Saturday, January 11, 2020

Researcher's Contributions: Ruthie Caudill - More Evidence: Premeditation to Dethrone Queen Liliuokalani by the Mormons and the Military in 1893

Illegal Overthrow

Ruthie Caudill
3:27 PM (1 minute ago)
to boe_hawaii, me

Dear Hawaii Board of Education,

I am concerned that the illegal Overthrow of the Monarchy is not being taught correctly.

I am concerned about the part that the Mormon Church played with housing the Military Soldiers in a Mormon Leased building and the Military outside hiding behind the building.

I believe that these actions by a Church is a violation of the US Constitution, "Separation of Church and State."

There are other questionable actions by the Mormon Church, including, but not limited to  their conduct with the Queen.

Please include these facts, either under History, or Social Studies US Constitution.


Ruthann Caudill ****************************************** Research incomplete. Mahalo to Ruthann Caudill. aloha.

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