Sunday, August 11, 2019

Vol VII No. 766 - Mauna Kea Supporters and Jason Momoa Request for my daughter

how awesome is he?....also, want my daughter acting again...….
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Jason Momoa is not happy about a construction project on Hawaii's tallest mountain, Mauna Kea.
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Jason Momoa is not happy about a construction project on Hawaii's tallest mountain, Mauna Kea.
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more court cases heard by the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme
Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign A...
Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign A...
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Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign A...
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fyi ---another project with alodio owners existing....private properties, not belonging to the U.S., or State
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Office of Hawaiian Affairs
This week, the OHA Board of Trustees will be heading to the island of Molokaʻi on August 7th and 8th for a Community Meeting and Board Meeting in Hoʻolehua.
In... this video, we take a journey to Kalaupapa and hear the stories of this remote ʻāina told by #CultureKeeper Mikiʻala Ayau Pescaia.
Coming from a family of storytellers, Mikiʻala uses her history and knowledge of Molokaʻi everyday as the Interpretive Park Ranger and Storyteller of Kalaupapa. Through moʻolelo, she inspires others to remember our history and rediscover the abilities and talents of our kūpuna.
Mikiʻala is featured in a web video series called Culture Keepers. Created by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Culture Keepers features the work and manaʻo of those who perpetuate Native Hawaiian culture. Follow the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for more videos and to connect with people, news and events in the Hawaiian community. #Moomeheu#Molokai
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Office of Hawaiian Affairs
This week, the OHA Board of Trustees will be heading to the island of Molokaʻi on August 7th and 8th for a Community Meeting and Board Meeting in Hoʻolehua.
In... this video, we take a journey to Kalaupapa and hear the stories of this remote ʻāina told by #CultureKeeper Mikiʻala Ayau Pescaia.
Coming from a family of storytellers, Mikiʻala uses her history and knowledge of Molokaʻi everyday as the Interpretive Park Ranger and Storyteller of Kalaupapa. Through moʻolelo, she inspires others to remember our history and rediscover the abilities and talents of our kūpuna.
Mikiʻala is featured in a web video series called Culture Keepers. Created by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Culture Keepers features the work and manaʻo of those who perpetuate Native Hawaiian culture. Follow the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for more videos and to connect with people, news and events in the Hawaiian community. #Moomeheu#Molokai
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disinformation perpetuated by occupiers, etc. ….corrections continue....
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Office of Hawaiian Affairs
This week, the OHA Board of Trustees will be heading to the island of Molokaʻi on August 7th and 8th for a Community Meeting and Board Meeting in Hoʻolehua.
In... this video, we take a journey to Kalaupapa and hear the stories of this remote ʻāina told by #CultureKeeper Mikiʻala Ayau Pescaia.
Coming from a family of storytellers, Mikiʻala uses her history and knowledge of Molokaʻi everyday as the Interpretive Park Ranger and Storyteller of Kalaupapa. Through moʻolelo, she inspires others to remember our history and rediscover the abilities and talents of our kūpuna.
Mikiʻala is featured in a web video series called Culture Keepers. Created by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Culture Keepers features the work and manaʻo of those who perpetuate Native Hawaiian culture. Follow the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for more videos and to connect with people, news and events in the Hawaiian community. #Moomeheu#Molokai
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Office of Hawaiian Affairs
This week, the OHA Board of Trustees will be heading to the island of Molokaʻi on August 7th and 8th for a Community Meeting and Board Meeting in Hoʻolehua.
In... this video, we take a journey to Kalaupapa and hear the stories of this remote ʻāina told by #CultureKeeper Mikiʻala Ayau Pescaia.
Coming from a family of storytellers, Mikiʻala uses her history and knowledge of Molokaʻi everyday as the Interpretive Park Ranger and Storyteller of Kalaupapa. Through moʻolelo, she inspires others to remember our history and rediscover the abilities and talents of our kūpuna.
Mikiʻala is featured in a web video series called Culture Keepers. Created by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Culture Keepers features the work and manaʻo of those who perpetuate Native Hawaiian culture. Follow the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for more videos and to connect with people, news and events in the Hawaiian community. #Moomeheu#Molokai
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Governor David Ige
#TMT will NOT be nuclear powered. It will be connected to the local Hawaiʻi Island power grid. And TMT will NOT drill into any aquifers for cooling of any sort. Read about this and other FAQs here:…
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Governor David Ige
#TMT will NOT be nuclear powered. It will be connected to the local Hawaiʻi Island power grid. And TMT will NOT drill into any aquifers for cooling of any sort. Read about this and other FAQs here:…
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Innocents harmed...……….
Venezuela’s Vicepresident callled on the United Nations to take action against the "serious aggression" that impede Venezuela "right to food".
Venezuela’s Vicepresident callled on the United Nations to take action against the "serious aggression" that impede Venezuela "right to food".
Write a comment... Trump Blocks Food for Venezuela......
Venezuela’s Vicepresident callled on the United Nations to take action against the "serious aggression" that impede Venezuela "right to food".
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'They are benefitting off a history of imperialism and white supremacy and trampling over Indigenous rights in the name of science'
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This is a legal argument for the immediate release of Assange and Manning
But despite the hopes that marijuana laws at the federal level would soon loosen, the country’s law enforcement and judicial officials are hiding behind an
  • Ku'ulei Perez Court system is flawed and corrupted, when things seem wrong that because it is.
  • Lawrence Ha'ae He told the judge he did not have enough time to fulfill his sentence. The Judge told him to do what he can.
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they can find jobs elsewhere.....
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The existing telescopes continue to sit idle during this fourth week of the TMT protest on Mauna Kea. The lack of research has frustrated scientists and technicians say getting up to the summit to do maintenance has been a struggle.
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The existing telescopes continue to sit idle during this fourth week of the TMT protest on Mauna Kea. The lack of research has frustrated scientists and technicians say getting up to the summit to do maintenance has been a struggle.
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not their land!
Mililani Trask
One last point regarding Chad Baybayan. Here is the article and picture from 2013, regarding the "gift" from Subaru Telescope:
(Posted: Aug 13, 2013 - For refe...rence)
"Astronomers from Subaru Telescope last month donated $8,200, the equivalent of one million Japanese yen, to the Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikolani College of Hawaiian Language at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo for the outfitting of a navigational canoe -- part of the College‘s Hōkū Alakaʻi voyaging program.
The donation was offered during a ceremony at the University on Thursday, July 31. Dr. Hiroshi Karoji, director of Subaru Telescope, presented the check to Chancellor Rose Tseng. Also present were Dr. William (Pila) Wilson, chair and professor of Hawaiian Studies, Chad (Kalepa) Baybayan, Hōkū Alakaʻi project coordinator, and Paula Thomas, interim director of development at UH Hilo.
"The Hōkū Alakaʻi voyaging program is developing a curriculum strong in math, science and Hawaiian culture that focuses on the traditions of maritime culture," Tseng explained. Drawing from astronomy, geography, history, marine science, mathematics, meteorology, and language and culture, the curriculum will provide students with a broad understanding and practical skills necessary to navigate an ocean-faring canoe. Part of the program involves building the vessel, a 57-foot double-hulled canoe now being built on Oʻahu that can accommodate roughly 30 people on coastal sails and a dozen for extended deep sea voyages.
"At this point in time, there is a need to invest in curriculum materials and instructional tools, such as a portable planetarium, to bring the science of astronomy and the art of navigation onto the canoe," Thomas noted. "This equipment is expensive and takes time to accumulate. The support from Subaru Telescope will enable us to outfit the canoe in a much shorter time."
"The ultimate goal of the program is to give students an understanding of how to build healthy communities by providing them the basic skills and self-confidence to become contributing stewards and quiet leaders, while attending to issues of sustainability and self-sufficiency, issues that all explorers, past and present, are faced with," Baybayan said.
"The gift from Subaru will help us acquire some tools for learning the sky," Wilson added. "There is much to learn.
"For example, the ancient Hawaiians had their own names for the constellations that they used to navigate the Pacific. And while the Hawaiians today are rediscovering how their ancestors navigated, one of things they do not know is what name went with what constellation."
"I am excited to see the canoe when it sails to the Big Island after its completion," said Karoji. "Simply learning the Hawaiian, older traditional names of stars gives you perspective on how people understood and used the sky over past centuries. This program is designed to allow students to explore the connections between traditional and contemporary knowledge. It is a pleasure to be able to contribute, in a small way, to the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo for the training of students who have the potential to navigate in this way."
This is the third donation that Subaru Telescope has made to UH Hilo. Last year, the Japanese astronomers provided a gift of equipment for the University‘s Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The Subaru gift comes from the Japanese Foundation for the Promotion of Astronomy, an independent organization that supports the outreach efforts of the astronomy community in Japan. The current administrative director of the foundation is Keiichi Kodaira, former director of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan."
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  • Lawrence Ha'ae Too bad, they never show Kimo... He's Hawaiian. A living Treasure.
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NO TO TELESCOPES on Mauna Kea AND HALEAKALA! Posted by Amelia Gora (201...
NO to TMT......again and again and again......repeat...NO! ...NO!....NO!
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NO TO TELESCOPES on Mauna Kea AND HALEAKALA! Posted by Amelia Gora (201...
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NO TO TELESCOPES on Mauna Kea AND HALEAKALA! Posted by Amelia Gora (201...
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NO TO TELESCOPES on Mauna Kea AND HALEAKALA! Posted by Amelia Gora (201...
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Routh Bolomet and Williamson B.C. Chang talking about the uncovering of…
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Healani Sonoda-Pale was live.
The dynamic duo testifying at the UH Board of a regents meeting Kahele Dukelow and Kaleikoa Ka’eo. 8/2/2019. #AoleTMT #AlohaMaunaKea
Watch together with friends or with a group
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Joshua Lanakila Mangauil
mahalo lāhui! We are Over loaded with donations of clothing, blankets ect.
We CANNOT Except Any further donations at this time! Huge... Mahalo e ka lāhui!
But we Just Cant Take anymore. Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo!

If you still wana make a controbution please make a donation on-line at
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True Blue Hawaiian Kingdom Radio Station! awesome!
MAUNA KEA, Hawaiʻi - A low power radio station broadcasting from the…
MAUNA KEA, Hawaiʻi - A low power radio station broadcasting from the…
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Been to Mauna Kea...crowd small...
  • Amelia Gora Dr. Niheu there assigned as a Medic
  • Amelia Gora another hurricane due on Monday-Tuesday....... the Lim Family, Osorio et. all. were there.....if Rod Stewart et. als. goes there, I'm a coming! ;) my family lucked out at saw Damien als.
  • Amelia Gora heard the other days were 1,000-3,000 per day...awesome! ;)
  • Amelia Gora I passed out the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk book markers and shared information about how kanaka mauoli were alodio "forever land owners" and to download the PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK at the website. ;)

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