Sunday, July 28, 2019

Vol VII No. 765 - Part 2: Bust Your Bubbles to those who FAIL to follow Rule of Law ---Private Landowners Exists! ….so CANARY ISLANDS YOU SHALL GO!

It's not just about Mauna Kea, it's about "nation building." In steps step the tribe. These leaders are not royalist you the monarchy.

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#wearemaunakea #wearestillhere #nomeansno #aoletmt #protectsacredplaces #protectmaunakea #kapualoha #seeyouonthemauna
Ken Kudo post on Support TMT Facebook page:
I'm for TMT to be officially named The King Kalakaua TMT Telescope in his legacy. King Kalakaua's interest in astronomy and his sincere desire to see an observatory established in Hawaii, was written in a letter that was sent to Captain R. S. Floyd on 22 November 1880. Mention is also made of how the King so loved as...tronomy and that he purchased a telescope from England in 1883 for Punahou School. The TMT will occupy less than .1% of the Mauna. Waste is 100% self contained, powered 100% by grid, not nuclear. and will be highly obscured from view below. It will replace 3 dismantled scopes taking up less space than present. The sight area is cold, low oxygen, and barren insuring no harm to plant or wildlife, no destruction to heiaus, temples, gravesites or artifacts - all non-existent. Families and visitors will still be allowed to visit and play in the snow as we’ve done all our lives. I am 73, born and raised in Hawaii. Our island is sacred sure, but so is Astronomy sacred to all of mankind. Our ancestors looked to the stars to tell us how to sail the oceans or when to plant our crops. Today, technological developments in astronomy that effect our everyday lives include personal computers, mobile phones, gps, MRI scanners, and so much more. Who of us who protest astronomy would give up their cellphones? Science and research in astronomy is essential in shedding light on advanced solutions to problems affecting the survival of mankind and this planet such as global shift and global warming. Us Hawaiians do mankind proud by supporting TMT and astronomy as our duty to humanity.
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