Saturday, November 30, 2019

Genealogy Challenge Recorded for the Records - posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom

Genealogy Challenge: Monica Mone't MAUNA KEA is private property. It is owned by the Blood relations of HRH King Kamehameha III. These lands known in history as the Crown Lands and I am the senior Mahu Wahine heir to these lands. My family ever since the illegal overthrow have been trying to get these lands restored to our family estate, the Kamehameha Estate. What we have learned in the past 127 years is that we can not make this happen alone. It will take the will of you the La Hui, with your moral claims and I as your Mo'i with my legal claims to these lands to petition the Congress and the Federal Government for the return of these lands. It is our hope that these lands will be used as a land base for the 2nd coming of, or the Restoration of the Kingdom of Hawaii. As Mo'i is my right and wish to give every square inch of my Crown Lands to you the La Hui, the Hawaiian Community. It comprises just short of one million acres. All that I ask in return is that you recognize me and swear your allegiance to the living Kamehameha Family. The possibilities are endless as to what we can do to make our culture flourish once again. The New Zealand Government gave back to the Maori Queen their ancestral lands. Let us prey that America will treat us with as much dignity and respect. Many American Indian and Alaskan tribes have been given their Sovereignty, how then can they deny us ours. Signed Ka Mo'i Wahine HRH Nahienaena for more info go to FB Restoration of the Kingdom of Hawaii.๐Ÿ‘‘
Amelia Gora let's see...there's a Sam Monet...any relationship to you? His name Monet was changed from MONIZ a Portuguese name.... know that line is a Kualii/Kahoohanohano and no mention of being a Kamehameha.....specific families are Kamehameha's....there's a genealogy gauntlet for all claiming to be a Kamehameha...just letting you know....

About this website
Performed on Friday, June 12th, 2009 at the lei ceremony on Oahu.

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