Saturday, September 14, 2019



                                                               observations, Overview by Amelia Gora (2019)

I had a friend who shared some of his studies in Urbanization and Modernization and am now sharing it with all of you...…...take note:

    • Well when you think about it....the strategy has been a team work thing... with the intent to encourage the kanaka maoli to fight....and the reality is that we are NOT the ones who did wrong, we maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. Let's look at their game plan, and how to get what they want...… the issues of Urbanization and Modernization, the tactic is to INTRODUCE SOMETHING...such as a building...take Mauna Kea....the goal is to DO WHAT THEY WANT DISREGARDING THE PEOPLE....the next step known is to EXPECT RESISTANCE... which is the ongoing issues right now...….then TIME pass for the people to slowly break down...then INTRODUCE JOBS....which is what they have started...….then lastly, their GOALS to SUCCEED is expected..... With kanaka maoli, and friends, their plans is not expected to succeed because we are an ancient 1,650+ years society with knowledge of our ancestors, respect which goes beyond the United States, a nation which was made up as an experiment by Great Britain and was never meant to succeed as a DEMOCRACY ….I have a book of the 1800's-early 1900's showing that...…, the U.S. is a "colony of the Crown of England" as documented by the English media when Prince Charles and Camilla visited the U.S. for the first time.... the colonies were PENAL COLONIES all 13 of them....the connecting factor is the RUSH-BAGGOT TREATY.....the move to extinguish MONARCHY GOVERNMENTS/Constitutional Monarchies shows up in 1822 with the SECRET TREATY OF VERONA....yes, Social Change takes time but it's good for all to know how the manipulations, moves made are actually PLANNED CONSPIRACIES even if the move to USE AGGRESSION, etc. especially for those who FAIL TO FOLLOW the RULES OF LAW and the U.S. CONSTITUTION! and INTERNATIONAL LAW Violations are Important.....Keep them in the WRONG because these comments by entity IGE is yet another METHOD probably pulled out of the hat by the THINK TANK and NON-OWNERS who move IDEAS of a "Modern Day Society" vs. an Ancient based Society, which has become a recognized Nation since 1810. Notice the GOALS of WAR is introduced for another PLANNED World WAR which our kanaka maoli are in a position to STOP from all angles....and still have RESPECT FOR OTHERS...and the WORLD IS WATCHING.... and Made Aware of the ONGOIING DECEPTIONS OF an Illegal Occupier, Identity Thieves, Modern Day Pirates in a Sovereign land....Please share, pass on widely to your family's and friends and supporters everywhere and don't forget to tell them that we love them too! ;) aloha. Reference:
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of Law.......U.S. President Trump - Are You Seeing This?
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of…
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of Law.......U.S. President Trump - Are You Seeing This?



    Amelia Gora Kanaka Maoli Powah! ;) includes empowerment, knowledge shared from ancient times too ;)
    You've Got a Friend - Carole King & James Taylor
    You've Got a Friend - Carole King & James Taylor
    You've Got a Friend - Carole King & James Taylor

  • The headline is a far reaching attempt to mislead the public and condone the Governor’s hewa actions against peaceful protectors.
    Star Advertiser
    Gov. David Ige decries death threats over Thirty Meter
    By Star-Advertiser Staff and Associated Press Today Updated 2:05 p.m.

    Gov. David Ige held a press conference addressing the spate of threatening social media posts directed towards government employees and officials was at his office today. In attendance with the governor were Hawaii Attorney General Clare Connors, background, along with Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Director William Aila Jr., Department of Public Safety Director Nolan Espinda who are not pictured.
    Gov. David Ige said today that he and others in his administration have been the target of death threats during the two-month protest over the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea.
    During a news conference at the state Capitol today, Ige and his lieutenants presented various examples of threats and harsh language and urged both sides of the issue to lower the tone of the debate before it escalates into violent action.
    “I’m calling on everyone responsible for these examples of cyber-bullying and hateful speech to stop immediately,” Ige declared.
    Attorney General Clare Connors said she could neither confirm nor deny any investigation connected to the death threats.
    Connors played a voicemail recording in which an unidentified man told a state employee, “I hope you die.”
    She showed reporters a social media post offering a $5,000 reward for the identity of a law enforcement officer involved in last week’s demolition and removal of a small wooden house built by demonstrators near the camp where they are blocking the telescope’s construction.
    “I hope that we can all agree that putting a bounty on the head of law enforcement officer is disturbing and deeply concerning,” Connors said. “It’s dangerous.”
    After the news conference, protest leader Andre Perez denied that members of their movement are involved, saying followers are urged everyday to maintain “kapu aloha,” a nonviolent form of civil disobedience.
    “We are not here to attack and to hurt people. We are here to protect a sacred mauna,” he said.
    Healalani Sonoda-Pale of Ka Lahui Hawai‘i Political Action Committee said the governor’s accusations were an attempt to criminalize the kiai, or “protectors” of the mountain.
    Activists have been blocking construction of the TMT on Hawaii’s tallest mountain by maintaining their position on Mauna Kea Access Road since mid-July.
    • Donna Blevins Willard If anyone threatening him in anyway it’s the guys who paid him cause he can’t pull it off
    • Amelia Gora Well when you think about it....the strategy has been a team work thing... with the intent to encourage the kanaka maoli to fight....and the reality is that we are NOT the ones who did wrong, we maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. Let's look at their game plan, and how to get what they want...… the issues of Urbanization and Modernization, the tactic is to INTRODUCE SOMETHING...such as a building...take Mauna Kea....the goal is to DO WHAT THEY WANT DISREGARDING THE PEOPLE....the next step known is to EXPECT RESISTANCE... which is the ongoing issues right now...….then TIME pass for the people to slowly break down...then INTRODUCE JOBS....which is what they have started...….then lastly, their GOALS to SUCCEED is expected..... With kanaka maoli, and friends, their plans is not expected to succeed because we are an ancient 1,650+ years society with knowledge of our ancestors, respect which goes beyond the United States, a nation which was made up as an experiment by Great Britain and was never meant to succeed as a DEMOCRACY ….I have a book of the 1800's-early 1900's showing that...…, the U.S. is a "colony of the Crown of England" as documented by the English media when Prince Charles and Camilla visited the U.S. for the first time.... the colonies were PENAL COLONIES all 13 of them....the connecting factor is the RUSH-BAGGOT TREATY.....the move to extinguish MONARCHY GOVERNMENTS/Constitutional Monarchies shows up in 1822 with the SECRET TREATY OF VERONA....yes, Social Change takes time but it's good for all to know how the manipulations, moves made are actually PLANNED CONSPIRACIES even if the move to USE AGGRESSION, etc. especially for those who FAIL TO FOLLOW the RULES OF LAW and the U.S. CONSTITUTION! and INTERNATIONAL LAW Violations are Important.....Keep them in the WRONG because these comments by entity IGE is yet another METHOD probably pulled out of the hat by the THINK TANK and NON-OWNERS who move IDEAS of a "Modern Day Society" vs. an Ancient based Society, which has become a recognized Nation since 1810. Notice the GOALS of WAR is introduced for another PLANNED World WAR which our kanaka maoli are in a position to STOP from all angles....and still have RESPECT FOR OTHERS...and the WORLD IS WATCHING.... and Made Aware of the ONGOIING DECEPTIONS OF an Illegal Occupier, Identity Thieves, Modern Day Pirates in a Sovereign land....Please share, pass on widely to your family's and friends and supporters everywhere and don't forget to tell them that we love them too! ;) aloha. Reference:
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of Law.......U.S. President Trump - Are You Seeing This?
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of…
      Rotten Apples Kim, Ige, et. al. Continue to Go Against Rule of Law.......U.S. President Trump - Are You Seeing This?



Amelia Gora note: This is an Anti-War post also from the Royal Family's, and the Hawaiian Kingdom ;)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole

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