Friday, January 17, 2020

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk Vol VII No. 788 Special: Remembering Queen Liliuokalani and the Sad Event of the Hawaiian Kingdom Marked as a Long Planned, Premeditation to Assume Our Nation - the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and Reminder that Rents are Due - No Squatting Allowed

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk   Vol VII No. 788  Special: 

 Remembering Queen Liliuokalani and the Sad Event of the Hawaiian Kingdom Marked as a Long Planned, Premeditation to Assume Our Nation - the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and Reminder that Rents are Due - No Squatting Allowed

                                                                       -  Reminder  and Review - 

                                                                                             by Amelia Gora (2020), One of Kamehameha's descendants, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
                                                                                                   House of Nobles Member, Land owner, Landlord, Konohiki, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court - Court of                                                                                                    original jurisdiction - Judge, Hawaiian Genealogicial Society Representative

On January 17, 1893, a long planned, premeditation to usurp the Sovereign from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation was brought to what was thought to be a end by conspirators, treasonous persons supported by the United States of America.

But that was not so because the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina never went away.  Queen Liliuokalani was part of the Kamehameha Dynasty because she was adopted/a hanai of Kamehameha descendants Abner Paki - son of Kalanihelemaiiluna who was a son of Kamehameha and Abner Paki's wife Konia who was a daughter of Kaoleioku, the oldest son of Kamehameha.  

Queen Liliuokalani had siblings:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kalola (female), Kaluaikau (female), Alapai, and others who became hanai/adopted by other Alii.


Kamehameha in 1810 was recognized as the King of the Hawaiian archipelago, and began a Monarchy government.  

The Hawaiian archipelago is made up of 133 islands.

Kamehameha died in 1819 and left his widows and 20 children.

The American Mercenaries/Missionaries arrived who helped to plan the takeover of an Island Kingdom with their greed, filled with animosities, ill intent hidden behind bibles.  They were from the United States of America who were warring with the land owners they called the American Indians.

In 1826, the mercenaries/missionaries were planning to annex Hawaii to the United States.

Kamehameha II - Liholiho became King and left for England to learn more about how to rule a Monarchy government.  He and his Royal  travelers were exposed to measles gotten off of blankets gifted to them by the English.  Kamehameha II, and his wife died, their bodies returned.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli became King and passed a Constitution in 1840 making the Hawaiian Kingdom a Constitutional Monarchy government.  This was a special three (3) part government:  (1) Sovereign - his heirs and successors, which was a permanent part of government; (2) House of Nobles - their heirs and successors, which was a permanent part of government; and (3) House of Representatives - this was a voted in, temporary part of government - most of the members were aliens/ foreigners who had their eyes on land, monies, power, conspiracy, treason, etc.

Reference:  REX vs. BOOTH case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/ Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.  

In 1840, U.S. President Tyler planned to annex Hawaii to the United States.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli got the Hawaiian Kingdom recognized in 1843 as a nation by Great Britain, France, the United States of America, France, and Belgium.  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli made treaties with many nations including a treaty of permanent friendship and amity with the United States of America. 

In 1848, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave forever lands to kanaka maoli only called alodio lands.  To Aliens he gave 30 year fee simple lands/less than alodio lands.  The Mahele, the lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom was given out and anything later was 'not of the Kingdom' documented Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  In other words, the conveyances were all a done deal and no one could convey/reconvey what was already gifted to his people or convey fee simple, etc.

The Crown lands were for himself, his heirs, and successors, forever.

The Government lands were to be overseen by the House of Nobles, then the Minister of Interior was assigned to convey short term, fee simple to selected persons.  There was no more alodio titles to be had after the Mahele was made.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli signed and ratified the treaty in 1850 with U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

U.S. President Zachary Taylor also planned to annex Hawaii to the United States.

In 1852, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli made another Constitution which also documented an anti-slavery law.  This law was copied by the United States of America and passed 13 years later after the death of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

Note:  U.S. President Lincoln was not on the list of U.S. Presidents who planned to annex Hawaii.

Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho succeeded Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who died in 1854.  He had stated that someone poisoned him and died 2 weeks later.

Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died.

Kamehameha V - Lot foolishly designated American Civil War General Alfred Hartwell to be a Judge.  He was on assignment to annex Hawaii.  He became one of the three most wealthiest persons in Hawaii.  He failed to follow the rule of law and turned the Crown Lands designation to what he believed it should be.  Instead of following the Crown lands deed signed by Kamehameha III, his opinion that the Crown lands belonged to the seat was played by those who moved to annex Hawaii to the United States.

Note:  American Generals who also moved to annex Hawaii arrived in Hawaii.  They were:  Generals Schofield, Armstrong, Marshall, Dimond, Gresham, Shurz, Robert E. Lee.  See:  More Generals:  John Foster, Grant; Navy - Admiral Porter, Walker, Anurem; Captain Mahan  Navy; and Commodore Perry - Navy.  See:

U.S. Presidents Fillmore, Pierce, Johnson, Grant and Harrison made plans to annex Hawaii.

U.S. Secretaries of State Webster, Calhoun, Buchanan, Clayton, Marcy, Seward, Fish, Frelinghuysen and Blaine also assisted in plans to annex Hawaii.

King Lunalilo was elected but he was actually a Kamehameha, his father was said to be David Kamehameha according to land testimonies.  His mother Auhea/ Kekauluohi was married to Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho.  Her last husband was Charles Kanaina who became the stepfather of all of the Kamehameha's, his stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.  King Lunalilo died after contracting tuberculosis.

King Kalakaua was elected.  He was part of the Kamehameha Dynasty because his mother was a hanai/adopted child of a Kamehameha descendant. King Kalakaua was forced to sign the Constitution of 1878 which was dubbed the "Bayonnet Constitution" because he signed under duress, a gun to his head.  The Constitution written by annexation pushers, conspirators, American supporters moved to strip the powers of the King from him.  King Kalakaua without right granted the United States of America access to Pearl Harbor and he was Not the alodio landowner.  Pearl Harbor was a lease only.  King Kalakaua tried to sell Hawaii to the United States of America and to Japan.  Note:  It was impossible for him or any other King or Queen to do that because alodio titles were owned by Kamehameha's 20 children, his stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.  King Kalakaua was poisoned with drink and drugs.  See:

Queen Liliuokalani, the sister of King Kalakaua was also part of the Kamehameha Dynasty in multiples of ways:  (1) from her mother, (2) from her hanai/adopted parents who were both Kamehameha descendants.  She moved to change the Bayonnet Constitution which was put in place by the annexation activists/conspirators/usurpers/ treasonous persons.  Her hanai/adopted sister Bernice Pauahi and husband Charles Reed Bishop were helpful to the planners, usurpers, and were treasonous persons.

Reality/Fact Check

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was claimed to be the "last of the Kamehameha's" when in reality, there were 20 of Kamehameha's children's, and many stepchildren's, including three (3) hanai/adopted children's descendants existing then and their descendants exist now.

The conspirators, treasonous persons, planners, pirates began to infiltrate in the genealogies of the Royal Families, and brought it together/manipulated/maneuvered all when Bernice Pauahi Bishop died in 1884.   The documented conspirators/pirates/pillagers were:  Charles Reed Bishop, William O. Smith, et. als.

Note:  20 of Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, hanai/adopted children, then the usurpers moved to claim all based on Bernice Pauahi Bishop being the "last of the Kamehameha's".  Also, add to the fact that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half-white? Frauds exposed.

Charles Reed Bishop, William O. Smith, et. als. were the same ones who planned the overthrow/usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and then set up a fraud trust in 1909.
Reference:  100 YEARS OF HEALING by Evelyn E. Cook (2003)

Queen Liliuokalani under her name Kaeha set up a trust in 1872, and under the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii rules of law, the lands could not be used to form another trust.

Queen Liliuokalani's usurpation was made by a well planned premeditation with the United States of America's President Benjamin Harrison, an American Civil War General who moved to annex Hawaii right away.

Since 1840, the planned takeover of Hawaii was made by U.S. Presidents Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Johnson, Grant, and Harrison, the U.S. Presidents who failed to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution of 1787.

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was not on the list, and U.S. President Cleveland was not on the list.

U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897, which means that Hawaii was given back and the U.S. owes rents for the lands assumed by the planners who set everything up and started to assume lands, assets, monies, duties, mineral rights, etc. based on fraud, racketeering, piracy, pillaging, theft, using lands without authority, having no alodio interest, etc.  See:

The Hawaiian Kingdom never went away because the Sovereigns, and House of Nobles heirs and successors existed in 1840 and exists today.

So, the memory of Queen Liliuokalani should be one of shame for a nation that has done so many wrongs against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, who has taken advantage of our good people, even elderly Queen Liliuokalani with elderly abuse, genocide, racketeering, piracy, pillaging, etc. charges and faced with the truth that the Treaty of 1850 between the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America remains the rule of law and is covered under the Supremacy clause, article 6 of the United States Constitution of 1787, and not the Secret Constitutions of later dates of 1871 - Banker's Constitution, and the 1980 Constitution signed by U.S. President James Carter and Congress to defraud the American people, etc.

Without the extensive research by many, the fact that the United States of America operates as two (2) nations:  (1) United States - operates with nations who have treaties and (2) American Empire - operates with territories, recognized as lesser than a nation, would not have been found out.
References:  PEACOCK vs. REPUBLIC OF HAWAII (1912), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Note:  There are three (3) forms of territorial governments: 
(1)  under Congress, in the District of Columbia,
(2) in the organized territories
(3) in Alaska

The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina continues on.

Queen Liliuokalani was a target by racists, haters, animosity filled people who planned since 1840 to rape, pillage, plunder on a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation who did no wrong except having a paradise in the middle of the Pacific, blessed by God which became a target of greed, envy, etc.

Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, and she and her subjects suffered greatly due to some of the leaders of nations who failed to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

Rents are due.  Liens are in place.
References:  Countless letters to Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump with billings for rents, etc., Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) and Enjoinder filed in July 2019, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
We are legally a nation recognized in 1810, and 1843, and most recently by the United Nations.

Fraud, etc. vitiates all claims and all contracts.

Although seemingly a small nation, our Hawaiian archipelago is just as big as Texas and has more value than most areas because our resources includes valuable minerals which only Tibet has.  Also, water is plentiful which belongs to our Hawaiian Kingdom's Royal Family's/Family Royals and kanaka maoli.

So today, we remember Queen Liliuokalani who held firm and spoke out in behalf of our people.  We are truly blessed.  May she and many of our ancestors rest in peace.

May the truth be yours to share far and wide.

Until corrections are made, we thank you for spending very little when you come to Hawaii. 



788 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web
Websites/Links for Hawaiian Nationals ...........researchers: Amelia Gora, Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, Francis Keoua Gora, and unnamed others (2011)
Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church :
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
Page 1:
Page 2:
President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani
Genealogies 1867 (first part)
Genealogies 1867 (second part)
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part)
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:
Annexation Opposition (page 2)
Annexation Opposition (page 3)
Annexation Opposition (page 4)
The Hawaiian Disgrace
Shameful Conspiracy
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920  I Ku Mau Mau and Kaulana na Pua


Comments  Colors of the Wind

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