Thursday, September 5, 2019

Vol VII No. 769 - Wicked Finds in Research

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sharing info to all: true about private lands....Kamehameha III was also an heir of Kekauonohi because she died before him....Kekauonohi was a hanai/adopted daughter of Kalanimoku and became a sister of Leleiohoku, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha II, Nahienaena and the siblings/stepsiblings /hanai siblings as well because Kalanimoku married Keopuolani after Kamehameha died. The problematic issues came up when the move to probate Kekauonohi occurred well after Kamehameha III died in 1854. The admiralty court came into play and awarded Haalelea with lands disregarding the law set by Kamehameha III that upon remarriage, the party claiming dower lost all claims. ….the rule of law was not followed...and where the heck did the admiralty court have authority or jurisdiction? Anaderia Amoe then claimed for the lands of Haalelea who was Not the heir......lots of criminal activities found....also, Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani as with any of the Kings after Kamehameha III did not have the authority to convey any lands because it was a done deal when the Mahele was done by Kamehameha III alone. Dole was a fraud, for I found that he and another Dole is on record of having about 300 acres of land in Mokuleia when they were only 8 - 9 years old........bunch of criminals documented...…..ultimately, all of the land records will be /is already being reviewed which is why the stripping of lands have occurred through the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court, Judicial Tribunal is on record...… we also need to get all of our Hawaiian Kingdom records back because Aliens have infiltrated tampered with our records.....research ongoing; meanwhile, kanaka maoli can continue to obtain their Royal Patents, Land Commission Awards, and Surveys as prima facie evidence of ownership....the game in play was to defraud kanaka maoli using legalese...example in 1929 former Judge Bailey of the Land Court wrote that "alodio in fee simple" instead the truth of alodio/allodial for kanaka maoli and fee simple for Aliens....see the INDICES OF AWARDS......choke fraud and there's more... illegal contracts perpetuated since the Hawaiian Homes Commission act with Prince Kuhio...who was basically a dumbasss even though he was related to us, one of the major sellouts....he did Not have the authority to do anything with Private Properties...must be hot in hell....with his copartners Son of a Bitch Dole, Terrorist Thurston, Chucky Charles Reed Bishop, Wicked William O. Smith, et. als....….till later.

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Vol VII No. 769 - Wicked Finds in Research
Vol VII No. 769 - Wicked Finds in Research
Vol VII No. 769 - Wicked Finds in Research

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