Saturday, December 28, 2019

Pirates Eyes on Hawaii: Exposing Illegal War Criminals, Aliens Ige et. als. - Genuinely Hostile in the Hawaiian Kingdom

Coming up soon on 30th of December, Monday, is the Hawaiian Kingdom Memorial Day.
It began with the death of Nahi’ena’ena; and extended for memorializing all our loved ones and heroes/heroines of our nation; so with that we say let’s honor our loved ones especially on this Memorial Day Observance 30 December 2019.
Quickly following is Makahiki Hou with, “Hapenuia!” We reflect on the old year and look for a more positive new year. The year 2019 was acknowledged as the year of the Hawaiian. Somehow it was not a celebratory year for Hawaiian people.
It was a year of awareness, disrespect of a people and injustice dating back to 1893 and up to the present. There is something wrong when the alleged State of Hawaii singles out; slanders and disrespects an ethnic group within its own country. The governor Ige and AG Connor led the way in character-assassination of the aboriginal Hawaiian people using typical double-standards mal-injuries which incited other USA hostile occupiers to jump on the bandwagon and make libelous accusations as stated by the governor, attorney general, and other state of Hawaii government officials.
The governor proclaimed the native Hawaiian people to be alcoholics, drug users, and petty criminals breaking the laws by protesting the construction of the TMT observatory. Their libel statements has incensed me and most kanaka maoli who are none of those things they accuse us of being.
Who else are on welfare, recipients of food stamps, Medicaid; houseless, subsistence assistance, paid for by the taxpayers? What ethnic group has been evicted and displaced from their own property illegally ? What group has been most overlooked from employment? What group have been trivialized and minimized in this American society?
Who tries to erase the existence of the kanaka maoli in Hawaii Nei.? Who makes money off of Hawaiian lands and culture? Who ignores the plight and justice for the Hawaiian Kingdom aboriginal people?
Yes, this is a memorable year of and for the Hawaiians. That’s why we say enough is enough! USA hostile occupier citizens are afraid to admit to the international laws of occupation and neutrality of the Hawaiian Kingdom which still exists today. They, too, have been caught up in the USA fraud, deceit, and lies. They don’t want to be told they are illegally residing in the Hawaiian Kingdom and committing war crimes against the Hawaiian Kingdom and its people. The bubble has burst; truth and reality are exposed.
Yes, this is the year of the Hawaiians and what an awakening for many people who have been clueless for so long.
I am a kanaka maoli, an aboriginal human being of the Hawaiian Kingdom; HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!

ALIENS, WAR CRIMINALS - entity Governor Ige, et. als., EXPOSING THEMSELVES IN THE Hawaiian Kingdom


Comments  fifteen man on the deadmans chest *best songversion*



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