Saturday, November 30, 2019

Vol VII No. 781 - Part 4

How 666 AntiChrist Donald John Trump is hidden in plain sight by Alfred Lambremont Webre


Annie Leonard, Greenpeace Unsubscribe

Thu, Nov 28, 6:57 AM (2 days ago)
to me
Thank you so much for stepping up and taking action and welcome to our community.
I’ve been an environmental activist for about 25 years and never seen a moment like now. Trump and corporate mega-polluters are waging a nonstop assault on our environment and our communities. At the same time, our movement is blossoming! We’re pushing back to protect our oceans, climate and homes like never before. It’s time to band together and fight back with everything we’ve got.
I want to tell you a bit more about Greenpeace. We are a people-powered organization. We won’t accept a single penny from corporations or governments because, honestly, all too often one or the other is the cause of the problem. All our support, financial and otherwise, comes from our selfless, dedicated members. When we join together, our everyday acts of courage lead to powerful change.
One of our key campaigns right now is to keep throwaway single-use plastics out of our oceans. Even after decades of recycling legislation and programs, over 90 percent of the plastic we use is not recycled. Every single minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic is dumped into the ocean.
More than 1 million Greenpeace change agents have taken action around the world: signing a global petition to the largest corporate offenders; returning unwanted plastic packaging to retailers; sharing photos of excessive packaging with a #BreakFreeFromPlastic hashtag. Our people are standing up to demand better from the companies that deliver goods globally.
Just as important is our campaign to ensure that the next president is a champion for the climate. We need a president who will say no to fossil fuels by halting oil, gas, and coal expansion, phase out existing fossil fuel infrastructure, and center fossil fuel workers and climate-impacted communities in the transition to a renewable energy economy. They must champion a Green New Deal by mobilizing our economy toward 100% renewable energy for all, creating millions of family-sustaining jobs, and securing a better future for communities that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel industry exploitation.
The good news is that it’s working. Many of the candidates have responded with strong comprehensive plans to address the climate crisis, and called for a debate focused on climate change. Kroger  — one of the country’s biggest super markets — announced it would drop plastic bags. Major consumer brands like Coca-Cola, Starbucks and McDonalds are scrambling to respond to our movements call to drop single-use plastic packaging.
The bad news is that we still have a long way to go. Fossil fuel companies hold too much political power and plastic commitments from most brands don’t go nearly far enough. The fight to defend our planet against corporate greed is long, difficult, and costly. But with millions of people just like you on our side, I know we will succeed.
All of the projects we have underway are guided by our values: financial independence, peaceful protest and creative communication, people power, global engagement, diversity, and inclusion. If these values are important to you, and I have a feeling they are, I hope you will make a contribution today.
For a green and peaceful future,
Annie Leonard
Executive Director, Greenpeace USA
P.S. I want you to know that we are thrilled and inspired to have you on our side. Change agents like you are the lifeblood of Greenpeace — if you need anything, please reach out to us at, or call us at (202) 462-1177.
Greenpeace never takes a dime from corporations or governments. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you!
702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995

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