Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vol VII No. 780 - Part 3

Clifford Kapono
So how corrupt is government anyway? Go and ask any legislator currently not in office today and they will tell you. Whether or not you accept their testimony is irrelevant, corruption in Hawai is a matter of fact. So what are the facts?
If you ask the simplest question about government in Hawaii you have to ask where did it come from Kamehameha or Ige? Yea, the haoles write about the Kamehameha line of monarchs as if they supported the Kanaka but the better part of our story, they have conveniently left behind. The short facts are these: Na Kanaka are documented by western anthropologist and archeologist to approximate kanaka settlement in the islands on or about 325 A.D.
Western intrusion to Hawaii starts with James Cook in 1778, 1,453 years after us. What were Kanaka Maoli doing for over a thousand years in Hawaii? History says Captain James Cook, of England discovered Hawaii in 1778. Is that to say the Na Kanaka aka Hawaiians had no idea where they were for over a thousand years until Cook showed up and said, “Hey bradah, you stay Sandwich Islands; just incase you neva know.” How ridiculous is that ? Well the absurdity continues with other intruders attempting to educate Kanaka with their haole didactic discounting the fact we were here first. If they are so advanced academically why did it take them over a thousand years to find Hawaii?
In 1789, the fur trading ship “Columbia” was the first American vessel to anchor in Hawaiian waters, off Kaua`i almost 20 years after the British. Then 31 years after the American fur traders, the American missionaries arrived in 1820 that resulted in the biggest con job of a native people coercing us to believe that we had no idea of God and that Jesus was a haole.
Seven years later, the French Catholic missionaries arrive in 1827 on the “La Comète” a Romaine class frigate from France on an invitation issued by Jean Baptiste Rives a small 4ʻ French man who had been in Hawaii for sometime and had gained the confidence of the aliʻi, in particular Queen Regent Kaʻahumanu and other chiefs. Kanaka found ourselves exposed, the British and Americans bought their individuals theology of Protestantism, the French Catholicism, and in 1861 the Russians bought with them the Russian Orthodox Church to Honolulu, and all of these missionaries said Kanaka had too many gods?
If theology is in fact the study of God and man sees himself as less than the supreme creator, it is logical to assume the variances and arguments that ensue over the differences in who God actually is if at all by western theological evidence is even relative? This conflicting notion of God as understood by resident Kanaka Maoli and the intrusive missionaries results in a quagmire of racial religious beliefs with a hostility that is documented by the historic violence of man to other men on the notion of one God, herein the seed of discrimination and eventual corruption of peace and prosperity becomes clearly evident in understanding, “God is God and we are not.”so whatʻs the problem?
The progressive problem of evolution becomes evident in the expression of power. For Hawaii since 1778, power has been expressed by the introduction of gizmos and gadgets by the intruder to gain access to Kanaka natural resources solely for the intrudersʻ benefit.
So after all these years, why havenʻt Na Kanaka wised up? Well, we have been indoctrinated by the intruder via western education here in Hawaii at the British PrepSchool Iʻolani; American PrepSchools Kamehameha and Punahou and French PrepSchools St. Louis, Damien, Star of the Sea, St. Francis and others. So when Na Kanaka decode the complexities pervasive western academia argues as logical and reasonable whether scientific or social we fundamentally hold to an alternative line of reasoning that being inherent to every Kanaka Maoli here in Hawaii or anywhere in the Maori Nation as the “intelligence of Aloha”. Without Aloha you are haʻole, without the breath of life, simply put.
So if you read my post wanting to know where the corruption is, just look around. Wherever you see a non-Hawaiian in action or deed without “Aloha” you will find corruption.
jus sayʻn©
Indoctrination… Innocents ….an anti-war message....

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This is a conversation starter that was brought before congress

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New Jersey’s African American lawmakers want to start studying how the state could make reparations for slavery.

  • Judy Lee I thought disability was that. And preferential treatment at work.
    • La Tasha Richardson Judy Lee what preferential treatment at work are you referring to? And what disability are you talking about?
    • Judy Lee La Tasha Richardson Well I can tell you how in 1978 the United States Postal Services was hiring black men who scored at least 15 points less than I on the test, and that included their military points. How do I know they were being hired over me? BeSee More
  • Greg Collins Absurd this is provoking civil unrest and racism for political gain. Of course all good people have remorse for mistreatment in the past but it was none of us alive today. Blacks started slavery whites ended it, basic historical fact, can't go into allSee More
  • La Tasha Richardson “New Jersey’s African American lawmakers want to start studying how the state could make reparations for slavery.

    The New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus introduced a bill Thursday that would establish a Reparations Task Force. The task force would inSee More
    • Greg Collins La Tasha Richardson they are lying they are trying to dupe Blacks into slavery, just like Obama. They 💯 care only about themselves and political power. If they cared about Black people they would be Republican or independent not Democrats the party of slavery.
    • La Tasha Richardson Greg Collins first of all it’s not “blacks” but African Americans let’s start there. How do you know who’s “duping who”!
  • Jeff Warshal Was NJ a confederate slave state? The reality is, the great Union destroyed slavery. Slavery, aka plantation economics, was British and designed to destroy the great economic development of the USA. Possibly the ancestors of slaves owe the great Union a huge debt.
  • Matt Shibles No I grew up actually next door to a house on the underground rr north side. We weren’t a slave state. Late the stables on outlawing it, but not a confederate state man.

    Thinking the ancestors of slaves owe anybody anything is honestly insane.
    • Jeff Warshal Matt Shibles No more insane then the ancestors of slaves being owed anything. Beyond maybe some confederate dollars.
  • Isacc Witham The Dutch and English Royal Families .... The Royals Owe it NOT American Taxpayers OH and what about the Statute of Limitations ?
  • Andy Thomas This is absurd! Reparations to people who weren't alive from people who weren't responsible? Is this what we are talking about here? Try taking my money for this and see what the response will be but not just from me but many, many others. This is absurd and asinine.
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Indoctrination… Innocents ….an anti-war message....

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System of a Down's official music video for 'B.Y.O.B'. Click to listen to…

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