Monday, July 29, 2019

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii: On Notice - Non alodio/alodial landowners Wrongfully Speaking for the Kamehameha's! Watch Kanuha et. als. because They Not Representing Our Ohana!


Knuckle heads speaking for the Royal Families? I think Not!

  • Amelia Gora some kanaka maoli fail to do their homework and permit fraud, criminal claims to continue? no different from the usurpers...opportunists.... our tutus watch... the Kamehameha descendants exists... note to Ige, Green, KSBE Trustees, UH - astronomers, foreign investors...and armed persons are Not invited to use Mauna Kea for malicious activities, military use etc..... Kanuha, et. als. are Not Representatives of our Royal Families....but appear to be genocide activists as your docs Kanuha…. sad, very sad....
    Viva Forever - Luciano Pavarotti & Spice Girls (1080pHD)
    Viva Forever - Luciano Pavarotti & Spice Girls (1080pHD)
    Viva Forever - Luciano Pavarotti & Spice Girls (1080pHD)

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