Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Fact: Another Kamehameha heir Leaving Hawaii - Jack Iaukea

Dear Hawaii, first let me say, I love you. My family has strong ties here starting with Z. Taylor who recognized the Hawaiian Islands as independent in 1849. There is so much beauty in the people & geography. I've learned much from the original culture. I can see why people flock to live here.
Beneath the crystal blue water, there is a dangerous rip tide and under current: an over-taxing, over regulating State govt. which has its hand out to UN money and programs. It wants to commercialize the culture for profit. The UN needs a separate govt to sign with to trademark and copyright all thing Hawaii. The "haole" is not doing this, but the "Native" Hawaiian indigenous reps. (while pointing fingers at foreigners.)
Many "Actor-vists" perpetuate the problems. How? By concentrating on division. Us vs. them. OHA holds injuries in front of you like a carrot leading the people like a horse into a federal rec. Indian tribe. Some tell people NOT to vote - not American- which enables foreigners to make decisions that control you. It disempowers people.
It seems every protest is hijacked by bribes from OHA. The actor-vists, first in line, on TV, praised by many, have been horribly rude to Jack, calling him "too uneducated," "too unsophisticated" to participate, labeling him a 2nd class kanaka for leaving Hawaii, a haole lover. I've been told not to talk, nit MY problem or history, I can't possibly know the struggles (or empathize, or advocate) for them, etc.
The medical system and labeling "Hawaiians" as sickly is used as an excuse not to treat them. People are dying for lack of basic care and the red tape. Many can't maneuver the "system." Many don't know how y to appeal decisions or denials. They give up. Who is going to pay much attention when a sick Hawaiian dies? No one.
The many Royal trusts appear to promote "culture" as opposed to providing funds for truly beneficial item, such as dental care and dentures, the first necessity for better health. How about computers for the kanaka?
Perpetual protests with professional protesters will NEVER stop, and the "bad guy" is always the "white guy." Racism is encouraged against the visitors and transplants while the TRUE racism against the kanaka is killing them. Examples include lack of Hawaiian Homes, lack of ocean access, blood quantum, etc.
Taxes....taxed for 22% raises for upper County officials (up to $37k/yr. Raise.) Taxed because the county self insured homes built on a volcano lava zone 1, taxed by the Jones Act on all imports, taxed for the monorail. Hawaii gets off on new taxes and high cost of living. Much like the So. Border in Calif., this all provides political talking points and nothing gets done. assured, people thousands of miles away will think twice before using "aloha" in a business name, as though THAT issue provided any type of relief to the people working three jobs. It seems rather bully-ish to me.
March after march down the streets of Oahu have brought little change from my perspective. What is the point when those who decide are elected officialms who just see to tolerate the protests.KNOW THIS...the State can and will out-wait and out-spend you. Believe it our not, many in the State are for independence.
These examples and opinions are NOT the reason we we leaving Hawaii, but do tip the scale in favor of it. The REASON we are leaving is because if Jack stays, he will not receive the medical care he needs, not because it CAN"T be provided, but because it WON'T be provided, which is directly related to State policy and lack of accountability. In short...corruption. I also believe Jack being full blooded and related to the monarchy has contributed to our horrendous experiences.
So much money is wasted here. Arbitrary medical decisions are made that hurt people. There are some good doctors, but the State provides a very bad atmosphere for doctors here. This is March worthy, vote worthy to bring change, but people live with it silently because here in Hawaii, you can't bite the hand that feds you, even if that food is rotten, it's the only thing they have.
I hope POTUS sends in the feds to regrow and audit each and every State agency to drain the swamp and offer relief to the kanaka. Hawaii has a severe, illogical hated towards Trump, generally.
In any event, life is short and we can't spend more time here without Jack suffering less actual care.thanks There will be no improvement here.
My admonishment: VOTE, even if you write "under duress" on the ballot. RUN for office and start stearing the changes you want from within. Force Hawaiian Air and all incoming flights to view a video on the history of Hawaii. You will be surprised how much support you will received from people who, like you, were taught propaganda. Pray that any evil assignment against Hawaii is defeated and rendered impotent. Give Trump a second look, he is responsive.
Our love and prayers are with Hawaii always. A hui hou, aloha nui loa, aloha oi.

  • Tamara Wood Maria and Jack, any community anywhere in this world where you move will be gaining good friends and team players. Alabama will be a better state for having you live there! Wish it was CA but it is so suppressive here (as in Hawaii) that you would not thrive under the weight of it. Enjoy the journey as you always try to do, and I pray love will surround you and Jack will finally get the medical attention he so well needs and deserves!!! Love you both, and I am so excited for you. You will finally get to live where there are 4 seasons!!!
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  • Koki Mauna Borikén Maria and Jack. I really feel your frustrations and eventual need to leave home. Eventhough we may not agree on all things political, I know that what you and Jack decide is because of the rotten fake state policies that put Jack's health between a rock and a hard place. Rest assured that Hawai'i nei is always HOME. Wherever you find yourselves. So much aloha to you both.
  • Ipo Keen You two look amazing. Thank you Lord for keeping your hand on these two. 🙏🌺🙏🌺🙏🌺
  • Malia Kahale You guys right about Hawaii, we in the wrong club.
    • Malia Kahale May the Lord guide you two on your new journey, I think you right about POTUS, after the impeachment thing is done, something is going to happen all over the world.
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  • Jade Ah Ho I pray always, no matter where you and uncle Jack goes, you are always safe, well, and provided for. Hawaii will be here for you both to visit. A hui hou e malama! Aloha to you both always.
  • Amelia Gora Free healthcare at Queen's Hospital and yet you're moving on where only the soldiers health care benefits will be used? All you folks had to do was obtain the Incorporation documents for Queen's Hospital at the Archives.....Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho is the permanent President and kanaka maoli can benefit...….we are Queen Emma's families....and Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho's family. Perhaps you folks did not find Jack's connection.... He's part of the Kamaka family who was the oldest son of Kahiamoe who was the oldest son of Hueu Davis who was the oldest son of Isaac Davis and Grace Kamaikui who was the daughter of John Young/Olohana. It makes a world of sense why Jack's family had jewels of Queen Victoria..... suggest you go there to Queen's with this evidence. Jack will perish if he doesn't get the health care that he needs.....knocking on doors will do it....for Hueu Davis (and siblings) were also adopted by Kamehameha, which makes him one of his heirs....Hueu Davis grandmother was Kaonaeha/Kuamoo niece of Kamehameha too. Know that many military personnel have not gotten all of their benefits and have been ignored...sad but true...….. maybe you folks could go to the mainland and still retrieve funding for he is an heir..... do I know this? because I am Kahiamoe's brothers descendant named Kailio. Keep in touch or also brother John misses talking to Jack. Best wishes.aloha.

  • Hawaii My Home (feat. Sonny Lim & Maka)
    Hawaii My Home (feat. Sonny Lim & Maka)
    Hawaii My Home (feat. Sonny Lim & Maka)

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