Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remembering 911 with Bin Ladin's words - "War, not on the west, but on these western secret orders"

  1. Diary   

    Bin Laden SAID...........

    Author 39506
    Message Amelia Gora

  2. (
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    (Image by Unknown Owner)   Details   DMCA

    the following message came off of the delphi forums as message 20038.15 dated 26 May:

    'There is one secret order that is trying to either bring down or at least disrupt and annoy the Bilderbergers order.

    this secret order is called 'Al-Qaida' an Audio lecture given by Bin Laden in 1997 he spoke about the dangers of the western secret orders such as the 'Bilderbergers', 'The Skulls', 'The Free Masons' and 'The Knight Timplars'.....he said the only way for Muslims to throwout the power of these western secret orders over their affairs is by establishing a Muslim counter secret order to fight back against such orders and think tanks.

    and the maine mission of such a Muslim secret order in Bin Ladin's view is to attack the not very well protected economic centers of power in the west, the source of wealth and power for the western secret orders.

    A year after this lecture Bin Ladin started his war, not on the west, but on these western secret orders.'



    Note: This is the kind of info that the government doesn't want everyone to know............just before the PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS IN IRAQ, hundreds of people including Iraqi's were all over the, I've been posting information about the Hawaiian Kingdom for a long, long time..........

    longer than some of the 40+ other "governments" calling themselves the Hawaiian government, etc..........

  3. Reference:

Remembering INNOCENTS who died Needlessly

see also:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

REMEMBERING 911 INNOCENTS WHO DIED NEEDLESSLY AND NOTING THE Goldman-Sachs Connection to EXXON through the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who are NOT the Alodio/Allodial land owners but Documented Pirates

                                            REMEMBERING 911 INNOCENTS WHO                                                 DIED NEEDLESSLY
                  AND NOTING THE Goldman-Sachs Connection to EXXON through the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who are NOT the Alodio/Allodial land owners but Documented Pirates

                                                                                  by Amelia Gora (2016)

The following article was posted on Facebook. Note that the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates became part of the 911 investors through the Goldman-Sachs banks:

It was bankrupt U.S., England, and the bankers who usurped a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. Identity theft, Piracy(ies) are the reasons behind the criminal assumption of our neutral, non violent nation, and Alii Trusts which includes the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools who invested in the Goldman-Sachs, Wall Street stocks which is under the umbrella of the EXXON Corporation, formerly the Standard Oil Company. The EXXON Corporation is headed by the permanent CEO's Rockefellers who owned the 911 Twin Towers, the land that the United Nations sits on, etc. aloha.
continue at

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