Sunday, December 1, 2019

Legal Notice - Immunities for the Royal Families, Kanaka Maoli/Subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii




[Kanaka Maoli flag]


President Barack Obama
Secretary of State - John Kerry
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others
                                        Re: Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Notice Number 2016-0923 -    Immunities/Protective Orders Granted Affecting Royal Families, Kanaka Maoli/Subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom on the side of the Queen/ Queen Liliuokalani by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of the True Land Owner(s), Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs and Successors, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successors,  Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner,  House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative  

Legal Notice - from the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Amelia Gora:

As the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Amelia Gora, I hereby grant immunities to all kanaka maoli, Royal Family members on the side of the Queen/Queen Liliuokalani.
Protective Orders may be gotten at as well as assignments to the government lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  The State of Hawaii are Not the Superior Alodio land owners and are occupiers who have criminally used our identities over time.
References :  768 Pirates, Pillagers, Conspirators etc. documented on this website:   
Amelia Gora, a Royal Person 9/23/2016 1:51 PM

More References:

Landais case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, Supreme Court, Honolulu, Hawaii
De Flanchet case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, Supreme Court, Honolulu, Hawaii

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