Sunday, July 28, 2019

Vol VII No. 675 - Part 3

Aloha all members who care about Hawai’i, sustainability, indigenous and aboriginal issues, animals and all of the beautiful and wondrous miracles that nature surrounds us with daily.
This is one group that I have not had to monitor super closely as I am admin to many groups and pages here on FB, however I don’t take kindly to people getting into
Political arguments here or name calling so please refrain. This group should be about aloha and I do not speak that sacred word li...ghtly. Please read the cover photo of this group. Please no
Posts unless it pertains to the group content. Mahalo.

This is just a reminder to
Be kind to one another other (lokahi) even if you don’t agree. I am very happy you are here.
Mahalo for your understanding...
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News Feed

Kahookahi Kanuha
Mahalo nui @ilimanator for standing with us at @puuhonua.puuhuluhulu.maunakea #KūKiaʻiMauna!
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Lei Ahu Isa
#WeAreMaunaKea is on the front page of the Global China Daily Newspaper!!! Advocating Protect! International interest in Protecting our Mauna a Wakea!!!❤️🌺🌈 #amazing #globalsupport#mahalo!
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Shane Louro Kia'i gear
Someone stole my design dont get tricked
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Posted by Amy Hanaialii
Amy Hanaialii
Mahalo @therock for including @kahoeakamohoalii and myself in your experience at Mauna Kea.
Mahalo for standing with us and our people and for showing your support!
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Posted by Mileka Lincoln
Mileka Lincoln
#LATEST (July 27 at 5 PM): It’s been a quiet day on #Maunakea, but here’s what’s been going on #BehindTheScenes according to Hawaii News Now:
The big story now: closed door meetings. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chair Colette Machado, interim OHA CEO Sylvia Hussey and Kamehameha Schools CEO Jack Wong all met with Hawai’i Island Mayor Kim Friday for about two hours. They declined to comment afterwards. Kim also met with law enforcement leaders at his office in Hilo. The County police chief told us they have not yet decided whether to start escorting telescope maintenance crews to the summit of Maunakea. Right now, the crews cannot get by without permission from #TMT opponents.
"The national guard is posted up there… the water trucks, the Hale Pōhakū, park rangers — and when communicated with, the telescope technicians are allowed up. How about astronomers? Astronomers? They're not allowed up at this point,” explained Kahookahi Kanuha.
"It’s cery frustrating, very frustrating, particularly when you have large amounts of expensive damage that you're watching occur remotely and you're going to a third party negotiation, you can imagine the frustration level people feel when that's occurring,” responded Doug Simons, Exec. Dir., Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.
Observatory officials say they will not negotiate separately with the protesters, because they could inadvertently pit telescope crews against each other with different deals.
The Conflict on Maunakea has galvanized Native Hawaiians — more than any other dispute in modern times, but the blockade is not a new tactic. Rick Daysog looks at the history leading up to this pivotal moment. The demonstrations on Maunakea began four years ago — but for some of the people arrested at the mountain last week, the conflict is the high water mark of decades of Hawaiian protests.
Hundreds of TMT opponents, who call themselves kia’i (guardians) standing in protection of Maunakea as a sacred Native Hawaiian place⁣, have spent the last 13 days camping out at Pu’uhonua o Pu’uhuluhulu (a place of refuge). ⁣They say their #ThirtyMeterTelescope protest isn’t anti-science or anti-eduction, but anti-desecration.
TMT supporters believe the project will be a great technological advancement that can facilitate unprecedented research and discovery. TMT officials say the $2 billion dollar, 18-story telescope is expected to employ approximately 300 construction workers over the decade it will take to finish building it.
After years of legal challenges, the state Supreme Court ruled in favor of the contested telescope project in October 2018, and the state Attorney General and Governor David Ige have affirmed the private multinational corporation has the legal right to proceed with construction. The state has pledged to provide National Guard troops, DOCARE officers, and Public Safety sheriff support to ensure construction crews can move their equipment to the TMT site safely.
More details as they develop on #HawaiiNewsNow#HINews#HawaiiNews#HNN
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Protecting Mauna Kea, Day 12: An open invitation to the TMT board
"This is not just a vocal minority. This is all around the world. Way beyond Hawai‘i. Peop...le are standing with us. And so the issues and the pilikia that you are creating, are not held within the confines and the boundaries of Hawai‘i. They go way beyond.
So we call upon you, to take up your kuleana
You have asked that the leadership of Hawai‘i. Meaning the Governor, the Mayor, the (UH) President. That they step up. And we have made those same demands of them as well. But now Iʻm asking you, step up.
Show some decency, show some aloha for the people of this place that you claim you have.
Come join us. Speak with us. See what we see. Hear what we hear. And feel what we feel.
And make the right decision.
Just because things are legal, does not make it right.
I remember a time where slavery was legal. That never made it right.
So you may have the legal right to proceed, but you do not have the permission of the kānaka who are genealogically connected to this place. Who have kuleana to this ‘āina.
So we can look at legalities all we want. And then we can look at pono and what is right.
And at the very least, I think we could all agree, that it would be right, for you to come for yourself and experience for yourself, what is happening here.
So this is an open invitation to the TMT board, to Henry Yang the chair, come join us and see what we’re all about. Because we will be here.
Whether you come today, whether you come tomorrow, whether you come next week or next year, whenever it is, as long as our mauna is threatened with desecration through the building of the Thirty Meter Telescope, we will be here." – Kaho‘okahi Kanuha, from the 7/27/19 Kia‘i press conference
View the press conference in its entirety here:
Follow Pu‘uhonua o Pu‘uhuluhulu on FB for Mauna Kea Updates:
Hawaiʻi Community Bail Fund:
Mauna Medic Healers Hui:
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Oiwi TV is with Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
"Kupuna, you have done so much for us statewide, because of your sacrifies on the first day, this place has become more sacred and more protected from all thing...s that could have happend... this will last generations to come." - Colette Y. Machado, Chairwoman, OHA
Yesterday, on July 26th, 2019, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees visited the kūpuna at the frontline on Mauna Kea access road to show their support for the Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu and the protection of Maunakea.
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We don't need the Thirty Meter Telescope for STEM to thrive in our schools.
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Posted by Kamamaluula News
Kamamaluula News is at Puʻu Huluhulu.
What brought you to Pu'uhonua o Pu'uhuluhulu Maunakea? with Donna and Wali Camvel
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Posted by Pashyn Santos
Pashyn Santos
This is why we cannot have one Pidgin Siri!
She called me Mento
#FixDaBugs #BetaTest #PidginSiri #SheNeedsAFactoryReset
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Posted by Pashyn Santos
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Gov. David Ige gave law enforcement more authority to remove activists and ensure delivery of materials to the Thirty Meter Telescope construction site.
Olohana Foundation
2007 report warned about risks of Mauna Kea telescope
By - Associated Press - Monday, May 25, 2015
HONOLULU (AP) - A 2007 report warned about the risks involved... in developing a giant telescope on Mauna Kea.
The report by a Colorado firm hired to evaluate the risks warned that building the Thirty Meter Telescope would come with stiff resistance from Native Hawaiians, lawsuits and regulatory hurdles.
While the report didn’t predict a new generation of Hawaiians taking the opposition to a new level, it gives some insight into what’s happening now, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspaper reported Monday ( ).
The $1.4 billion project remains at a construction standstill after protesters began blocking construction vehicles. Opponents say the telescope will desecrate sacred land.
The 19-page Keystone Center report was commissioned by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which is funding the telescope. It concluded there would be no fast track to bringing the telescope to Mauna Kea. It didn’t offer any recommendations on whether the telescope should be built.
“Should TMT decide to pursue a Mauna Kea site, it will inherit the anger, fear and great mistrust generated through previous telescope planning and siting failures and an accumulated disbelief that any additional projects, especially a physically imposing one like the TMT, can be done properly,” the report said.
Despite the document, the Moore Foundation committed $200 million toward construction. It had already donated $50 million during the design phase.
“Potential funders and supporters of the project must be prepared to be extremely patient and pay a premium in social, political and legal transaction costs,” the report said.
Most of the objections were not to science, but to the way science had been conducted on the mountain, the report said. It noted a history of poor or no consultations with Hawaiians.
“The report informed many of the decisions we made and the steps we took during the planning and approval process,” Michael Bolte, an astronomy professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz and a board member with the TMT Observatory International LLC, said in an email.
Information from: Honolulu Star-Advertiser,
Copyright © 2015 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
Read more:…/07-report-warned-about-r…/…
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Posted by Mana Maoli
Mana Maoli
"Land of Love" Mahalo NUI to The Green
for the beautiful lyrics, music and video production.
Mahalo NUNUI to this Keiki for the most awesome intro! If someone... can connect us to this Keiki, we'd love to send a shirt and digital gift pack!
So inspiring to see so many of our Mana Maoli Collective artists putting together amazing work to express their manaʻo about the Mauna Kea stand-off.
Mele can inspire, heal, and help people listen to words that may go unnoticed when simply spoken.
From everyday people worldwide to our hidden talents and living legends, we invite you all to join us for a worldwide Jam4Maunakea on 8/11 @11A HST :
📽: Kelii Grace
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Tribute to John Trudell
Our obligations and loyalty should not be to a government that has proven time and time again that it is the enemy of the people unless the people are rich in d...ollars. ... The Earth gives us life, not the American government. The earth gives us life, not the multi-national corporate government. The Earth gives us life. We need to have the Earth. We must have it, otherwise our life will be no more. So we must resist what they do.
-John Trudell

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Here’s how much winter and summer temperatures in the city closest to you may change in 30 years.
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Alaska's temperature has risen by 4 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 50 years, that's compared with 2 degrees for the rest of the planet.
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As runaway climate disruption escalates, mass displacement is inevitable.
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The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project, the $1.4 billion astronomical observatory, had a planned construction launch date of July 17. However,…
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Posted by Nella Barcelo
Nella Barcelo
This is a pivotal time for our culture. Either we stand or we give up everything. We as a native people have a right to say no, we have a responsibility and a b...irthright to say enough is enough. So we are standing, we are rising, we are learning, we are progressing and the mauna is our training ground because sacred place, sacred conduct ... it trains us so that we may go back to our own lands and stand in a better way. We are standing together and in a way that is stronger than we ever thought possible. ❤️✊🏽#kūkiaʻimauna#wearemaunakea#aoletmt#uamaukeeaokaʻāinaikapono
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Kim's plan moving forward is to bring together other prominent native…
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Nate Yuen
Day 3 - July 17, 2019. Kaliko Kanaele, from the Royal Order of Kamehameha, chants "E Ala E" before the ahu at Puʻu Honua O Puʻu Huluhulu -- as the sun rises ove...r the horizon in the east and the full moon sets in the west. Later that morning Kaliko is one of the kupana arrested by police for blocking the road to protect Mauna Kea.
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Hāwane Rios
Ua lawa mākou i ka pōhaku. Mahalo to @therock for coming to stand in solidarity and aloha for Mauna a Wākea. Kū Kia‘I Mauna!
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Kainoa Bugado shared a post.
We know the didn't decide to leave Hawaii at their meeting and say they are committed because their partners in Hawaii say they are committed. They said they wo...uld leave if it doesn't work out and we also know the DLNR gave a deadline to begin as September 26.
Here's an opportunity to communicate with the TMT Board.

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ʻOnipaʻa Kākou to Aloha Mauna Kea
Word is the TMT board is meeting tomorrow to decide whether or not to move the project to Spain. Write to every single one of these board members NOW!!!! Mahalo!!!!
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Bulldozers were loaded on lowboy trailers in order for TMT construction to continue.
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Darde Gamayo
They just keep coming & coming... non-stop!
Some knowing exactly why!
Some just following their na’au!
Some just curious!
Some have no clue and are trying to ...figure it out!
One thing is ever so clear... Aloha is everywhere!
Kapu Aloha in its purest form.
Everyone greeting each other.
Everyone watching out for each other.
Everyone helping each other.
Everyone feeling the mauna & the aina as well as the elements!
I look into the faces of men, women & keiki.
There’s a light shining in their eyes... some more brightly then others... but it is there!
I feel it in my na’au... this is the beginning of something powerful.
More powerful then we may realize now or ever. But, we are each here for a reason.
Mahalo Ke Akua for allowing me to bare witness to this amazing historical event!

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Scenes continue to escalate on Mauna Kea in Hawaii as people continue to protest the construction of a telescope on what is considered to be a site of huge c...
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A quarter-acre of land in Oakland, California is about to return to Native hands, bringing a sense of place and healing to the Ohlone people.
Online talk show, Michael Brooks Show, featured Aunty Pua & Mauna Kea, July 25, 2019
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Update on the fight against colonialism in Hawaii. This is free content from the weekly edition of TMBS. To support the Michael Brooks Show on Patreon and re...
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
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Iosepa, Utah Kanaka send their Aloha n Support for Mauna Kea💞
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People gathered in the Utah ghost town of Iosepa to support a…
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Iosepa, Utah Kanaka send their Aloha n Support for Mauna Kea💞
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People gathered in the Utah ghost town of Iosepa to support a…
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Pu'uhonua o Pu'uhuluhulu Maunakea updated the group cover photo.
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Kika Lomi Waialae
Wahine Rocks!!! Rock on Wahine...
FEATURING KEALOHA PISCIOTTA – A standoff between those calling themselves protectors of the Mauna Kea, and advocates of a majo...r telescope project continues in Hawaii. Astronomers have planned a massive 30-meter telescope to sit atop the summit of Mauna Kea – one of the two mountains on Hawaii’s Big Island. Already that summit is home to a number of telescopes in partnership with the University of Hawaii. But Hawaiians – who consider Mauna Kea one of the most sacred places in the world – have opposed this latest telescope project.
Kealoha Pisciotta is a practitioner of traditional and customary cultural and religious practices relating to Mauna Kea. She worked at the observatories for more than 12 years. She is also the President of Mauna Kea Anaina Hou (MKAH), the group that has brought multiple legal challenges against the TMT.

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By auto-jurisdiction, I mean to convey the ways people look past the putative authority and mechanisms of prevailing jurisdictions and, alternatively, invoke the authority of tradition as long-term grounded experience in order to construct and speak forth their legitimacy.
  • Joy Aloha "In stark contrast, land claims – whether sacred or not – have met little in the way of relief. Settler governments, especially those whose narrative is shaped by discourses of discovery and destiny, tend not to acknowledge Indigenous claims to land aSee More
  • Alan D. Ackerman HAWAI'IAN starts there ... 1893
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Laulani Teale added 40 new photos to the album: Mauna Action O’ahu.
Thurs 7/25/19 Capitol Aloha ʻAina Color 2
Leon Siu - Hawaiian National
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.
What can I say, except that I am awestruck and overjoyed at the outpouring of aloha aina by the lahui rising... not only to protect Mauna Kea from desecration, but to draw the line saying, enough is enough; the usurperʻs criminal abuse of our country stops here. People are not only streaming to the mauna in-person, but are live-streaming in the spirit of solidarity from around the world. And the deep mana`o being shared in the many articles published and missives posted is astounding! This is kapu aloha rising.
Mahalo nui loa for the aloha aina who have stood steadfast or years, and to the younger generation of defenders who have stepped up to serve as visionaries and leaders of ku kia`i mauna. Mahalo nui to the families, the organizations, the communities, and friends who are standing for kuleana and pono.
As I said before, the world is waking up and beginning to see a new reality. The message that we have been sharing with the international community in places like the UN — Aunty Pilahiʻs message of addressing disputes and conflicts through aloha — is now manifesting in real time… the world is beginning to see kapu aloha in action... making our endeavor to free Hawaii all the more credible. Hoala hou Hawai`i!
Almost lost in the amazing events of Ku Kia`i Mauna is our annual La Ho`iho`i Ea celebration!
It is tomorrow, July 28 from 11am to 6pm at Thomas Square in Honolulu. This very spot 176 years ago, that Admiral Thomas on behalf of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom formally returned control of the Hawaiian Islands to King Kamehameha III. A few months later on November 28, 1843 the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of France signed a joint proclamation recognizing the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands as a sovereign country equal in stature to themselves.
Ua mau ke ea o ka `āina i ka pono. The sovereignty (life) of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…
We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.
It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.
Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).
We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.
Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to -
Malama pono,
Leon Siu
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This is a Puʻuhonua, please act accordingly. We are in the presence of the…

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