Monday, September 2, 2019



Hank Fergerstrom
It is with heavy heart that I must report that my dearest friend and closest confidant..KUMU MICHAEL LEE ...has passed over this after noon at 4:10pm. Micheal was such a treasure and a wealth of information. His research of Hawaiian Astromony and the Kumulipo is unbelieveable, so much of it he was unable to share to the greater public although that was his goal. His passing is such a lost for us whom knew him. His contribution of knowledge on subjects like limu (seaweed)was astonishing...he could identify over 26 types on sight and was able to tell you why they were there and not over here...he could tell you their cycles. I could go on and on and not even touch on his marvelous mind and pure ness of soul. I love Micheal and am blessed that he took a liking to me and shared with me many things of great importance.
A couple of years ago while on Maui watching the transition of venus, Michael show me how to use the calabash with certain stones to watch the transition with greater visibility than if we were in the astronomy center....from there he suddenly said grab Hannah ...the ancestors wanted to show us the Alii Rainbow that goes from Haleakala over to Mauna A Wakea. From the telescopes on Haleakala we hurried down the sloops in and out revines, down a old river bed...took hours going down hill.......we arrived at the birthing stones of the Alii marked by a giant natural stone Palaua and a very large birthing stone. while looking thru the stones that directly connect to the northern plateau of Mauna A Wakea.....a giant rainbow bridge makes that connection. I had seen this connection many years before....but not from the birthing stones. I have so much more to share of my wonderful times with Michael. A Hui Hou my love for you sall always be.
Please know that Michael's family is very private and does not want to be contacted....his services will likewise be private. Please respect their wishes. Aloha Unko Hank


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