Thursday, July 11, 2019

Vol VII No. 763 - Part 3

Nanci Munroe shared a link to the group: Stand for Mauna a Wakea.
6 hrs
  • Kama Ki Gee blatant enough??? fucking demons
  • Pilialoha Mahi Why you guys stay one side of da MAUNA, not da whole MAUNA should be shut down for da hunters they can go hunt da otherside of da MAUNA where da jackasses scientist going be thats where no hunting, so why close da whole mountain people need to feed there family eh you guy's full of bs...
  • Ida Perez They're afraid a stray bullet is going to hit one of them. Actually they must think that the hunta's would be smuggling in protectors because they know the mountain really well.Or they want to stop all traffic to and from the mauna so no one other than TMT gets to go up and destroy the sacred. Hunting and gathering is our right that they are taking away (for the next ten years)?
if it can be week..
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Opponents are still trying to stop the observatory from being built on…
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“These actions of putting our county police upfront - this is hewa."

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Kahaka Patolo and Paul K Gumapac shared a link.
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A potentially deadly brain-eating amoeba has been detected in a…
Kahaka Patolo and 2 others shared a link.
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Property was confiscated without a criminal conviction in nearly one-third of Hawaii’s forfeiture cases.
Zinn Education Project is with Scott Rickard.
On July 8, 1898 the final signature was attached to the Newlands Resolution annexing Hawaii to the U.S. This despite the fact that the opposition was made clear... in the "Petitions Against Annexation" (see image) signed by more than half the Hawaiian population ( Who was in favor of annexation? Just look at who was named Governor of the newly annexed islands by Pres. McKinley: Sanford B. Dole. Learn more about the history of Hawaii:
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Hanale Kila Hopfe and Noelani Josselin shared a link.
The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have…
Hanale Kila Hopfe and 3 others shared a link.
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Dolphins have always been admired for their beautiful form and graceful swim style. But there is more to these marine creatures than meets the eye. They are actually intelligent animals, capable of relating to each other ways. These dolphins proved their compassionate nature when they discovered a d...
Heidi Holomua shared a link to the group: Aha Aloha 'Aina.
FYI: During the press conference(live feed) , I asked where is ACLU & ACLU Hawaii? Here is their response (ACLU Hawaii) For what it's worth:

ACLU Hawai‘i · 0:00 Aloha Heidi - Weʻre here. We have been working these past months on free speech and cultural access rights for demonstrators and people engaging in worship. We testified about constitutional deficiencies in the proposed access rules for Maunakea. Weʻve been in contact with the government, reminding them of their cons...titutional responsibility to protect peopleʻs rights to speak and assemble around the TMT project. When invited, weʻve been educating people planning to demonstrate about their rights under the U.S. and Hawai‘i Constitutions. Our lens is narrow, but we are doing all that we can to kokua so that all voices are heard, and so that government does not escalate against peaceful demonstrators. Just today, we sent a demand letter to the State and DOCARE around their purchase of an LRAD sound cannon, calling on them to go on record that it will not be used as a weapon on Maunakea. More on our website, , or our social streams.
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Defending your rights statewide since 1965

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President Trump has yet to comment on the arrest of his former friend Jeffrey Epstein, but court documents state that he made his opinion of the convicted pedophile well known years ago.

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