Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pirate Eyes On Hawaii Series: Pueo Existence Denied by AG/Attorney General, DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources and UH Systems =from Tom Berg

Re: Assistance to Access Records (U RFA-P 20-19) DLNR/ Pueo Breeding Ecology Report


Tom Berg

AttachmentsFri, Sep 20, 1:11 PM (4 days ago)
to OIP, Afsheen, PublicDLNR, David, Melissa, Hawaiiag, Clare, Bob, Rida, Philmund, BOR, David, lassner@hawaii.edu, Stacelynn, Sam
Aloha OIP-

Mahalo for the letter received that illustrates DLNR has been contacted 
by OIP to share data of the Pueo Breeding Ecology Report -  @ UHWO- 
Inline image
Inline image

When DLNR stated:

"No pueo are here- rather-
no pueo habitat exists at UHWO that serves pueo"-  
per the AG letter of Feb 26/2019- 
their data conflicts with reality- 

I look forward to their/DLNR's answers-  maps, etc. 
Quick note-  the pueo Report keeps observation sites
secret-  so as to protect pueo- based on pueo being seen
with nests etc-  

However, since DLNR is admitting no pueo or nests or any kind
of any pueo ecology exists on the property @ UHWO-  in fact, since the AG
and DLNR - with the property owner- UH Systems- all stated "no pueo 
habitat exists on the property"- just like the FEIS says-  then DLNR 
has NO BASIS -  no grounds- no excuse- no justification for
NOT disclosing where they were observing for pueo at UHWO on what dates
and what times with whom-    

There are ZERO pueo to protect at UHWO per the DLNR Report
hence, the locations/maps/where the observer was
stationed on the property at UHWO to look for pueo should no longer be 
KEPT A SECRET from the public- as it currently is-    and much, much more.

Tom Berg

On Thursday, September 19, 2019, 03:50:58 PM HST, OIP <oip@hawaii.gov> wrote:

Mr. Berg:

Attached is a letter dated September 19, 2019 from the Office of Information Practices regarding your request for assistance from OIP.

Please contact our office if you have difficulty opening the attachment.

Thank you,

Office of Information Practices
State of Hawaii
No. 1 Capitol District Building
250 S. Hotel Street, #107
Honolulu, HI 96813
Ph (808) 586-1400
Facsimile:  (808) 586-1412
Email:  oip@hawaii.gov
Website:  http://oip.hawaii.gov

Attachments area

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