Sunday, September 29, 2019

Posting to Dr. Alfred DeZayas

Facebook appears to block my comments...…….

US Reliance on ‘Economic Terrorism’ in Iran, Venezuela, Will End ‘Dollar Domination’…/us-reliance-on-econo…/
  • Amelia Gora The following legal notice was served to the U.S. President Donald Trump, Governor Ige, Kamehameha Schools/Trustees of KSBE, Liliuokalani Trust/the fraud Liliuokalani Trust ---which means the U.S. reliance on monies off /pirated/pillaged off the assets of our Royal Family's will also be affected.... I've tried to get in contact with you due to the facts that the same group of people who became trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE in 1884, are the same group of attorneys, etc. who helped to dethrone our Queen in 1893, and developed a fraud Liliuokalani Trust in 1909....and the U.S. government benefits off of the rents, etc. even today... for example, the Liliuokalani Trust did give $14 million dollars for bonds and securities to the U.S. the past years...they also get monies off of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates as well....and the Crown Lands of Kamehameha III are for himself, his heirs and successors, forever.....the Territory of Hawaii through the admission of their Attorney General claimed to be the successor of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii! the reference: 772 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

  • *******************************************
  • Facts:

Bernice Pauahi Bishop next of kin is Kalola (female), who is our ancestor - great great great grandmother.

son:  Kahekili
          his son:  Ioela

              his daughter:  Haili
                  her daughter:  Elikapeka, my grandmother

                       her son:  John (siblings)

                          his daughter:  Amelia (siblings)

Administrators:  William O. Smith, et. als.

Usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani

same parties in 1893 - William O. Smith, et. als.

Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust - a Fraud Trust created in 1909 when the real one was created in 1872.

In 1872, Liliuokalani designated her hanai/adopted daughter Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana/Kekua to be her Trustee:

I am her descendant in two (2) lines/ from 2 of her children:

         her son:  Opunui
           and her daughter:  Maria

Opunui had 2 of my ancestors:  Kapehe opio (female) and William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa
                                                    her daughter Mele Keawe married her uncle William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles William/
                                                                                                                       Charles Kauweloa
                                                                             they had Mary Kauweloa - my grandmother (and siblings)
                                                                                     she had Mary Castro (siblings)
                                                                                          her daughter:  Amelia Gora (siblings)

Maria had Joseph Gora (siblings)
                      he had John Gora (siblings) who married Mary Castro (siblings)
                            and had Amelia Gora (siblings)

House of Nobles returned  

Hawaiian Kingdom - Court of original jurisdiction:  Supreme Court returned

We adjudicated cases which includes the fraud Trusts based on conspiracies, etc.

We served legal notices via U.S.P. S. certified return receipts recently.


Am a researcher for 40+ years history, 30+ years genealogies, and 15+ years law.

Am also a writer, author, publisher of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web.

My address:

P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786


Please contact me/us....will be glad to pay for your assistance as well.

Mahalo/thank you!

Amelia Gora


US Reliance on ‘Economic Terrorism’ in Iran, Venezuela, Will End ‘Dollar Domination’…/us-reliance-on-econo…/
  • Amelia Gora The following legal notice was served to the U.S. President Donald Trump, Governor Ige, Kamehameha Schools/Trustees of KSBE, Liliuokalani Trust/the fraud Liliuokalani Trust ---which means the U.S. reliance on monies off /pirated/pillaged off the assets of our Royal Family's will also be affected.... I've tried to get in contact with you due to the facts that the same group of people who became trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE in 1884, are the same group of attorneys, etc. who helped to dethrone our Queen in 1893, and developed a fraud Liliuokalani Trust in 1909....and the U.S. government benefits off of the rents, etc. even today... for example, the Liliuokalani Trust did give $14 million dollars for bonds and securities to the U.S. the past years...they also get monies off of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates as well....and the Crown Lands of Kamehameha III are for himself, his heirs and successors, forever.....the Territory of Hawaii through the admission of their Attorney General claimed to be the successor of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii! the reference: 772 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

  • Posting to Dr. Alfred DeZayas
    Posting to Dr. Alfred DeZayas
    Posting to Dr. Alfred DeZayas

This is the comment that was "banned" for the records:

The following legal notice was served to the U.S. President Donald Trump, Governor Ige, Kamehameha Schools/Trustees of KSBE, Liliuokalani Trust/the fraud Liliuokalani Trust ---which means the U.S. reliance on monies off /pirated/pillaged off the assets of our Royal Family's will also be affected.... I've tried to get in contact with you due to the facts that the same group of people who became trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE in 1884, are the same group of attorneys, etc. who helped to dethrone our Queen in 1893, and developed a fraud Liliuokalani Trust in 1909....and the U.S. government benefits off of the rents, etc. even today... for example, the Liliuokalani Trust did give $14 million dollars for bonds and securities to the U.S. the past years...they also get monies off of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates as well....and the Crown Lands of Kamehameha III are for himself, his heirs and successors, forever.....the Territory of Hawaii through the admission of their Attorney General claimed to be the successor of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii! the reference: 772 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web


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