto’s Roundup, the weedkiller that has cost the company more than $2 billion in damages in lawsuits involving cancer.
“We’ve listened. We’ve learned,” Bayer said in a statement on its website.
It’s part of a strategy by Bayer to mitigate the reputational damage it has suffered as a result of lawsuits claiming Roundup causes cancer. The company’s stock has plunged, leaving it with a market valuation of $56 billion, less than the $63 billion that it paid for St. Louis-based Monsanto and Roundup last year."...
..." The number of plaintiffs so far claiming damages from Roundup is estimated at 13,400. The next Roundup trial is scheduled for August in St. Louis."...
Read the 'rest of the story' by clicking on the photo below.

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Bayer's latest strategy on Monsanto's Roundup mess

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The Trump administration has stopped promoting government-funded research into how higher temperatures can damage crops and pose health risks.

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As concern over the health and environmental risks of the most-used herbicide mount, the ecological impact of its sourcing from phosphate mines are equally problematic.

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WAILUKU — Dewayne “Lee” Johnson was spraying Ranger Pro on a California hillside when the hose detached from the 50-gallon sprayer…

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Hawai'i Center for Food Safety Action Fund was live.
LIVE: Pesticides, the public, the law and YOU

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Latest Findings Come as Courts Levy More Than $2B in Judgements Against Bayer-Monsanto Over Cancer-Causing Glyphosate

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Posted online by Business Insider on May 16,2019
MY COMMENT: Do you have non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease? 100 million people in the US alone have this con...dition. Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease while common would be the result of something you are eating that is in your food. Remember that GMO ingredients are throughout our food system. Add to that, many non-GMO foods including sugar cane, some wheat, nuts, beans are sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest time to 'kill' the crop by drying it.
This puts Glyphosate residues into these non-GMO crops.
..."After examining the urine of nearly 100 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the researchers found that glyphosate levels were higher in those with liver inflammation and damage than those without. These results held true regardless of a person's age, race, or Body Mass Index (BMI).
As the most common form of liver disease, fatty liver disease affects up to 100 million people in the US alone. Patients with the disease that exhibit liver inflammation and damage are more likely to develop cirrhosis (advanced liver scarring) and liver cancer. "...
Read story by clicking photo.

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Monsanto's popular weed-killer was linked to fatty liver disease following a court case that associated the product with cancer.

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Behemoth agrochemical companies are failing to deliver what farmers…

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Australian law firms are investigating legal action on behalf of people suffering from cancers linked with exposure to Roundup, as Sydney councils move to ban use of the popular weedkiller.
More bad news for Monsanto: The main active ingredient in Roundup…

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Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company’s signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.

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Retired Kentucky farmer Jim Pat Wilson~Kentucky’s Courier Journal…

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How a chemical and pharmaceutical giant with an appalling record of corporate crimes became a key player in the development,…

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Farmers are using flowers instead of pesticides on some organic farms.

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Farmers have been using the weed killer glyphosate – a key ingredient of the product Roundup – at soaring levels even as glyphosate has become increasingly less effective and as health concerns and lawsuits mount.

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The full hearing in today’s budget committee

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House Budget Committee was live.
Today the Committee will hold a hearing titled, "Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System." Watch live here.

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The Atlanta City Council has voted to approve a measure that seeks to transform nearly 7.1 acres of vacant property into a park and food forest that would be open to the public free of charge.

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May 23, 2019
MY COMMENT: You may wish to comment on the information contained within this 'Draft for Public Comment' document. You have up to July 8, 2019 to the 'Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry' (a CDC (Center for Disease Control agency ) which is located within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Glyphosate, is the 'key' herbicide ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup formula. Because Monsanto lost their U.S. Patent for Glyphosate as an herbicide back in 2000, over 750 toxic formulas that contain Glyphosate as the 'key' herbicide in the formulas, have been placed in the market place by other chemical companies.
Herbicides are extremely dangerous because you cannot wash herbicides off food crops like you can wash off most pesticides. All herbicides go inside all food crops they are sprayed on, and they go inside all mammals they are sprayed on.
Monsanto retains their U.S. Patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic.
Please open address below OR click on photo to read this much needed reference document...
Health Effects of Glyphosate
..." An overview of the number of human and animal studies examining potential endpoints of concern from exposure to glyphosate formulations is presented in Figure 2-2. Results from available animal studies identify the following targets of toxicity:
MY COMMENT: Please note that among the observed serious health effects that were observed in test subjects, a serious body weight gain happened from oral ingestion (Glyphosate residues are in our food system today as well as in some non-GMO foods such as cane sugar.).
Plus kidney lesions were observed in male subjects, and we know that CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) is at a serious level today with Dialysis clinics opening up in many cities in the U.S. to care for seriously ill CKD patients.
• Developmental effects: Histopathologic testicular lesions, decreased sperm production, and increased incidence of fetal skeletal malformations were reported in response to oral dosing of rat weanlings or pregnant rats with selected glyphosate formulations in the range of 5– 500 mg/kg/day.
• Endocrine effects: Decreased serum testosterone was noted in male rat weanlings administered a glyphosate formulation orally at 5 mg/kg/day.
• Body weight effects: Seriously depressed body weight gain was observed in mice administered a glyphosate formulation orally at 50 mg/kg/day.
• Renal effects: Histopathologic kidney lesions were noted in male rats gavaged once with a glyphosate formulation at 250 mg/kg.
• Hepatic effects: Increased serum liver enzyme activity and histopathologic liver lesions were reported in male rats repeatedly gavaged with a glyphosate formulation at 487 mg/kg/day.
• Hematological effects: Decreases in red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin, and increases in mean corpuscular volume and neutrophils were reported in mice administered a glyphosate formulation orally at 500 mg/kg/day.
• Reproductive effects: Increased percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm was reported among rats receiving a glyphosate formulation from the drinking water for 8 days at 640 mg/kg/day. "...
Please open address below for more information:

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The ATSDR toxicological profile succinctly characterizes the toxicologic and adverse health effects information for the hazardous substance described here. Each peer-reviewed profile identifies and reviews the…

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Sam Small shared a post.
The world over will never forget that the Shit of Maui was used to give polluters nationwide free reign to destroy our nation’s clean water supply. I can just s...mell the boycott.
What a legacy the corrupt “Dinosaurs” of Maui’s Corporation Counsel are dumping on us. We need to flush them out.
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Maui Causes
ACTION ALERT: Please come, dressed in blue, to the 8th floor of the County building Thursday, May 23 at 10AM
Like most, I thought the sewage effluent pumped int...o the Lahaina injection wells was creating polluted ocean waves filled with infectious bacteria, harming both people and the reefs.
The County says that the cess that’s pumped underground is UV treated for bacteria and isn't polluted because we don't have any heavy industry here.
The ocean protectors say that we may not be pouring New Jersey style heavy industrial pollutants down our Injection Wells, but what does hit the ocean is a really huge volume of water that is in fact polluted with really high levels of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous AND it's highly acidic, and it IS killing our reefs.
Obviously it’s not the Mayor nor our County Council that is actually running Maui, instead, it’s the lawyers of our Corporation Counsel who control Maui. The ordinance Corp Counsel just proposed giving them veto powers over the Mayor and the County Council is proof of their intention to dominate over our elected officials.
Based on the testimony this week it’s clear that Maui’s corrupt Corporation Counsel is being pushed hard to appeal Maui’s Injection Well lawsuit to Trump’s deregulation-frenzied Supreme Court by Industrialists of all sorts who’s profits are increased through pollution, aka “The Pollution Industry”.
Maui’s Injection Wells case I'm told is a relatively straight forward issue over permits for wastewater hitting underground water which is then carried into the ocean.
The Pollution Industry wants to use Maui’s relatively simple Injection Wells case to allow the court to do away with permit requirements for ALL similar injection wells, even where the wastewater does include heavy industrial chemicals.
The court just deals with Maui's case so it's a relatively clean public relations issue for the court to say Maui's case is no big deal because Maui's wastewater is "relatively" clean.
Meanwhile, the entire “Pollution Industry” is lining up to pour REALLY bad stuff down their local injection wells without needing a permit to do it, pollutants that can’t be filtered, and which will eventually poison their local waters.
The world over will never forget that the Shit of Maui was used to give polluters nationwide free reign to destroy our nation’s shoreline. I can just smell the boycott.
What a legacy the corrupt “Dinosaurs” of Maui’s Corporation Counsel are dumping on us. We need to flush them out.
Send the Council Members emails please:
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Glyphosate-based herbicides are not supposed to harm wildlife. But lab studies keep finding otherwise.

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Findings contradict reassuring reports on GM products, say researchers

  • Joseph Kohn nothing new about it. well documented
  • Sandra Toliver Of course it did. The herbicides sprayed on it, are designed to make an insects stomach explode. It is in soda, chips, cereal, and practically every pre processed food, and every food derived from an animal, for they feed it to livestock. Why people don't make the connection between food, nutrition and health is beyond me.
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"The first crops to be planted include: avocados, bell peppers, potatoes, papaya, guava, lÄ«lÄ«koi, white pineapple, oranges, mandarin oranges, lemons, limes, coffee and macadamia nuts, as well as cover crops such as alfalfa. Mahi Pono’s long-term plans will include scaling up citrus fruit, coffee and grass-fed beef, according to company executives."

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Mahi Pono today announced its 2019 crop plan, which includes produce that is scheduled to be planted on approximately 1,500 to 2,000 acres in Central Maui.

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Synthetic food companies could gravely impact our health, environment, and economy, but the fact is that we’re in the dark

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Aloha, please restrict your posts to agricultural themes.

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Veganic Fruiticulture is the Fruitful Way
by Jesse Krebs, Ph.D.
From Fruiticulture
Veganic Fruiticulture is an approach to growing food that encompasses a respect for animals, the environment and human health. It is a form of agriculture that goes above and beyond the standards for organic farming by excluding the use of products derived from confined animals and by encouraging the presence of native wild animals on the farmland. Organic farmers are permitted to use animal ...products as fertilizers: manure, blood meal, bone meal, feather meal and fish emulsion.
Veganic Fruiticulture breaks the link between livestock operations for the production of organic plant-foods by using plant-based techniques for soil fertility such as: glacial rock dust, mulching, fruit and vegetable compost, green manure, wood chips, crop rotation, polyculture and other sustainable methods. A veganic maxim states that by feeding the soil, the soil will feed the plants and trees. Adding organic plant-based materials to the soil produces a rich, living soil that has a plethora of microorganisms, which in turn feed the plants and create long-term sustainable fertility.
Veganic Fruiticulture is the ultimate ideal for a sustainable, vibrantly thriving culture. There simply is no better way of living in harmony with Mother Nature and being true to our frugivorous nature than to create cruelty-free, abundant fruit forests in every open space available. Who needs a grass lawn anyway? Can you imagine a society where you can walk and freely pick your lunch from the trees that line the streets and fill the public parks and places? Fruit trees create fertility, abundance, and health.
We have a naturally symbiotic relationship with fruit trees. They tempt us with their sweet, tangy edibles so that we, in return, will spread their seeds to sustain their species. No life is lost in Veganic Fruiticulture—there is only a perpetuation of fertility, life, health and abundance. That is a life in harmony with nature—the foundational design element for all human systems, integrated harmoniously with the planet’s ecology. That is Veganic Fruiticulture!
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Fruiticulture is a thoughtful, regenerative, civilized way of living in harmony with Nature, consonant with human’s natural dietetic character: frugivore. It is a culture of living reverentially, s…

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A jury handed a $2.055 billion verdict in favor of a couple in California who say their cancer was caused by long-term exposure to Monsanto's popular weed killer Roundup, according to the plaintiffs' attorneys.

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Shock additional finding of malformations in second generation offspring from glyphosate-exposed rats

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May 8, 2019
MY COMMENT: The Trump administration has demonstrated complete ignorance concerning issues of health and welfare for the American people. I will ...never forget the day I witnessed (via a video recording) the then new President Trump with Andrew N. Liveris at his side in the 'oval office' as he, the president, signed a document that stopped the banning of Dow's chlorpyrifos. What no one mentioned that day was the $1 million that Liveris donated to help pay for Trump's inaugural ball, which prompted Trump to do a horrible deed to our children. It is very bad policy for a government to put the acquisition of money over the safety and welfare of children. And it is a very bad government policy to put the acquisition of money over the health of a population. As a result of herbicides in our food system we are seeing more cancer in our population today than we ever saw before in our history. Treatment of cancer does not come cheap. Our government is paying heavily for our medical costs while BIG Chemical along with BIG Pharma rake$ in the almighty dollar$ spent for chemical Chemo.
..." The report also suggests similarities between the Trump Administration’s support for glyphosate and its actions around a pesticide called chlorpyrifos that is the active ingredient in an insecticide made by Dow Chemical, now DowDupont. There is a large body of science showing that chlorpyrifos is very damaging to children’s brain development and that children are most often exposed through the food and water they consume. Chlorpyrifos was due to be banned from agricultural use in 2017 because of its dangers but the Trump administration postponed the ban at the request of Dow and continues to allow its use in food production. The Hakluyt reports says:
“The way the EPA under the Trump administration has handled Chlorpyrifos might be instructive in how it would handle new science or new developments related to glyphosate.” "...
MY COMMENT: Tomorrow May 9, 2019 will start the closing arguments in the third Monsanto Lymphoma trial. The verdict in this trial will determine Judge Chhabria's decision on wither or not to push for Monsanto/Bayer to agree on a $ettlement for the remaining plantiffs in his MDL here in California.
..." Dow Chemical wrote a $1 million check to help underwrite Trump’s inaugural festivities, and its chairman and CEO, Greek-American Andrew Liveris, heads a White House manufacturing working group. " ...
Short video from 3rd Monsanto Lymphoma Cancer trial.
" March 7, 2019
Monsanto Can't Trim MDL Claiming Weedkiller Causes Cancer
Monsanto lost a bid to pare back multidistrict litigation over the agrochemical giant’s allegedly carcinogenic Roundup weedkiller when a California federal judge ruled Thursday that the claims in three bellwether cases are backed by believable evidence and aren’t preempted by other laws. "
Click photo to read entire SUSTAINABLEPULSE post
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Internal Monsanto records just filed in court show that a corporate intelligence group hired to “to take the temperature on current regulatory attitudes

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Agricultural chemicals aren't helping us to be better farmers or make more…

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David Klein to Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Maui

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, April 29th at 3:00 PM at the La Kahea Research Station at 0 Honoapiilani Hwy., Waikapu. This is n...ot far from the Maui Tropical Plantation – it’s on the opposite side of the highway.
Also see the attached annotated map.
This farmland is the site of our new Fruit Tree Repository. We will give a tour of the site, which includes our newly-constructed Open Tatura V-Trellis. We will also hold a Board of Directors meeting.

HTFG members will be given a survey to determine which varieties of fruit trees we want in our repository. All HTFG members will have access to scion wood for propagation over the next 25 years.
We look forward to seeing you!
Dave Klein
Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Maui Chapter

Board of Directors:
Jordan Longman - President
Winsome Williams - Vice President
Emory Blair - Treasurer
James Simpliciano - Secretary
Dave Klein - Membership Manager & Communications Director
Karen Arakawa - Grant Writer
Alan Egusa - At large
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Research from U.C. Berkeley Professor of Agroecology Miguel Altieri…

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If for some reason you remain unconvinced that HB1326 is a bad bill and not at all actually needed, please read the below and see clear proof that…

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ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) -- New York lawmakers have voted to join Hawaii in banning a widely used pesticide that's blamed for harming the brains of babies. The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly passed legislation Tuesday evening that would immediately prohibit aerial spraying of chlorpyrifos. All use of th...

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