Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of Defenders Over Mauna Kea, Haleakala, etc.,Why the State, and Kamehameha Schools are Not the landowners, and PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK- off of Facebook

Susan Rosier added 4 comments.
Aloha all,
I support defending our Mauna wholeheartedly but on behalf of myself and a few that don't know the history of the telescopes on Mauna Kea... can someone explain or direct me to a source where I may know the truth please?
I've been asked by friends the following and could not answer...
"How come only now we trying to protect the Mauna and why we didnt when they tried to build the first telescope?"
Please kokua... mahalo
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  • May-Lili'uokalani Ross This is not the only time protest have been made against the scopes.

    There were men before this that objected then ??? Can’t remember who, Uncle Sonny Kaniho picked up the reigns and when he spoke of Hawaiian Homes abuse the scopes were also memtioned, then Soli Nīheu in the mid 60’s rose up against ..

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  • May-Lili'uokalani Ross Then Peggy Haʻo .. please Kep in mind 1968 Statehood had only been in existemce for ten years. The weight of the attempt to make Hawai’i an Indian reservation was heavy and real.

    Back then emotions were so high, that our men had a difficult time coming together.

    Whoa! Just talking about this makes me shake and cry .. wow!
    • May-Lili'uokalani Ross 1978 Statehood was only 20 years old .. but the injuries incurred were real, oppositions were for generations, the attacks were centered in our own neighborhoods and acceptance was because they were told EDUCATION is key and sugar plantation mentality - don’t rock the boat and the use of fear tactics.

      It was imperative that our Hawai’i people knew who they were first and foremost.

      History and genealogy research was extensive .. the information that Ron Williams Jr is sharing with the community now .. was once information hidden in the underground vaults were no one could see them. Upon this discovery Peggy Haʻo Ross raised the roof off the Capital and had Gov Burns open the Vaults.

      I can tell you she and her Kupuna, living then, cousins fell to their knees and cried, cried and cried.

      They were in boxes mildewed and rotting.

      Sorry im rushing into this .. my point is please don’t be too harsh on our Kupuna .. the awakening took time.

      Even with Kaho’olawe .. it was strictly STOP THE BOMBING and rightfully so. At the same time was Sovereignty movement with the Ohana ʻO Hawaiʻi, Peggy Haʻo, and the Nation within a Nation Federal Recognition,
      Mililani Trask.

      The 13 concepts of sovereignty is a project Piikea Keawekane-Stafford and I have been working on to pod-cast and share with you.

      We Are all chosen for something ... NOT ONE STONE WILL BE LEFT UNTURNED.

      So much to share and say .. others can also pitch in here .. Laulani Teale
    • May-Lili'uokalani Ross Please forgive me for the rush of info. E Kala mai!
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  • Clyde Andrew They' ve been protesting since 1964 when first telesecope was installed back in the days than but it did not have much exposure as it is today .also media did not report than.
  • Edwin The-Don Paiva Braddah it’s not only now this was a silent battle for years our kupuna is fed up already that’s why now they fighting in the open and the TMT is not the only problem A’Ole . Same like me they thought they took my language but I kept it silent for years but no more ke ho'āʻo nei hoʻi lākou e lawe i kā mākou kumu wai punaepe e like me kā lākou i lawe ai i nā mea a pau mai mākou mai ka lawaʻole
  • May-Lili'uokalani Ross Mama Loa .. she had lots of information about the scopes if I’m not mistaken.
  • Opposition to the Mauna Kea Observatories - Wikipedia
    Opposition to the Mauna Kea Observatories - Wikipedia
    Opposition to the Mauna Kea Observatories - Wikipedia

  • *************************************
  • There have been many kanaka maoli over time who opposed the building of the telescopes on Mauna Kea, Haleakala, etc.
  • The question to ask is WHO ARE THE LAND OWNERS?
  • It certainly is NOT the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates.
  • Even today the entity State cannot show title,
  • the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates cannot show title and have just found out that they receive millions of dollars from the income off of the telescopes.
  •  the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are pirates, racketeers whose trustees claim to be the heirs of Bernice Pauahi.
  • Bernice Pauahi and her husband were treasonous persons and she was NOT the "last of the Kamehameha's" 
  •  Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exists including myself and our Royal Family's and Pirates are claiming the mountains to do their crimes against mankind, etc.
  •  Haleakala also has owners with alodio/alodial titles---------their ancestor's name is Kamaikaaloa with 19,000+ acres.
  •  They are also part of the Royal Family's.
  •   The entity State are NOT the land owners.  
  •  The entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are Not the land owners.
  • They the State and Kamehameha Schools are Trespassers who maintain FRAUD, Piracy in the Hawaiian Islands.
  •  As part of the land owners, the entity State and Kamehameha Schools are Trespassers, identity thieves and FAIL to follow the rules of law.
  •  Prove your titles.....we have proof of ours.
  • Prove how you're related to the Royal Family's...…you can' are trespassers..... this is part of the evidence showing that your Lucifer and belial actions are part of your claims.
  •  Billings for Mauna Kea was sent, to date, no payments were received, which means you are Trespassing and Squatting on lands belonging to the true land owners.
  •   We deny that the Kamehameha Schools are related to us and they were adjudicated in the Judicial Tribunal and the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii which has original jurisdiction.
  •  There was No annexation.
  •  The Fraud claims by aliens and pirates, identity thieves, racketeers, genocide activists is unacceptable, illegal, and hereby documented.
  •  The 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States supersedes your State, Federal laws.  Refer to Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution because Treaties are the Supreme law of the lands.
  •   Also, Protectorates are documented to protect the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii. Special Note to kanaka maoli and friends...……please refer to the PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK which was printed on Friday, July 19, 2019 and being circulated for all. aloha.  
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