Wednesday, August 7, 2019



                                                                  Posted by Amelia Gora (2019), a Royal person,
                                                                  House of Nobles member, Acting Liaison of Foreign
                                                                  Affairs, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge,
                                                                  Konohiki, Land owner, Landlord, Hawaiian Genealogical
                                                                  Society Representative, Publisher of the IOLANI - the
                                                                  Royal Hawk news on the web with 765 issues to date.

The following reminders are posted to let all of you know that the documented pirates, pillagers, genocide activists, racketeers, documented also known as the illegal occupiers, Squatters, State of Hawaii, University of Hawaii scientists, etc. are NOT allowed to operate on Mauna Kea and Haleakala, etc.

You people have No Jurisdiction and are documented aliens according to the definitions of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

NO TO TELESCOPES on Mauna Kea AND Haleakala!

Reminder that Kamehameha's descendants and heirs exist....

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Private lands are for himself, his heirs, and successors, forever!"  Not the SQUATTER entity.....

Note:  Kamehameha III's Kauikeaouli's deeds are Alodio/Allodial titles.  His descendants/ heirs exists.  His son with Gina Lahilahi named Albert Kunuiakea was treasonous and assisted with the usurpers and given a position in the conspirator's entity named the Provisional government.

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli Government land deeds are for the Hawaiian Kingdom's House of Nobles to take care of, and the Hawaiian Kingdom's Minister of Interior assigns government lands....

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that Hawaii was given back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897 by U.S. President Cleveland.....

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that the Kue Petition/Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani and her loyal subjects - 40,000 people....and 21,000 signatures found in the Library of Congress.

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.
Reminder that U.S. President William McKinley disregarded U.S. President Cleveland's moves and had the army, navy, and federal personnel help "develop" the Territory.

Reminder that U.S. President William McKinley "proclaimed" Hawaii to be the Territory of the United States then Territory of Hawaii.

Reminder that the United States became two (2) nations:  (1) United States - dealt with treaties; and (2) American Empire - dealt with territories.

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that the entity State is a Sham and are documented identity thieves claiming to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".....

see:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS - Pa Pelekane case, 1912, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/ Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Reminder that Premeditation to takeover a neutral, friendly nation is documented......

see:  John Foster's article naming the U.S. Presidents involved in the planned conspiracies, and see Sereno Bishop's article called "IN THE LAND OF POI" using his pen name:  Kamehameha.

Reminder that Bernice Pauahi and Charles Reed Bishop were conspirators and treasonous persons.

see:  Sereno Bishop's articled called "IN THE LAND OF POI" using his pen name:  Kamehameha.

Reminder that the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools and Charles Reed Bishop are NOT the landowners and have no right to rent, lease alodio/alodial lands to anyone.  They are Not related to our Royal Family who are Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that Kamehameha descendant Harold Abel Cathcart opposed Statehood.  Because Opposition was documented "Sovereignty shall be".....Harold Abel Cathcart's cousin was my own great grandmother named Male Kauweloa, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.

Note:  Statehood was illegal - U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower signed an Executive Order to make another nation into an illegal state.

see:  all issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Reminder that the Supreme Court Justices is on record saying that there was No Annexation!


Reminder that Professor Williamson Chang documents that it is Not possible to annex another nation that was already recognized as part of the family of nations......

Reminder that there was no Treaty, no Law, no with Kilikina Kekumano:

Reminder that Dr. Alfred DeZayas of the United Nations recognizes that the Hawaiian Kingdom is indeed a separate nation from the United States which is an illegal occupation, etc.:



aale pono.  aloha.




Kanaka Maoli, Family, Friends

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