Saturday, July 13, 2019

Whistleblower's Information: Greg Wongham, Bobby Harmon, et. als.


Ke Ao Maoli

Update: Greg Wongham Was MURDERED! -----Judge Ezra ordered Greg Wongham to Remove His Website, Greg Wongham Died, and Judge Ezra is in an Undisclosed Location....What Have We Here?

Just found out that Greg Wongham Was MURDERED! sorry no details - only from a credible person
All Kanaka Maoli, Whistleblowers/Friends of Kanaka Maoli Needs to Know


Greg Wongham posted the following on his website, Judge Ezra had ordered him to shut down his Website..........others posted his Website thereafter:
July 1, 2005: Originally posted on
March 13, 2007: Judge David Ezra signs Order to shut down website
December 23, 2009: Latest update on
~ ~ ~
The Catbird Seat Archives: 2000-2002
The Catbird Seat Archives: 2002-2007

August 2009

The following are excerpts of the issues:

"I, LOKELANI LINDSEY, hereby declare and aver under oath the following:
I am concerned about people in authority attacking me and setting me up, more so that in the past; and especially for the life, health and safety of myself, my family, my friends, my associates, and my property and their property. I hold responsible Leslie OsborneMichael SeabrightThomas Stevens, and Rebecca McKenzie-Young, as the insurer of my life and their life, health and safety. I do this because:
          1.       I have insider knowledge of Bishop Estate corruption and cover up of same.
          2.       I have insider knowledge of corrupt attempts to seize control over the Bishop Estate.
          3.       I have insider knowledge of further attempts to or acts of abuse of Hawaiians.
          4.       I have insider knowledge of grand jury tampering in Hawaii.
          5.       I have insider knowledge of other political and financial corruption in this state, and the targeting of people and groups related thereto.
On behalf of the Hawaii active Whistleblowers Association International, Inc., aka HAWAII, I am here to defend Hawaiians and do encourage all Hawaiians to bring their evidence of abuse and cover up to me so that I can bring that and the above to the Grand Juries here and/or elsewhere....
The abuses against Hawaiians has been and is race based, (see Rice v. Cayetano) and thus civil genocide. These abuses are on a long, continuous conspiracy to steal the birthright and heritage, assets and rights of Hawaiians. The Internal Revenue Service, State of Hawaii and the Bishop Estate are mere Guardians for their Wards, the Hawaiians. The Guardianship must be broken and the Hawaiians freed from assaults similar to those perpetrated by Nazi Germany as revealed in the post World War II Nuremberg trails. The Trust was never broken, especially NOT by me. The Guardianship over the Hawaiian Wards continues, except that now the current Trustees and quasi-trustees (Internal Revenue Service and Hawaii Attorney General) have greatly enhanced the effective stripping of assets and rights from the Hawaiians. I was a Guardian and now I am merely a Hawaiian Ward of these abusive overlords who perpetuate the race based subjugation of the Hawaiians."


Gregory P. Wongham

Posted On September 25th, 2012Honolulu Star-Advertiser


Sept. 16, 2012
Gregory P. Wongham, 67, of Honolulu died in Honolulu. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by mother Mignonne Min, brother Edward H. and sister Puanani Hardwick. Private inurnment.
Posted in Death Notices



Greg Wongham
bullet  Bio
Producer/host of a public access (Olelo) TV show called "Corruption in Hawaii."
Has spent the last 6 years exposing different aspects of the Hawaii machine.
Also running for a Trustees position in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA).
bullet  Contact
Mailing Address:
Corruption in Hawaii
2333 Kapiolani Blvd. #3416
Honolulu, HI  96826
(808) 951-6299

Article dated:  September 24, 2012

Hawaii's Federal Judge David Ezra to Quadruple Caseload in Southwest Border State

David Ezra
BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN - U.S. District Court Judge David Alan Ezra, the longest serving active federal judge in Hawaii’s history, took senior status as of June 27 when he turned 65 years old, but he has no intention of slowing his pace.
In January, Ezra will move to a southwest border state (for security purposes, his location will not be disclosed) to oversee cases there.
Judges along the southwest border are overwhelmed with as many as 1,000 cases each year, making it challenging to give a speedy trial to alleged criminals as is required under the U.S. Constitution or to hear civil cases within a reasonable period of time.
In his new position, Ezra will increase his case load by as much as four times and he will be at 130 percent capacity.
"I will have a much heavier case load than I do here," Ezra said, referring to his judgeship in Hawaii. "I will not have a relaxing senior retirement by any stretch of the imagination."
The transfer was approved by the chief judges of the Fifth and Ninth Circuit Courts and the chief justice of the United States.
Ezra will leave Hawaii this January and be away for at least 6 months. He'll oversee complex civil and criminal cases.
“This is corollary to having a big wild fire in the Southwest Border states, and fire fighters from Hawaii going there to help put out the fire. There is a firestorm of cases … and we don’t want defendants walking out of court because they were not granted a speedy trial,” Ezra said.
In Hawaii, there are four district judges and two others on senior status. There are substantially fewer cases in the islands when compared to mainland jurisdictions.
As the backlog of cases in the mainland has increased, Congress has not added judges in those districts further compounding the problem, Ezra said.
Congress needs to pass a judgeship bill, Ezra said.
While serving in Hawaii as a federal judge, Ezra traveled frequently to other states, including Arizona and Nevada, to help in jurisdictions with case backlogs. Ezra said he opted to move to the mainland rather than commuting, so the judiciary won't have to pay his travel fees and a per diem.
He will transfer all of his cases to other Hawaii judges because his caseload will be so substantial in the mainland, he won't have time to return to Hawaii.
Ezra grew up in Hawaii, graduated from St. Louis School, and attended Chaminade College and the University of Hawaii, and received a B.B.A. degree Magna Cum Laude from St. Mary’s University. At St. Mary’s University Law School he graduated first in his class before enlisting in the military. For seven years, he served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Military Police Corps. For four years, Ezra worked as a partner in the firm of Anthony, Hoddick, Reinwald & O’Connor in 1976, focusing on construction litigation, and in 1980, he formed his own law firm, Ezra, O’Connor, Moon & Tam.
In 1988, Ezra was named by then President Ronald Reagan as the youngest federal judge in Hawaii’s history. Over the years, with the permission of Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit and the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, he worked in several other districts throughout the country. Many young lawyers have mentored under Ezra through his lecture status at the University of Hawaii, which he has maintained since 1978 teaching courses in Legal Remedies and Federal Courts.
Ezra is the Vice President of the U.S. Federal Judges Association. According to his biography on the University of Hawaii law school web site, he is a past member of several organizations including the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit; the Executive Committee of the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference; the Judicial Conference Committee on Administration of the Bankruptcy System; the Court-Council Committee on Bankruptcy Appointments; the Board of Trustees of St. Louis High School; the Evaluation Committee of the Ninth Circuit; the Pacific Islands Committee of the Ninth Circuit and the Board of Directors of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society.
Over more than two decades, Ezra had many firsts for Hawaii including being the first from Hawaii to serve as President of the Ninth Circuit U.S. District Judges Association and the only Hawaii judge to be elected a member of the Judicial Conference of the United States. He was awarded the Rosewood Gavel Award in 2007.
U.S. Senators Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, and Dan Akaka, D-Hawaii, established a 9-member commission to select a replacement for Ezra, which included Attorney Larry Okinaga as chair and Bennette Misalucha Evangelista, Lynn Fallin, Allen Hoe, Donavan Kealoha, Janice Kim, Marie Milks (retired judge), Jeff Sia and Tony Takitani as committee members.
Three candidates were selected as finalists including Derrick Watson, who heads the Civil Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Hawaii; Milton Yasunaga, a private attorney with the Cades Schutte law firm; and Andrew Winer, a Democrat political strategist and attorney.
"I have worked hard here over the years and I hope I will leave something of a legacy," Ezra said.
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Queried for Greg Wongham on and nothing turned up.........

The following are some of the youtube videos showing corruption:

  1. Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records InHawaii

    by Bigone5555J2 years ago1,004,522 views
    See: Mike Evans Back Tracks on Birth Certificate Story ...
  2. Thumbnail


    by HawaiianTV131 videos
    REAL News, Uncovered Corruption, The People's Court, Streaming Video, Video and Voice Chat, Arcade, Too Many Forums To List ...
  3. Kau Inoa Exposed

    by koanifoundation4 years ago2,050 views
    foundation ... OHA Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Kau Inoa Akaka Bill Dishonest Payoffs Corruption Free Hawaii TV Broadcasting ...
  4. Hawaii Political Reporter 12/04 Government Corruption , Green Cronyism , Obamney , Failed Drug Wars

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    Tuesday 12/04 show: Ron Paul on Failed Drug Wars and FederalCorruption, Robert Petricci of Puna Pono Alliance on the ...

    google shows the following:

    1. Questioning if Olelo is Run by Democratic Insiders With an Agenda ...
      Aug 19, 2002 – (Olelo is a public television network statewide subsidized with tax funds.) ... about this is that shows like Greg Wongham's “Corruption in Hawaii” ...
    2. Contact Greg Wongham -- Corruption in Hawaii 

      Producer/host of a public access (OleloTV show called "Corruption in Hawaii." Has spent the last 6 years exposing different aspects of the Hawaii machine.
      1. Hawaii's hidden history—slave labor, profit, and the taking of Waikiki
        Jun 26, 2011 – If you're a visitor to Hawaii, or planning a trip, and a Tweet or ... I assume it was aired on `Olelo, the public television channel, but it could not have gone viral. ... The corruption translates well to what is likely about to occur ...
      2. Malia Zimmerman | Malia Zimmerman
        Malia Zimmerman is president and editor of Hawaii Reporter Inc., ... Opinion Journal,Olelo Television, Orange County Register, Pacific Business News, PBS Hawaii...the Hawaii Reporter takes on tough issues, like government corruption...
      3. advocacy efforts | Environmental Caucus

        Jun 9, 2012 – We listen to oceanic Time Warner call Olelo a corrupt, ineffective ...Time Warner is a very powerful foe of public access television in Hawaii.
      4. Independence & History - Hawaiian Kingdom Independence Blog
        Oct 9, 2009 – Filmed in 'Olelo Hawai'i (Hawaiian Language) and 'Olelo Ha'ole (english) ... For more information, visit the publisher Koa Books or C-Span Book TV ......An expose of U.S. corruption and occupation of a foreign nation in ...
      5. Ea O Ka Aina: PLDC Ceded Land Grab Finale
        Aug 29, 2012 – AND HERE: ... to the O'ahu PLDC meeting LIVE, Wednesday 29 August 2012 @ 6:00pm on ... or on TV, Ch.53 , archives there and at Public Radio)... And, finally PLDC will become Hawaii's ultimate BIG BROTHER.
        1. Hawaii Lawmakers reaching again for that giant cookie jar 

          Feb 3, 2012 – What is it that many Hawaii legislators don't understand about ethics? ...they don't care about corruption or the appearance of corruptions), and ..... Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 56 M-F 10pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 53 7 am ...
        2. Disappeared News: Likely Origin of private ownership of Lanai 

          Jun 23, 2012 – It seems that at least some readers outside of Hawaii may not ... In acorrupt deal, the legislature later granted Crown lands to Spreckels in fee, ..... OahuOlelo TV, Channels 56 M-F 10pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 53 7 am ...
        3. Disappeared News: Hoopili, Koa Ridge: Part of Honolulu's end game 

          Jul 1, 2012 – Residents of Honolulu, unlike, say, the concerned citizens of Portland, ...with an economy driven by bribery, corruption and wanton exploitation. .... Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 56 M-F 10pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 53 7 am ...

          Rail: The Final Vote > Hawaii Free Press > Articles Main 

          Dec 3, 2012 – HB1309, which became ACT 247 (Hawaii Session Laws 2005) allowed ...the corruption was recorded on Olelo television for your information.
          1. Hawaiian Banks Scandal Link to Riady/Clinton -- Overview 

            I am the producer/host of a public access (OleloTV show called "Corruption in Hawaii." I have spent the last 6 years exposing different aspects of the Hawaii ...
          2. Disappeared News: Hawaii legislators gone wild—stop them today 

            Mar 21, 2012 – The bill is a threat to Hawaii's environmental protections. ... These actions disfranchise citizens, corrupt public policies, and undermine democracy. ....Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 56 M-F 10pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 53 7 am ...
            1. Corporate Front U.S. Chamber of Commerce Uses Candidate Press ... 

              Apr 10, 2012 – In small print at the bottom of the ad, the Chamber cites a Hawaii ...U.S. Flunks Corruption Index's Money In Politics Test — We're Tied With Tajikistan ...on Fox News, NRA Magazine/Radio, Opinion Journal, Olelo Television...
              Olelo Hawaii Page rollover image .... A corruption of the English "the kind. ... Da Kine Bail Bonds was made famous by Duane "Dog" Chapman and his TV show ...
            3. Front - deOccupy Honolulu 

              From its creation at the deOccupy Honolulu encampment to its illegal seizure the next.... .... Bishop Estate continues to break the trust of the Hawai'i people with corruption running rapid and US Senator ..... in 2011 to provide more laptops for select schools, meanwhile Olelo already ...
            4. Malia Zimmerman - dKosopedia 

              Oct 14, 2010 – Malia Zimmerman and Hawaii Reporter has been featured in numerous... Journal, Olelo Television, Orange County Register, Pacific Business News, ... theHawaii Reporter takes on tough issues, like government corruption...
    3. *****************************************

      Search Results for "corruption in hawaii"

      Hawaii F4J: Ep - 1 Hawaii Fathers-4-JusticeFeb 13, 201100h 29mVideoAudio 
      Think Tech TV: Ep - 97 David Day on Dealing with Corruption in AsiaFeb 7, 201000h 53mVideoAudio 


      Search Results for "greg wongham"

      No results matched your search.
      will repost Greg Wongham's site .................
Oct 24, 2000 ... ... assistant at The Garden Island newspaper. Bullet Greg Wongham: Earns $40,000 a year as a processor of 'awa for 'Awa & Herbs Hawaii Inc.
Nov 1, 2000 ... Interim board Chairman Clayton Hee and kumu hula Vicky Holt Takamine are the front-runners in a pack that includes Greg Wongham, Todd ...
Sep 5, 1998 ... ... Leimemo Pa, Joseph Prigge, John Sabey, Raynette Shibata-Kailianu, Mililani Trask, B. Mokihana Watson, Jimmy Wong and Greg Wongham.
Aug 22, 1997 ... Protester Greg Wongham said his group would gather a thousand people to protest the decision at the governor's office. The land board also ...
Oct 29, 1998 ... Greg Wongham. Maui (1). check Herbert Kuualoha Campos* check Louis Hao check David E. Kaho'ohanohano check Sam Kalalau, III check ...
Aug 26, 2001 ... Greg Wongham, left, and Vern Kupukaa, holding sign, were among 10 to 12 people who gathered yesterday on the corner of McCully Street ...
Sep 19, 2000 ... Oahu Special. HEE, Clayton MURATA, Todd TAKAMINE, Vicky Holt THOMPSON, Richard WONGHAMGreg ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Nov 2, 2000 ... Greg. Knudsen. DEMOCRAT. William. Stonebraker. REPUBLICAN ...... GregWongham. I have been an advocate for justice fighting “cor-.
Jan 11, 2003 ... Hyman Mahiai A.F. Wongham, 85, of Honolulu, died Sunday in Kahului. He was born in Hawaii. He is survived by sons Gregory and Edward, ...

UH faculty, teachers to join in labor march

University of Hawaii faculty and public school teacher union members will be taking to the street next Sunday in a Unity Labor March for education and economic justice.
UH faculty members took the lead in organizing the march, which was inspired by the state-wide education strike by both unions in April.
"What we were trying to do was keep some of the energy and the inspiration" generated during the strike, said Marcus Daniel, an assistant professor of history.
In addition, the unions want "to keep the public focused on the issues of public education," including the ongoing contract dispute between HSTA and the state over teachers' bonuses, he said.
The UH Professional Assembly and the Hawaii State Teachers Association will be joined by the International Longshoremen's and Warehouseman's Union Local 142, the Hawaii Government Employees Association and Local 5 of the Hotel employees and Restaurant Employees Union and others.
The march will start at Kapiolani Community College at noon, following a meeting of picket captains from the UHPA strike who will be brainstorming ways to keep UHPA members interested and involved in the union, as well as looking for ways to reach out to other units and the broader community.
"We're thinking ahead a little bit about the need to create links with other units and create the basis for the next period of negotiation," Daniel said. The union contract expires in 2003.
The march will join pickets in front of the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel, organized by union workers who lost their jobs when then-Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Hotel owners, the Okata Corp., went into foreclosure.
The march will end at the Waikiki Shell, where it will flow into the AFL-CIO concert planned for that day.


RICHARD WALKER / RWALKER@STARBULLETIN.COMGreg Wongham, left, and Vern Kupukaa, holding
sign, were among 10 to 12 people who gathered
yesterday on the corner of McCully Street and
Ala Wai Boulevard protesting privatization and
development of the Ala Wai Canal area.

RICHARD WALKER / RWALKER@STARBULLETIN.COMAbove, from left, Matthew Miller and Jady Boland
signed a petition asking for hearings on the Native
Hawaiian Recognition Bill to be held on each of the
main Hawaiian Islands. The petition was held by
protester Tania Kahale-Taylor, at right.  Don't Wait for Your Fate...

Culture Club - Time (Clock Of The Heart)  

Los tres tenores, O´sole mio y Nessun dorma Subtitulado al español  Heaven - Bee Gees

Read the Obituary and view the Guest Book, leave condolences or send flowers. | Springfield Harmon, Bobby N., 78, died August 22, 2014, Carey & Son Funeral Home.
Judson WithamBobby Harmon
September 21 at 2:43am ·
Bobby N. Harmon's Obituary on The Courier-Journal
Read the Obituary and view the Guest Book, leave condolences or send flowers. | Springfield Harmon, Bobby N., 78, died August 22, 2014, Carey & Son Funeral Home.
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Amelia Gora Wanted to talk with him..................Whistleblower Bobby Harmon passed away..... a friend of Greg Wongham....Bobby Harmon used to work for the Criminal Entity Bishop Estates.....Enjoyed his posts..........May he rest in peace..........wanted to let him know that GREG WONGHAM was MURDERED! here i thought he went on vacation....guess God needed him for another assignment.....aloha Bobby Harmon and Family.
"The Prayer" - Ho'okena and Malia Gibson
September 21 at 11:26pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Judson Witham I spoke to Him just before He died ...... I feel certain He died of a Broken Heart
Yesterday at 1:52am · Unlike · 1
Amelia Gora i kinda got suspicious of him being murdered too...just like Greg Wongham....appears they knew each other and their information is/was vital to innocents being ripped off by criminal deviants in the banking system, etc. Greg had said that he was in contact with a number of wealthy/formerly millionaires who got taken/stripped/pirated of their loot due to the Trusts set up in the banks.........he talked about a well known actress who lost everything.........he introduced me to a former millionaire whose assets were stolen by the banks..........Greg was an advisor to many and did not want to be an attorney because he saw the corruption in the job.........he explained that the banks set up a contract/an illegal contract and unknowingly innocents sign into it..........the banks then proceed in investing/ er gambling on the monies that belongs to others and like the casinos with it in the Wall Street stock markets, etc. they protect themselves by placing a disclaimer too............yep Greg worked with lots of angry people who couldn't believe that the bankers did them in, etc.............he also exposed lots of fraud, deceit, corruption.... the same as Bobby Harmon..........a whistleblower, one of the angels who tried to expose corruption, evils, etc. hopefully we'll meet them in heaven...... aloha.
Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven (1979)
Join Bee Gees on Facebook & Twitter MUCH...
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Read the Obituary and view the Guest Book, leave condolences or send flowers. | Springfield Harmon, Bobby N., 78, died August 22, 2014, Carey & Son Funeral Home.

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