Sunday, July 21, 2019

Vol VII No. 764 - Part 4

Solving physician burnout requires so much more than self-care


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Sat, Jul 20, 7:29 AM (17 hours ago)
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KevinMD Plus: Jul 20, 2019

Solving physician burnout requires so much more than self-care

So many people are suggesting that if only doctors practice self-care we could deflect burnout before it overtakes us. Yes, physicians are probably the worst professionals for taking care of ourselves. We work long hours,  answer calls at all hours of the night, take little vacation, work in stressful situations, and often face hostility in […]
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Personal finance strategies to combat physician burnout

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Xico Xavier profecías/prophecies - July 20, 2019

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Fri, Jul 19, 4:52 PM (2 days ago)
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San Luis Potosi, Mexico - Julio/July 19, 2019:

El 19 de julio de 2019, un día antes del cumplimiento profético de Xico Xavier, los investigadores Francisco Arteaga y Alfred Lambremont Webre discuten las implicaciones de la profecía final del psíquico brasileño Xico Xavier, quien en su vida de 92 años realizó múltiples profecías científicamente validadas sobre eventos futuros y quién donó todas las ganancias de sus 40 millones de ventas de libros en todo el mundo a la caridad, porque los libros fueron escritos por sus Fuentes interdimensionales, dejaron una gran profecía de que las potencias universales más altas dieron 50 años de gracia a la Tierra a partir del 20 de julio de 1969, y si la tercera guerra mundial no lo ha hecho iniciado el 20 de julio de 2019, la Tierra se uniría a una sociedad galáctica de mundos pacífica.
San Luis Potosi, Mexico - Julio/July 19, 2019:

On July 19, 2019, a day before Xico Xavier's prophetic fulfillment, Researchers Francisco Arteaga and Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the implications of the final prophecy of Brazilian psychic Xico Xavier who in his 92 year lifetime made multiple scientifically validated prophecies about future event and who donated all profits of his 40 million book sales world wide to charity because the books were written by his interdimensional Sources left a major prophecy that the universal higher powers gave 50 years of grace to Earth starting July 20, 1969, and if 3rd world war has not started by July 20, 2019, Earth would join a peaceful Galactic society of worlds.
©2019 | 936 Peace Portal Drive #39, Blaine, WA. 98230

NY Times: Former CIA Director 'Soberly Concerned' About UFOs


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Jul 19, 2019, 3:03 AM (2 days ago)
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CIA Chief Roscoe Hillenkoetter on UFO Cover-up in New York Times

This astounding 1960 article on a former CIA director being "soberly concerned" about UFOs is available in the New York Times archives. Click here to confirm. We provide a copy of the article below. Bold typeface has been added to aid in finding the quote from former CIA Director Hillenkoetter demanding that the truth be brought out about UFOs. To see other key witness statements on the UFO cover-up by astronauts, military officers, and other top leaders, click here.
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter was the first director of the CIA when it was originally created in 1947, serving as its director until 1950. The revealing New York Times article below interestingly was buried on page 30 of the Sunday edition that winter day so many years ago. You can easily verify this by going to the New York Times archives webpage for the article at this link. Immediately under the title, you will see descriptors for the article: "February 28, 1960, Sunday, Page 30, 418 words."


Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a 'Serious Business'

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI)–The Air Force has sent its commands a warning to treat sightings of unidentified flying objects as "serious business" directly related to the nation's defense, it was learned today.
An Air Force spokesman confirmed issuance of the directive after portions of it were made public by a private "flying saucer" group.
The new regulations were issued by the Air Force inspector general Dec. 24.
The regulations, revising similar ones issued in the past, outlined procedures and said that "investigations and analysis of UFO's are directly related to the Air Force's responsibility for the defense of the United States."

Committee Reveals Document

Existence of the document was revealed by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
The privately financed committee accused the Air Force of deception in publicly describing reports of unidentified flying objects as delusions and hoaxes while sending the private admonition to its commands.
Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter (Ret.), a committee board member and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that a copy of the inspector general's warning had been sent to the Senate Science and Astronautics Committee.
"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings," he said."
The Air Force confirmed that the document had been issued. A spokesman said it was put out by Maj. Gen. Richard E. O'Keefe, acting inspector general at the time, to call attention to revised Air Force regulations concerning unidentified flying objects.
The statement was included in an "operations and training" pamphlet circulated at intervals to bring commands up to date.
Pentagon aides said the new regulations covering seven printed pages, made no substantive change in policy but had been rewritten as a matter of course.
The Air Force has investigated 6,132 reports of flying objects since 1947, including 183 in the last six months of 1959. The latest Air Force statement, issued a month ago said, "no physical or material evidence, not even a minute fragment of a so-called flying saucer, has ever been found."
Admiral Hillenkoetter said that "behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFO's."
"But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense,"
the retired admiral said. He charged that
"to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel" through the issuance of a regulation.

if you click on this link to purchase this article from the New York Times, you will see that their database has misspelled the article title to read "Air Forge" rather than "Air Force." The New York Times is generally meticulous about editing and correcting errors. This error has now stood at least since 2003 when we first searched and could not find the article because of this misspelling. Could this be intentional to make it difficult for people to find the article when searching their database? For an abundance of other reliable, verifiable information on the UFO cover-up, see below.
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  • Contact your media and political representatives to inform them of this important information on Roscoe Hillenkoetter and the UFO cover-up. Urge them to study and bring publicity to this important topic. Invite them to read this article and explore the links included.
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