Tuesday, September 3, 2019

SOUNDS OF SILENCE is no more...........Affecting Judges, Haleakala, Mauna Kea, Lands in the Hawaiian Islands

Tane Inciong and 2 others commented.

A retired Big Island judge could decide if the controversial Thirty Meter Telescope should be built on Mauna Kea.
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"Koe ke kuleana o na kanaka"
Certain rights reserved to natives - Dept of Interior of the Kingdom of Hawaii An Act relating to the lands of his Majesty the King and the Government passed June 7, 1848 Session Laws, 1848
The Hawaii State Constitution Article XII section 7 originated from this act.

  • Kekoa Kapa Mahalo nui for sharing knowledge 💯
  • Healani Sonoda-Pale I hope you got copies of this.
  • Ka'iu Lambert Absofrickenlutely! Heller... i no give fake news.
    On another note see the TERM FEE SIMPLE TITLE!? To all these peeps who keep saying that Kuleana Titles cannot be sold, mortgage or leased don't know SHIT! Kanaka need to do their homework. Don't believe people who charge you a bogus fee and tell you your titles are no good and your kupuna no can sell, mortgage or lease your lands.
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  • Ka'iu Lambert Don't let people sell you the koolaid bc I get one phd in political science in international law.😂🤣 Ah come on. This is the same person who is a self appointed kalai aina. Only the King has that authority. 🤔
  • Clifford Kapono Mahalo piha Tita for the primafacie evidence li dat. :)
  • Pono Kealoha 😊💜👍
  • Kainoa Bugado T. One detail...please use Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands instead of Kingdom of Hawaii for our constitutional monarchy. Our country code since 1870s with the UPU is H. I. for Hawaiian Islands. Kingdom of Hawaii is only my island and the insurgents used the phrase for their business take over of our country. Mahalo nui
  • Ka'iu Lambert Prior to this constitutional monarchy this Kingdom was referred to as ko Hawaii Pae Aina dahling which pre existed Kingdom and also in all legal documents. Just a fyi these Documents were all in Hawaiian. Such is the case of the Palapala Sila Nui referred to above.
  • No photo description available.
  • Doreen Nalani Keolanui Borja Mahalo Ka’iu for this info and the effort you put in doing all this! Much love to you! ❤️
  • Kilei Balaz-Oblero Mahalo nunui loa e Ka'iu!
  • Amelia Gora Mahalo Kaiu remembering what Dr. Alfred de Zayas maintained in his letters and writings....Hawaiian Kingdom laws are to be used and Not the entity State/U.S. laws which has no basis in the Hawaiian Kingdom. See: https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../dr-alfred...
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet - Important Keeper
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet - Important Keeper
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet - Important Keeper

  • Amelia Gora also there is a new 17 page memorandum which was posted recently: https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../dr-alfred...
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas: Hawaii under a "fraudulent "referendum"
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas: Hawaii under a "fraudulent "referendum"
    Dr. Alfred DeZayas: Hawaii under a "fraudulent "referendum"

  • Amelia Gora Also, the deeds signed by Kamehameha III was found by at the Archives and does not look at all like the posted info above. See: https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../kamehameha... as many of us know, the tampered docs have appeared even after the conveyances of lands were made past the death of Kamehameha III. Even arseho Sanford B. Dole of the Provisional government conveyed lands changing the original deeds to Fee Simple, less than alodio, etc. Keanu Sai has done a great disservice to the Hawaiian people by diverting them away from the truth found in research.
    Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and Government Deeds Is Not Intended for Aliens - the SQUATTERS, Uninvited Pirates Documented
    Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and Government Deeds…
    Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and Government Deeds Is Not Intended for Aliens - the SQUATTERS, Uninvited Pirates Documented

  • Amelia Gora The focus of alodio /allodial titles to kanaka maoli and Fee Simple to aliens/foreigners are covered in the 1851 Speech of Kamehameha III and earlier. Verification by Kaeo of the House of Nobles locks in the info which was diverted by the aliens who moved to suppress, hide, defraud kanaka maoli. See: https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../maintaining...
    Maintaining the Hawaiian Kingdom Thru Genealogies, History, and Law
    Maintaining the Hawaiian Kingdom Thru Genealogies, History, and Law
    Maintaining the Hawaiian Kingdom Thru Genealogies, History, and Law

  • Amelia Gora https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../focus-on... and what about the case precedence? there's many important ones.....for example, KEKIEKIE vs. DENNIS Vol.1 HAWAIIAN REPORTS the people's "lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of Royalty itself." "Plaintiff (Kekiekie) title was good against all the world." Also, the alodio owner could collect back rents. The importance of all of this is that we are surrounded by criminal agents, racketeers called the Provisional government and now operating as the entity State. It's scary that Sai is supporting the role of the entity State and attempts to validate their crimes over time. check out the youtube videos of March, June, etc. of the recent past.....reminder that all kanaka maoli should print out a copy of the PROTECTED PERSONS Handbook and keep it on them..... PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK ---print, keep for your records, your families, all kanaka maoli and friends ---Pass on Widely for your Protection...….aloha from our Royal Family's, Royal Family Konohiki's - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Malama Pono!
    RePost Important for Kanaka Maoli, Families and Friends ...
    ://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../repost-important... aloha.

  • Amelia Gora also note that HALEAKALA is owned by Kamaikaaloa descendants/heirs namely Eric Poohina and Family.....know that the Mauna Kea government lands is owned by the Hawaiian Kingdom NOT the fraudulent, scam set up entity State of Hawaii who FAILS in the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution....they have NO ANNEXATION. Mauna Kea lands are to be taken cared of by the Hawaiian Kingdom's House of Nobles who oversee the properties, NOT the State..... yes, everyone should do their homework or what some say "due diligence".... the House of Nobles which moved into position in 2008 are descendants /heirs of Kamehameha, descendants/heirs of the original House of Nobles, and some of us are also Queen Liliuokalani's Family.... and not every one can say such.... and the entity SNAKE err State did sue us in court over the Crown Lands...we have since found the original deeds to the Crown Lands and the Government Lands... the Royal Family exists...even your cousin Kalani Asam through the Meyers line...… and Royal Family's are Not subject to the laws.... which means the entity State has wrongfully detained a Royal Family member who is also one of our Royal Family Konohiki currently at Mauna Kea. The rights of native tenants for our Hawaiian Kingdom government lands is assigned by our Minister of Interior assisted by our Royal Family Konohiki!....hoping the Mauna Kea peeps understand this posting as well....because we are the true bloods with evidence....keep this for your records, because the entity State cannot arrest you if you are part of the Hawaiian Kingdom! Malama Pono! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I1llYGut3U SOUNDS OF SILENCE is no more...….aloha.
    The Sound Of Silence / Peaches & Herb (1971)
    The Sound Of Silence / Peaches & Herb (1971)
    The Sound Of Silence / Peaches & Herb (1971)


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