Friday, October 25, 2019

Vol VII No. 776 - Part 2a

Kamaka Pili KHON2
(HONOLULU, HAWAII) — Councilmember Kymberly Pine issued the following statement about residents arrested during the wind farm protest.
“I wish that there were this many police officers responding to drug dealers, who are real criminals, in my district,” said Councilmember Kymberly Pine. “Island-wide we are experiencing a real epidemic with illegal drug use which leads to homelessness, more crime and families falling apart.”
“Our communities are crying for help and more police officers,” Councilmember Pine said. “But if the Mayor makes a phone call about Sherwood Forest or a wealthy mainland company CEO is concerned about his wind farm, then there is a rapid police response and Native Hawaiians are arrested. Something is very wrong with this picture.”
“People say we must enforce the law — then enforce it equitably and help real victims who are real people and taxpayers. Arrest real criminals who harm our communities,” she said.
Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine represents residents of District One (ʻEwa, ʻEwa Beach, Kapolei, Honokai Hale, Ko ʻOlina, Nānākuli, Mā‘ili, Wai‘anae, Mākaha, Kea‘au, Mākua) and is chair of the City Council’s Committee on Business Economic Development and Tourism

  • Kuulei Gora PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK - for all kanaka maoli ...

    Jul 22, 2019 · In the interest of safety concerns for our neutral, friendly, non-violent people, the following PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK was compiled for all kanaka maoli, families, and friends. Keep for your records: CONTENTS I. Protective Orders Letter II. note: the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina is a separate nation from the U.S. and all kanaka maoli and friends are protected persons under international law...Read Dr. Alfred deZayas letters of the United Nations which is at the end of the handbook....applies to all in the Hawaiian Islands....etc.
    PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK - for all kanaka maoli, families, and friends
    PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK - for all kanaka maoli, families, and friends
    PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK - for all kanaka maoli, families, and friends

    • Saturday, October 19, 2019
      The Criminal History About the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina In a Nutshell
      Only Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom laws are to be used... documented Premeditation has been found, fraud has been excessive amount of it too...then the Royal Family's exist descendants of Kamehameha who have the superior, paramount titles....and, the court of original jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court....the U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back 3x....then the criminal deviant President McKinley "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a territory of the U.S.....Cleveland's acts are a done's not our problem that McKinley was a major dumbass who warred with Spain over lies and got hundreds of thousands killed... etc. Hey, the treaty of 1849/1850 exists because it was ONLY between the U.S. President Taylor and Kamehameha III's heirs and successors---all bloodlines NOT Alien infiltrators! Read DeZayas letters recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom exists aside from the facts that our Hawaiian Kingdom never went away, etc. talk about the criminal history of Pirates in the Pacific and the World in a paragraph! Read all the 775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk for more info aloha.
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      IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
      IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
      reference: 775 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
      discussions such as this:
      Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero is feeling hopeful with Hanale Kila Hopfe and 47 others at
      January 28 · Honolulu, HI ·
      DUAL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS FOR HAWAII RESIDENTS. CLOSE OUR BORDERS! We shouldn't be a part of the 9th Judicial Circuit. Hawaii has to have its own Judicial Circuit. The overthrow of the Hawaiian language as one of two constitutional languages in Hawaii has never been lawfully addressed. By denying our constitutional protections of two languages in government & law, the residents of Hawaii have been forced to survive with our physical borders and constitutional protections being obliterated by human trafficking concealed behind tourism, all conduct of human trafficking violating the Jones Act for profiteering. If all our goods must go to California first or in the least, Hawaii residents are charged the JONES ACT fees despite the goods being delivered straight to Hawaii, why is it that tourists are allowed to fly straight to Hawaii? Tourist should go to California first, then to Hawaii. Jones Act as practiced by US authorities is not protecting Hawaii .... it needs to be enforced upon people trafficking in addition to being enforceable upon goods. Also, two languages is the only constitutional judge and jury of my peers if we are in Hawai'i... if only English language is used.... the judge is now a biased constitutional GOD, the jury becomes biased to one language... which equates to special interest. Bad. Bad. Bad. No man is perfection. No woman either. Two languages is the only way to enforce a constitutional jury and a constitutional judge in preservation of common law for Hawaii residents. Dual citizenship is our lawful right in the Hawaii islands. Two issues intertwined. LANGUAGE & LAW concealing HUMAN TRAFFICKING directly obliterating common law jurisdiction in the Hawai'i islands. DUAL CITIZENSHIP protects us from peonage and human trafficking! HAWAII KINGDOM COMMON LAW CITIZENSHIP ALONG WITH US/STATE OF HAWAII CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP. Common-law citizenship enforceable upon the State of Hawaii as established by Hawaiian usage pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes 1-1. Said rights preserved by Hawaii Kingdom Judicial precedent and adopted into the Hawaii State constitution, Article 9, Section 10. KĀNĀWAI MĀMALAHOE. Prepare your Affidavit of Truth for common-law enforcement of Dual Citizenship rights. Hawaii Kingdom Common law citizenship and US/State Citizenship.
      The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth. Or, an individual having one nationality at birth may naturalize at a later date in another country and become a dual national. OR..... as for Hawaii residents, we are granted dual citizenship by the Hawaii Statehood Act, also by the Clearfield doctrine, and by Hawaii Revised Statutes section 1-1, thereby able to enforce all Hawaiian Kingdom laws as constitutional common law expressions of Hawaii Island residents irregardless of ancestry.... DUAL NATIONALITY or rather DUAL CITIZENSHIP IS OUR MUSE FOR HARMONY IN LAW FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF THE HAWAI'I ISLANDS.
      Hawaii State Common law survives upon Hawaii Kingdom jurisdictional practices. Same same. Hawaii State common law is the same as Hawaii Kingdom Constitutional law. Same thing
      US Constitutional law requires that an individual must apply nationality voluntarily and with intention. Intent may be shown by the person’s statements and conduct.
      Art School · Honolulu, HI
      Paul Komara and 10 others have been here
      40Ruthann Caudill, Punohu Kekaualua and 38 others
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      Beth Leeds Robert! I read what you say and understand. You are a master
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      Ruthann Caudill Very well written, Robert.
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      Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Ruthann Caudill you have been consecrated by Akua long ago.... i am in your service my lady.
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      Ruthann Caudill U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to his or her U.S. citizenship. ... Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country.
      Dual Nationality - Bureau of Consular Affairs - US Department ...
      Department of State (.gov) › travel › legal
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      Dual Nationality
      Dual Nationality
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      Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Ruthann Caudill, with an Affidavit of Truth for Dual Citizenship, Dual Citizenship is our constitutional right and allows Common-law constitutional protections in the Hawai'i islands.

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