Thursday, August 29, 2019

Vol VII No. 768 - Ige FAILS in Rule of Law and U.S. Constitution - Special Information Posted

Lori Halemano shared a link.
“The ones who will decide whether it’s continue to try or leave is not the state, but the authorities of the Thirty Meter Telescope,” said Kim.

About this website
Just days before the planned start of construction for the Thirty Meter Telescope last month, Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim sent a letter to Governor David Ige asking for a 30-day delay.

  • Akoni English I've ben humble all of my life ben bullied not buy politics but people in the end they both share somthing in common they are people praying on easy targets they get so use to winning with size money and power all this dosent frighten me cause they take humbleness as a weakness. As soon they push to hard the quiet ones and the humble ones are the most dangerous of them all when provoked we become the most feard of them all cause when that time comes when they realize it will be to late those bullies will crumble they will fall and they will be nothing behind them to catch them but their mistakes and faith I see it ige is afraid he is toying with a sleeping force and once they awake not even god will save him my fellow kanaka maoli just remember in the end we always win cause we have each other and ige will be alone to me he already lost I see it in his eyes we where born worriors. Davied ige my advice to you is don't let our humbleness and silence fool you
  • Deejay Caseria F**k u ige!!!
  • Shar Kukunaokala Ige is so far up TMT’s a—hole, it’s laughable. No TMT on our mauna.
  • Leimomi Cabral He should just admit they paid him but he spent the money and can’t pay them back. Seriously look at the big picture. So obvious Ige
  • Alex Kauhi Now they relies they don’t make the call, but they do all kind motives to the kanaka, why the Hawaiians have to suffer for all there nonsense , waste money on taxpayers , arrest our kupuna’s, deny entrance to the mountain.
  • Kula Raquedan Again Governor David Ige - YOU ARE A COWARD!!!
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  • Evon Kamaka Silva Brrrrrrraaa!!! I’m stay in Kapu Aloha cause I really wanna be as our Kapuna wants, well I’m trying. So “I don’t like your non support of the TRUE people of our Mauna”
  • Curt Okimoto The kick back pay that Ige received from TMT is part of his $4.4 Million net worth. Look it up yourself. SMH!
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  • Amelia Gora Many Kamehameha descendants exist, Premeditation documented, U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3x and explained how the U.S. President has rights....Ige et. als. FAIL in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution and including the Supreme Court judges of the entity State who does NOT have the court of original jurisdiction; there was NO ANNEXATION; the entity State are Identity thieves, the alodio land owners exist, and now all of them are documented Genocide Activists and are subject to be arrested/sued they are SQUATTERS, perpetuate CRIMES against our neutral, non-violent kanaka maoli, families, and friends...… let's see what the future holds... because Queen Liliuokalani prophesied that if the U.S. does Not make corrections, they will fall apart......let us watch as Pirate Ige et. als. celebrate with their Pirate songs which will take down their sinking Pirate Ship! show us your ownership papers ALIENS! Rule of Law FAIL documented...Piracy charges under article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States lawfully, legally binds them because Kamehameha's heirs and successors are here....even though our families had to hide, Kamehameha did have 20 documented children! ….Now all in the World can help to arrest the pirates and send them to the U.S. for trials, etc. including Ige - Identity thief ring leader, documented Pirate! - from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, descendant of 4 of Kamehameha's children, 2 of his hanai/adopted children,, and 6 of his stepchildren....btw Liens have been placed in the Bureau of Conveyances with evidence of Premeditation, piracies, fraud, genocide issues, etc. documented, researched, etc. Also, the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web has 767 issues posted, with more than 25+ books, pamphlets, thousands of articles posted to date. Note to U.S. President Trump...Ige needs to be removed immediately for FAILing to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, promoting genocide in the Hawaiian Islands, gross abuse of power when he has No Jurisdiction to operate in a Constitutional Monarchy lands encompassing 133 islands in the Hawaiian archipelago. Documented are the facts that the Hawaiian Kingdom has a three-way protectorate: U.S., Great Britain, and France. see: etc.
    Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's Treaty With France and Great Britain - With Protectorate 1846 (not printed in 1887 Treaty Book)
    Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's Treaty With France and Great Britain - With…
    Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's Treaty With France and Great Britain - With Protectorate 1846 (not printed in 1887 Treaty Book)

  • Amelia Gora other neutral nations....who are Not part of the PIRATES PAN-PACIFIC group/ aka the Hawaii Tourism Authority ....btw they took advantage of Queen Liliuokalani who was under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, abuse of the elderly, etc. and put her on the throne for a day to celebrate their BALBOA Day, etc. Wicked, truly wicked!
  • The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes
    The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes
    The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes

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