Monday, September 9, 2019

One of the self-appointed "King's" provides opinions about TMT

End Game

Lanny Sinkin

AttachmentsSep 8, 2019, 8:20 PM (9 hours ago)
to Lanny
As word spread of the plan to sweep the Mauna Kea encampment and seize all the support supplies, the State political leadership received significant push back.  As far as we know, the plan is now cancelled, with claims that there never was a plan.  Of course, every day is a new day.  We are grateful for the many expressions of support for the Kia’i (Protectors).

The time has come to wrap up this phase in the restoration of the Kingdom.  The King addressed a letter to the telescope company suggesting the path forward.  A copy is attached.

Attachments area
September 9, 2019
From the Desk of the King
To: TMT International Observatory LLC (TIO)
Mr. Ed Stone - Executive Director Christophe Dumas - Observatory Scientist & Head of Operations
Board of Governors Science Advisory Committee
100 West Walnut Street, Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91124 Phone: 808 284 9922 Email:
Members of TIO:
Caltech University of California
National Institutes of Natural Sciences of Japan
National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Science and Technology of India
National Research Council (Canada)
The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
1661 Page Mill Road Palo Alto CA 93404 Phone: 650-213-3000 Fax: 650-213-3003 Email:
Mauna Kea Management
Stephanie Nagata Office of Mauna Kea Management 640 N. A`ohōkū Place, Room 203 Hilo, Hawai`i 96720
Phone: 808.933.0734 Fax: 808.933.3208 Email:
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chairperson Trustee Colette Machado 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200 Honolulu, HI 96817
Info: Governor David Y. Ige Governor, State of Hawai`i Executive Chambers State Capitol Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Ph: 808-586-0034
Mayor Harry Kim Hilo: Hawai‘i County Building 25 Aupuni St., Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720 Tel: (808) 961-8211
President David Lassner
Office of the President
University of Hawai`i Bachman Hall 202 2444 Dole Street Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-8207
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald Hawai`i Supreme Court Ali’iolani Hale 417 South King Street Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813-2943
Ms. Clare E. Connors, Attorney General of Hawai`i State of Hawai`i Department of the Attorney General 425 Queen Street Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813 Ph: 808-586-1500
Mr. António Guterres,
Secretary-General of the United Nations United Nations, S-233 New York, NY 10027 Attorney General William P. Barr United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
I ka Mōʻī o ke Aupuni o Hawaiʻi
Subject: Alternative Solution.
Aloha kaua Mr. Ed Stone iā mākou,
I request that you circulate this letter to those identified above and anyone else you deem appropriate.
I open my letter with a point about the Rule of Law. Depending on whom you listen to, it soon becomes clear that the Rules favor those that can pay for an advantage, such as special interest groups or those wanting to buy their freedom from corrupt Government, as well as a failed Judiciary system that can manipulate the Rule of Law to fit the Order of the Day. So, what is the goal of the Rule of Law? The purpose of law is to preserve freedom and moral agency. The Rule of Law is a meta-legal principle. Similar to natural law theory, it provides a benchmark against which laws can be evaluated. From this perspective, law is about the discovery of the rules of just conduct.
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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To the Indigenous People(s), the Rule of Law consists of the Law of Creation, Tradition and Culture.
The Rule of Law which cannot be disputed is what the People are standing on – Kapu Aloha. Kapu Aloha is showing the world what the Rule of Law is – integrity, respect, love for the ‘Aina (land), the human family and the natural world. This invisible law is Morality.
I am certain that you have been watching the events on Mauna a Wakea with intense interest. I trust that you are beginning to understand the true nature of those events. Perhaps the thoughts shared in this letter will assist you in that process.
First of all, the key truth that you need to understand is that, in 1893, the United States Minister to the Kingdom of Hawai'i ordered the landing of United States military troops to support a tiny group of sugar growers intent on overthrowing the Kingdom of Hawai'i Government and annexing the Kingdom into the United States. Those engaged in treason, set up a Provisional Government that later called itself the Republic of Hawai'i.
The President of the United States at that time denounced that invasion as an act of war against a country with whom the United States was at peace. The President called for the restoration of Queen Lili'ukolani to her throne.
That restoration never happened. The traitors refused to relinquish their position and the United States President declined to use force to remove them.
Instead, there were attempts by the Provisional Government, and later, the Republic, to annex the Kingdom to the United States. After those attempts to pass a treaty of annexation failed to receive sufficient votes in the United States Senate, the United States Congress passed a resolution annexing the Kingdom.
The government and citizens of the Kingdom had no participation in that resolution. The resolution itself had no legal effect because the government of one nation cannot simply pass an internal resolution to abolish the government of another nation and seize the lands of that other nation. Yet that is exactly what happened.
I highly recommend that you read the detailed history of those events found in what is now known as the Apology Resolution. United States Public Law 103-150, 107 Stat. 1510, S.J.Res. 19, called the Apology Resolution, was enacted on November 23, 1993. I stress that this document is an official document of the United States government in which it formally apologized for the United States’ participation in the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom Government. The resolution is quite explicit in acknowledging that the Hawaiian people never consented to the abolishment of their government or the taking of their lands.
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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I direct your attention to this history because your understanding of those events is critical to your understanding what is happening on Mauna a Wakea today. From a Kingdom perspective, the State of Hawai'i is simply the corrupt foundation put in place by an illegal act. That foundation cannot support the governmental edifice constructed upon it. That State of Hawai'i has no legitimate claim to jurisdiction over the lands stolen from the Kingdom, including the lands proposed for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). The Board of Land and Natural Resources have no authority to give TMT a permit.
That some of the lands taken from the Kingdom included lands held sacred by the Hawaiian people - and where structures such at the TMT would never have been allowed - only adds desecration to the injustices.
You inherited this history when you chose Mauna a Wakea to be the site of the TMT. And, to be clear, you knew that choice was burdened with a tense history before you selected the site.
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation commissioned a risk assessment, known as the Keystone Report, that posed the question as to what risks the consortium would be taking, if Mauna a Wakea was chosen as the TMT site.
While I encourage you to read that entire report, the excerpt of one theme that emerged should be sufficient to make my point.
A Sour History and Heavy Baggage. Unfailingly, almost every interviewee we spoke with, even those who are great proponents of placing observatories on Mauna Kea, acknowledge a complex and, for many, a bad history on the mountain. Hawaiians, both Native and non-Native, speak of poor planning, bureaucratic bumbling, broken promises, technocratic arrogance, and a persistent failure to engage the Native Hawaiian community in meaningful and appropriate ways. Some of this has been reported in two legislative audits. While there are many fine individual efforts underway to rectify long-running problems, the situation remains contentious and confusing. Should TMT decide to pursue a Mauna Kea site, it will inherit the anger, fear, and great mistrust generated through previous telescope planning and siting failures and an accumulated disbelief that any additional projects, especially a physically imposing one like the TMT, can be done properly. One interviewee said of future development, “It can be less objectionable, but it can’t be all right.”
Assessment of the Risks for Siting the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea; October 26, 2007;
pages 3-4.
There is a great deal of official corruption in Hawai'i. I attribute that corruption to an underlying understanding that the government of Hawai'i is an illegal occupying force that is exploiting the lands and other resources of the Kingdom. Political structures built on such a foundation are doomed to crumble. Projects designated for stolen lands become part of the landscape of corruption.
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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The TMT turned out to be the proverbial last straw. A prior environmental impact statement concluded that the astronomy community had already caused substantial, significant, and adverse impacts on the Mountain. With the sacred Mountain already heavily scarred by industrialization, the TMT represented yet one more desecration for which the promoters never had permission from the Hawaiian people.
The raising of the desecration issue brought into the light the whole panoply of issues that are interconnected: restoration of the legitimate, independent nation as the proper decision-makers for what should be happening in the Islands; the continual disrespect for the traditional Hawaiian faith;
the exploitation and pollution of the Hawaiian natural world; and the appropriation of the Hawaiian cultural world is unconscionable. Of course, the TMT is not responsible for that entire history. Despite being forewarned, your consortium did seriously underestimate the negative response your selection of Mauna a Wakea would elicit. You also failed to understand the many issues that your decision to locate on Mauna a Wakea would raise. Ultimately, you failed to predict the powerful community uprising that you would inspire, because you relied on local authorities to suppress that resistance.
Now that the history has come to life, there is no turning back. For the Hawaiians, the TMT is a "no compromise" situation precisely because history has taught not to trust anything coming from the occupying government, and because enough is enough.
As the Protectors have articulated more than once, the TMT can go to another location to conduct its scientific work. There is no second mountain that is Mauna Kea.
Looking to the future, TMT has three options: (1) continue to press forward with locating the TMT on Mauna a Wakea and cause even greater division within the Hawaiian community, continued disruption of community life on the Island, and increasing the resistance to the project; (2) relocate the TMT to another site; (3) stand down the TMT and let the development of space-based telescopes make the implementation of "adaptive optics" on the TMT unnecessary to remove atmospheric distortion.
There is simply too much history here for your project to receive a welcome. The time has come for you to admit to that reality and move on.
In closing:
Loaʻa iā mākou nā mea hoʻomaikaʻi i ka hōʻike ʻana i ka honua, he mau kanaka wiwo ʻole mākou e hana nei i ka mea e pono ai. ʻAʻole ka manawa pinepine i ko mākou ala i ke kala ʻia i nā hewa nui i kū mai i kahi lāhui kanaka nona ka hewa wale nō i hilinaʻi i ka hewa i hiki mai i ko mākou mau wahi.
Ka Pu‘uhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawai‘i Nei
Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawai‘i
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We have the blessings of showing the world that we are men of courage, fearlessly doing what is Pono (truth). It's not often that we have the opportunity to undo the substantial wrongs perpetrated upon an indigenous nation whose only mistake was trusting the evil that came to our shores.
Ua Mau Ke Ea o ka ʻAina i ka Pono,
Nalikolauokalani Paki – Ka ‘I ‘omaka-ola-hou-Kaluaokalani-ka-‘I-
cc: Ali’i Mana’o Nui Lanny Sinkin esq.
Na Kupuna Council O Hawai’i Moku
Na Kupuna Council O Hawai’i Nei Protectors of Mauna a Wākea Vigil Site (Hand Delivery)
All Nations via special delivery and,
Treaty Nations with the Kingdom of Hawai’i
Attachments area

Amelia Gora

Attachments5:55 AM (1 minute ago)

Hi everyone,

forwarding the following message from this guy calling himself King...…….he has a lot of documented addresses, yet his suggestions suck:

"TMT has three options: (1) continue to press forward with locating the TMT
on Mauna a Wakea and cause even greater division within the Hawaiian community, continued
disruption of community life on the Island, and increasing the resistance to the project; (2) relocate
the TMT to another site; (3) stand down the TMT and let the development of space-based telescopes
make the implementation of "adaptive optics" on the TMT unnecessary to remove atmospheric

Sending all this information for your suggestions, opinions, etc.


p.s. wondering about this guys genealogies also, and no one can self-appoint themselves to be King or Queen....hmmmm...…..


End Game Lanny Sinkin < > Sep 8, 2019, 8:20 PM (9 hours ago) ...

Attachments area

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