Saturday, September 14, 2019

Documenting Genocide Activists, includes entity State of Hawaii and agents, Who Have No Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian archipelago

                   Documenting Genocide Activists, includes entity State of Hawaii and agents, Who Have No Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian archipelago

                                         Review by Amelia Gora (2019)

The following was posted on Facebook for everyone's information ...there are problems surfacing on Mauna Kea, etc.:


Aloha my Friends & Ohana.
IF YOU HAVE NOT HEARD, though the press continues to portray us as aggressors, THERE IS A DIFFERENT STORY HERE ON MAUNAKEA...
These past two nights we have camped right at the base on the access road. Two nights in a row THE SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT HAS SENT A HALF DOZEN SQUAD CARS down to INCITE OUR CAMP TO VIOLENCE each night around 130AM. HERE’S HOW THEY’RE DOING IT...
Each of the last TWO NIGHTS THEY TERRORIZE US by making a show of ROLLING DOWN FROM THE TOP OF OUR SACRED MAUNA, lining their HEADLIGHTS & SPOTLIGHTS ON OUR ENCAMPMENT as well as those who serve & watch over us. Even DLNR Enforcement has not been briefed in advance of these actions. These actions are clearly UNNECESSARY & PROVATIVE.
I ask you to PLEASE PRAY FOR US ON THIS EVE OF 9/11 as we face another almost certain action on the part of the SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. Also please call their offices to see what might motivate such UNPROFESSIONAL & TERRORISTIC BEHAVIOR.
PLEASE PRAY we can rest in the weather extremes to be ready for the ALOHA WE STAND IN EACH DAY. MAHALO.
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