Friday, September 27, 2019

Vol VII No. 772 Wednesday Weekly September 26, 2019 (Part 5 of 5)

IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIO…/royal-familys-la… Land Owners, Next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop Step forward claiming our Royal Family's properties......Kanaka maoli, Konohiki/ Royal Family's Konohiki ---important fyi
Hawaiian Kingdom is the Best Series

U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3X to Queen Liliuokalani

  Alodio, Forever Lands Given to Kanaka Maoli and Fee Simple to Aliens 

About the Hawaiian Government - a Constitutional Monarchy Since Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli 

Anti-Slavery Law Passed in the Hawaiian Kingdom 13 Years Before the United States Passed Their Law!

Failed Annexation Off Jstor  - Article from the Amsterdam University - Amsterdam, Netherlands

About the United States:
The following Lies are documented in the 1898 Senate transcript exposed in the article: "Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed"
(1) U.S. debate on whether to take over Hawaii occurred five (5) years AFTER taking over
Hawaii, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in a planned move since 1840.
started/existed "four days earlier"

IHRAAM Statement: Item 4, General Debate, 17 September 2019

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Reminder of Russell Means advice to kanaka maoli:

  • Amelia Gora "Apology for GENOCIDE? Apology for GENOCIDE?" ….UMMY DAYZ! those who understand pidgeon …. OOLISH FAY, UMMY DAYZ! ET GAY IT! OME SAY OTALLY TAY AM DAY OOLS FAY! lol.... even my old friend saw how kanaka maoli leaders are...and he was a Professor from a mainland college who was one of the early speakers of Artin May Uther lay Ing Kay! …..pardon the local language...all others can try to figure it out..... ;)
    Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) [Official music video HD]
    Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) [Official music video HD]
    Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) [Official music


The Queen Liliuokalani Trust has sold the fee for the ground beneath the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel for $78 million — its second sale of a Waikiki property this year — as part of the trust’s repositioning of assets to support programs for Native Hawaiian children.

About this website
The transaction follows the trust’s recent sale of the land beneath the Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach for $195 million to Safehold Inc., a real estate investment trust affiliated with iStar Financial.

  • Amelia Gora This Liliuokalani Trust is a FRAUD.....this trust was based on a trust created by the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, the same who were the trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates....William O. Smith et. als…..also, the facts of the matter is that our court of original jurisdiction the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom adjudicated the matters in 2018...notice was served in 2018, and again 2019...we have the return receipt for the Certified Mailings..... Hilton Waikiki Beach will have to get their monies back from the criminal deviants because the REAL Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani exists....She had created her trust in 1872 and William O. Smith et. als. had changed an "Agreement" to a "Deed". ; Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust with the usurpers... We stripped all the lands from the FRAUD Trust, and the same goes for the Bernice Pauahi Bishop/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools as well....which means that the current Trustees are illegal and documented criminals! They signed the certified return receipt ….. the Trusts are now in the hands of the True Trustees, our Royal Family's. See: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0408 First Supreme Court Court Case Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated the Trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust of 1909 and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools - Bishop Estates/ Kamehameha Schools Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018
    Hawaiian Kingdom: Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 ...
    Was this helpful?
    Hawaiian Kingdom - System of Government - Supreme Court

    The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court. The judicial power of the Kingdom is vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Legislature may, from time to time, establish. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. It is the final court of appeal …
    Hawaiian Kingdom: Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 ...

    Jul 03, 2018 · Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0408 First Supreme Court Court Case Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated the Trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust of 1909 and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools - Bishop Estates/ Kamehameha Schools Guilty of Fraud, … questions?

    Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 - 42 7/03/2018
    Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 - 42 7/03/2018
    Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 - 42 7/03/2018

  • Sudden Rush EA
    Sudden Rush EA
    Sudden Rush EA

  • Amelia Gora The court of Original Jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Supreme Court, and not the identity thieves, pirate, pillagers, treasonous persons, conspirators who infiltrated the Judiciary in the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii aka's.
    Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom Has the Original ...
    Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom Has the Original Jurisdiction Not the Identity Thieves Territory turned State of Hawaii
    Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom Has the Original Jurisdiction Not the…
    Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Kingdom Has the Original Jurisdiction Not the Identity Thieves Territory turned State of Hawaii

  • Amelia Gora The suit comes on the heels of the February 25 memorandum written by Dr. Alfred M. deZayas – the United Nations Independent Expert under the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – to members of the judiciary of the State of Hawai‘i advising the courts “should not lend themselves to a flagrant violation of the rights of the land title holders” and “must not enable or collude in the wrongful taking of private lands”, based on the understanding that Hawaii is a “sovereign nation-state in continuity” which is “under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and fraudulent annexation.” IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to ...

    May 09, 2019 · deZayas’ Memorandum in its entirety, which can be downloaded in PDF format. His memorandum also serves as an amendment to the 2013 Report correcting the legal status of Hawai‘i as an occupied State and not an issue of self-determination for ...
    U.N. Expert to Hawai`i Judges: Islands Under “Strange Form ...

    It is extremely unlikely that an expert such as de Zayas, or anyone, would write his own name so incorrectly. Note that this is simply not a typo since the same “Dr. Alfred M. deZayas” appears at the bottom of the memorandum. Additionally, no document on the internet by de Zayas uses the format and spelling of the memorandum.
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

  • Amelia Gora Note: the Hawaiian Kingdom exists whether anyone likes it or never went away....the usurpers were part of the voted in temporary body the l/3 part called the House of Representatives who premeditated the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation supported by the United States....see John Foster's article at United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped ...

    Nov 04, 2018 · United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy ... 2015 · The Following Alii Nui/Alii Names Are Part of the Royal Families/ Royal Persons Who Are Not Subject to the Laws Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics View Discussions Royal Persons are Not Subject to the ...
    Author: Hwnwahine

    Hawaiian Kingdom: Exposing Conspiracies In Hawaii Since ...

    Mar 23, 2019 · John Foster's article - He directed the overthrow of 1893: ... who had the author of this article, Amelia Gora ... Posted by hwnwahine at 3:02 AM* Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy .
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

  • Amelia Gora read all 771 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk to keep in tune to what happened over time...history research, genealogy research, legal research, etc.... share far and wide.....Identity thieves galore, Aliens, pirates amidst our good people....lots of wicked ones, scoundrels, pirates, parasites, squatters....
    Sudden Rush - Hawaii 3000 ( Acoustic Live!)
    Sudden Rush - Hawaii 3000 ( Acoustic Live!)
    Sudden Rush - Hawaii 3000 ( Acoustic Live!)


Facts we do know:
TMT has not been totally honest in its dealings with Maunakea.
Despite TMT statements there is no military connections; this is false. Military technology is being used. The USA military is not in control but can be involved in its use when it needs for space supremacy and its Star Wars agenda.
Keck observatory is duplicity with TMT which is not mentioned.
Lake Waiau is already affected; the water level has decreased immensely and contaminated.
The question of the aquifer still raises a lot of questions.
There is still the issue of impact of the construction of the observatory on Maunakea. The area and depth it will use to build it and surrounding area. How intrusive it will be.
Maintenance and operations are in question that will affect the mauna. Man made accidents and machinery accidents that potentially occur; how will it be cleaned up and what is its effect on the mauna. How much of the area will be affected and what toxins might be spilt on to the mauna.
The Keck observatory is very similar to TMT except for its size and some of the technology that is updated.
If there are other questions; we’d like to hear it. This is purely about the building of TMT and the effects of its presence on the mauna.

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