Thursday, December 19, 2019

AGAINST MONARCHISM - article found in Queen Liliuokalani's files at the Archives

the JP Morgan bankers are documented as the thieves....then notice that the articles that I've posted shows the connection of the JP Morgan bankers with the Vatican, and the Vatican/Pope with the Rockefellers /Rothschilds........which connects to the `1822 Secret Treaty of Verona ----the issue of the Dragon is also part of the Mason/ Freemason, the occult/demon worshipers.

Queen Liliuokalani's article which was found in her file at the Archives titled "Against Monarchy" shows who the criminals were.

It was the bankers namely JP Morgan who gave consent to the theft of the assets of the Hawaiian Kingdom.........
The report then declares against monarchism in the islands, saying we exercise at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, which, it says, “is an American State embraced in the American commercial and military system,” entitling it to the indulgent consideration, if not active sympathy, is its endeavors to release her people from the odious anti-Republican regime, and subordinate her people to the supposed divine
right of a monarch “whose title to such divinity originated in the most slavish conditions of pagan barbarity.”…….The Hawaiian Monarchy had perished…”
Note: J.P. Morgan and friends have FAILED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK… Royal descendants of Kamehameha EXIST,including the author of this paper, Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the laws. Families claims documenting FRAUD has been recorded over time… the PROBATES, other documentation have testimonies and other indications of FRAUD, DECEIT, CORRUPTION, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE documented.
It is from this point on that the BULK OF RESOURCES of HAWAII appears to have been PLUNDERED UPON.


IMPORTANT READ – Out of Queen Liliuokalani’s Personal Files at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands or the MORGAN/INTERNATIONAL BANKERS WERE THE ONES!


This article was copied at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, gotten out of Queen Liliuokalani’s personal papers.

Note that the MORGAN bankers did criminally assume the taking of Hawaiian monies and became partners in Crime with the U.S. who did Premeditate the taking over of the PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION, etc. with evidence printed in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, 1893……….then the Military with their gatling guns left the Warship BOSTON on January 15, 1893 and the dethronement occurred on January 17, 1893 under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion.
This article was also entered in the recent Crown Land Case --- the State of Hawaii is suing us....
Updated 11/05/2012 comment:  The MORGAN bankers, et. als. DO NOT HAVE TITLE and cannot have title. which means that they are NOT the owners, which means everyone paying Mortgages will need to sue the Title Companies, the banks, etc. for lands that they do NOT own.


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