Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vol VII No. 764 - Part 1c Mauna Kea Issues

Candace Fujikane: My letter to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, major investors in the TMT Project, asking them to send the TMT to the Canary Islands:
To the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation:
My name is Candace Fujikane and I am an English professor at the University of Hawai'i focusing on climate change in Hawai'i.
If you have been following the national and international news coverage of the stand that Native Hawaiians and their allies who are water and mountain protectors have taken at Maunna a Wakea, you will know that on Wednesday, state officers arrested 33 kupuna (elders), and such arrests are having a negative publicity impact on the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The ABC news coverage is here:…/standoff-hawaii-mountain-telescope…
We are determined to protect the mountain, and we will do so a hiki i ke aloha 'aina hope loa, to the last aloha 'aina.
Does the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation want this negative publicity and animosity toward the foundation and the TMT? The arresting of elders, the calling out of the National Guard, the deployment of tear gas canons and long-range audio devices used at Standing Rock, all against people who have only showed aloha (love) in this struggle. Aloha is our most powerful weapon, and we are drawing in people daily to stand with us.
There is a resolution to this problem. Urge the TMT International Corporation to send the TMT project to the Canahy Islands. I understand that the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation is concerned with scientific discovery and environmental conservation. Scientific discovery can move forward without perpetuating the colonial violence that Kanaka Maoli, the Native people of Hawai'i, have long been subjected to.
The EIS for the TMT is based on a deeply flawed degradation principle that undermines all environmental protection laws. According to that principle, a project can commence if it is determined that there is existing adverse impact, which is the case of the existing telescopes on Mauna a Wakea/ As Hawai'i Supreme Court Justice Michael Wilson points out, environmental protection laws shoulld 1)
repair what is damaged and 2) preserve what is left.
I write to you from Pu'uhonua 'o Pu'uhuluhulu where we stand 3,000 people strong, prepared to stay here as long as it takes. I have no return ticket to my home island of O'ahu.
I am completing a book that has been accepted for publication, and I have two chapters in it on the stand for Mauna Kea. The conclusion will be about this stand we take today. Your actions can change the course of history.
Which side of history will you stand on? Please choose to be the hero in this dire situation.
Candace Fujikane
University of Hawai'i English Professor
Director of the Undergraduate Program
Board Member, KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance
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Native Hawaiians who are trying to stop a telescope from being built on…


Amelia Gora
4 mins
IIIs Kim Jung Un on FB?
  • Amelia Gora his comments are showing up...….how interesting....
s Kim Jung Un on FB?
  • Amelia Gora his comments are showing up...….how interesting....

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