Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Vol VII No. 789 - Part 2

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controversy, truth……for example, did you know that the United States of America became 2 nations in 1899?  Yep (1) United States - they deal with only nations with treaties and (2) American Empire - deals with only territories, less than a nation….and did you know that the United States operates with 3 Constitutions?  Yep (1) 1787 original; (2) the secret 1871 banker’s Constitution; and (3) 1980 Constitution signed by U.S. President James Carter and Congress…note that number 2 and 3 makes Congress etc. treasonous because the people were unaware of the treaties and not made by the people/citizens…. also there are 3 kinds of territories…..can the American people fix this…of course!  from the Hawaiian Kingdom, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation recognized since 1843 and a nation that never went away! ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SidJMMSZ3Y
Aloha Kakou,
It is my observation that the concept, idea, and / or cultural value of giving, living and sharing ALOHA has become nothing more than a commercial expense / liability, a line item in the budget expense report, or the profit and loss statement, that some, in the corporate and administrative world, just can't seem to wrap their heads around without misappropriating, misusing, and, misrepresenting "ALOHA" in the tools of their trade. The cultural ignorance and insensitivity of corporate executives and administrators is having a slow corrosive and erosive effect upon workers in the hospitality / visitor industry in Hawaii. There are a few individuals who seem to have a clear understanding and firm grasp of the concept, who devote a lot of energy, focus and time to the true exercise thereof, and sometimes at great personal sacrifice. That is the way of Aloha, true Aloha! There is no room for arrogance or ego, ignorance or indifference, abuse or misuse, misappropriation or misrepresentation. Aloha is a standard that many of us are still striving to live by, that cannot be measured by corporate budgets or profit and loss statements.

  • Ikaika Baker True Palala, Mahalo for sharing your insight.
  • Johanna Kamaunu I agree.
  • Steve Ehrhardt I feel like you’ve always given me those qualities in my interactions with you in the now distant past. Thanks Wilmont!
  • Jim Langford You are grace...

    And, thank you for reminding us that Aloha is a sacred bond with Spirit and our behavior to honor what Vibrations our ancestors hold for us in their perfect knowledge of Nature. See More
  • Haneoo Hamoan Perhaps, as long as these players, these speculators have the workforce below them to carry out their agenda, their profit making business, they will continue to float and expand. Take away the fingers and hands that labor their ma'i, they will sink. We the people need be brave and stand, strike, quit, boycott. If not,status quo remains the same with heavy growth.
  • Kevin Young eloquent and spot on. They monetize anything they can including the spirit if Aloha. Shamefully obvious.
  • Peter Thompson Mahalo nui loa
  • Maile Delos Reyes The visitor industry, as well as other non kanaka businesses, has taken
    words from our language to profit from and in that process have diluted
  • Nalani Brovelli We'll said
  • Fran Jon Kamaho'i Lew Mahalo for your words of wisdom. We at Kalei's strive everyday to keep our aloha true to our hearts. Everyone employed except one is kanaka so it is very important to do business as well as how we live with aloha. Mahalo again brother
  • Coleen Jones Aloha has no alterior motives. It is a deep feeling of love and emotion not to be bartered or sold.
  • Padgett Kelly Very true! One of the greatest expressions of Aloha in my life has been the Aloha from your Ohana. From your dad and mom to your your younger brothers and sisters knowing them and loving them has been one of the greatest things in my life🤙🏼
  • Leo Mallari Well said
  • Harold Buzz Hubert Brah sharing
  • Sandy Barker Go Wilmont!
  • Keeaumoku Kapu Eo! Kupainaha no cousin!
  • Pamela Powers Just keep shining my friend thats your Aloha i know u will make everything u love and believe in come to a fruition dont give up wherever God closes a door he opens a window i dont know how that translates but u do!!!!!!
  • Tane Inciong commented.
    This starts tonight and will be livestreamed on 'Oiwi TV. It is sad that there are those that are using Mauna Kea to push their own political ideas on others. We can agree on 99% of Kanaka Maoli issues but we will never agree on the pathway to sovereignty. So to take the most unifying force in Hawai'i for Kanaka Maoli and put it in a divisive context is self-defeating. Kealoha P. said it best when she said, "It's not about controlling the Mauna but protecting it."
    Healani Sonoda-Pale
    This starts tonight and will be livestreamed on 'Oiwi TV. It is sad that there are those that are using Mauna Kea to push their own political ideas on others. ...
    See More
    • Hawaiʻi Aloha ʻĀina: Kaleikoa Kaeo on Aloha ʻĀina 6/12/15
      Hawaiʻi Aloha ʻĀina: Kaleikoa Kaeo on Aloha ʻĀina 6/12/15
      Hawaiʻi Aloha ʻĀina: Kaleikoa Kaeo on Aloha ʻĀina 6/12/15

    • Tane Inciong The Hawaiian Kingdom still exists as a neutral independent sovereign nation state. It is not like the other Polynesian countries. We have a government with its own constitution and laws albeit under the unlawful USA belligerent occupation. The USA is mandated to comply with the international laws of occupation and neutrality of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Our status is the same as the USA and other recognized nations internationally.

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