Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Chronological History of the United States and the Illegal Overthrow of a Neutral, Friendly Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

The following is a Chronological History showing Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and his heirs, and successors who ran the Hawaiian Government until 1893 when the Provisional Government turned Republic of Hawaii, Territory then State of Hawaii became identity thieves claiming to be the Hawaiian Government.

It was deliberate premeditation by the United States who supported the treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Islands.

The Kamehameha descendants continued on while the conspirators, treasonous persons moved to assume a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation with the assistance of the United States.

The following shows some of the evidence of the crimes. 
See the two (2) articles below for background: 

1)The Hawaiian Disgrace - 1897 - The U.S. Complicity/being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing, a Plot in Taking Over a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation

2) John Foster/General/ John Foster Helped to Direct the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli began the Constitutional Monarchy in 1840.  U.S. President Tyler had his eyes on Hawaii with plans to Annex the Hawaiian Government to the United States....other U.S. Presidents also planned to assume the Hawaiian archipelago as well:

1843 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli :

"The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Consstitution did not emanate from them; they wee not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in fouding either the Government or the Constitution.  King Kamehameha III, originally possessed, in his own person, all the attributes of absolute sovereignty.  Of his own free will he granted the Constitutin of 1840 as a boon to his country and people, establishing his Government upon a declared plan or system, having reference not only to the permanency of his Throne and Dynasty, but to the Government of his country according to fixed laws and civilized usage, in lieu of what may be styed the feudal, but chaotic and uncertain system, which previously prevailed.  The recognition of his independence by the great powers of Christendom; the claims of commerce; the influx of foreigners, and the gradual advancement of his native subjects, rendered necessary still further changes.

Three parts documented:

1) Kamehameha III - Kauieaouli, his heirs and successors.

2) House of Nobles/Nobles.

3) House of Representatives voted in by the people

1848 -  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli - made two (2) deeds:

 (1) Crown Lands which belonged to "himself, his heirs, and successors, forever".

(2) Government Lands which was to be overviewed by the House of Nobles, and assignments are to be made by the Minister of Interior of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

1854 - Queen Kalama gave her dower interest in the Crown Lands to Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.

1864 - Queen Emma gave her dower interest to the Hawaiian Government.

1865 - Alfred S. Hartwell, newly appointed Judge, claimed that the Crown Lands belonged to the Sovereign, the seat of the Government.

Plans/Premeditation to usurp the Queen documented:

1)  Louis "Buzzy" Agard - He found the telegrams. (See information below)

2)  Shane Lee - He found the article showing Premeditation to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom in the New York Times. (See information below)

3)  Amelia Gora - articles found, books found divulging the information that plans were made to usurp Queen Liliuokalani. (See information below)

1893 - a Planned, Premeditation to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani was made.  She was usurped on January 17, 1893.

1894 - Republic of Hawaii Constitution on the Crown Lands:

"ARTICLE 95. — Crown Land.
That portion of the public domain heretofore known as Crown Land is hereby declared to have been heretofore, and now to be, the property of the Hawaiian Government, and to be now free and clear from any trust of or concerning the same, and from all claim of any nature whatsoever, upon the rents, issues and profits thereof. It shall be subject to alienation and other uses as may be provided by law. All valid leases thereof now in existence are hereby confirmed. "

1910 - Court of Claims

Reference:  Invalidating the Court of Claims Over the Crown Lands


                                        researched and reposted by Amelia Gora (2016 and 2017)
Queen Liliuokalani entered her claims in the Court of Claims.

Note:  Her true title was Liliuokalani Regina.  
In the Court of Claims the basis rule was that a Sovereign could do no wrong.
Judge Fenton Booth declared that the Crown Lands belonged to the office.
The Court of Claims was a federal court that heard claims against the United States government. It was established in 1855, renamed in 1948 to the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226), and abolished in 1982.
1855 - Court of Claims established in the United States of America.
1871 -  The United States of America' s U.S. Constitution was usurped by the bankers.
1884 -  Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.  Her husband entered his alien relatives to receive trust monies belonging to the bloodlines /heirs of Bernice Pauahi Bishop only due to the Alodio lands belonging to only heirs and successors of the blood of the Kamehameha's.
Charles Reed Bishop's sister's daughter was named Bernice Pauahi Dunham who had Stanley Dunham and who had Stanley Ann Dunham who had Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama/Boris Abramov and a Maya Soetoro from his mother's second marriage.
1893 -  Queen Liliuokalani was criminally dethroned by conspirators, those who premeditated the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Many people on the Big Island were shot, killed, beheaded by guillotine, hung, scalps taken, use of sharks to kill patriots of Queen Liliuokalani and the Kingdom of Hawaii.
1897 -  President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office, before President William McKinley went into office.
Queen Liliuokalani could not utilize the Postal Service and therefore was not able to get information from the U.S. President Grover Cleveland.
Meanwhile, Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects opposed Annexation through signatures collected from Oahu, and the outer islands.
1899 -  The United States of America became two (2) Nations:  (1) the United States; (2) the American Empire
Reference:  PEACOCK vs. The Republic of Hawaii, HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1899), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
1900 - U.S. President McKinley made a Proclamation that Hawaii was a Territory of Hawaii.  With the help of the Army, Navy and Federal officials, it was they who developed the Territory.

1910 - Queen Liliuokalani entered the U.S. Court of Claims.  Judge Fenton Booth declared that the Sovereign could do no wrong.  He claimed that the Crown Lands belonged to the office.

Note:  Fenton Booth appears to be part of the Booth Family related to Barack Obama and the Booths from Illinois did contribute to the Presidential campaign for Obama.

Queen Liliuokalani was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion, which means all was Null and Void.

1912-  PA PELEKANE Case shows Identity Theft by a proclaimed entity called the Territory  which was claimed by the Attorney General to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".
Reference:  PA PELEKANE case (1912), HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1912), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
1915 - The Territory, with the Pan Pacific Club put Liliuokalani back on the throne and made her "Queen for a Day".
The Pan Pacific Club claimed that Balboa was the founder of the Pacific archipelago and claimed that they were celebrating a Flag Day.
Note:  It was a sham set up, lies, deceit, criminal indoctrination against the truth that our kanaka maoli peoples were here for more than 1,650+ years and Kamehameha was a documented King of a Monarchy government recognized since 1810.
Queen Liliuokalani was one of the heirs of Kamehameha through Kaoleioku his oldest son who had four (4) children:  (1) Pauahi - mother of Ruth Keelikolani; (2)Hanuna (male) - father of Kapule (male); Kini (female); Hookahe (female) and Poohina (female); (3) Keola (male) and (4) Konia (female) - mother of Bernice Pauahi who had also a hana/adopted child name Kaeha/Kamakaeha/ Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.
Kapule (male) and Kini (female) had three (3) children:  Nahuina (female); Meleana (female); and Kaapiipii (female).  Kapule (male) and wife Keawa (female) had Kamai (male); Kaakau (female); Kaili (female) and Nainoaalua (male).  
It was Kamehameha's great grandaughter named Nahuina (female) who did hanai Keohokalole (female) who was married to Caesar Kapaakea who went on record saying that his daughter Kaeha/ Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai of Abner Paki and Konia (female).  Keohokalole his wife was a member of the permanent part of the Hawaiian Government - House of Nobles.  Their children were Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani; David Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua; Leleiohoku (male) - later adopted by Ruth Keelikolani; and Miriam Likelike who was the mother of Princess Kaiulani.
You see, all of the Kings, Queens of Hawaii were indeed part of the Kamehameha Dynasty, whether anyone liked it or not.
All of the above were part of the Heirs and Successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, descendant and heirs of Kamehameha.
It was the sham entity, the proclaimed entity created by a Proclamation of U.S. President McKinley's people who made made Queen Liliuokalani sign illegal contracts.  It was All Fraud, conspiracy, criminal indoctrination, theft, beyond evil that was set up to defraud our Queen.
As you can see, there are many Kamehameha's, and many, many more from his other wives based on an extensive genealogy research made for more than 27 years by myself.....others also have some research which they will have to produce with certified documentation.
1917 -  Queen Liliuokalani died.  
Queen Liliuokalani had remained under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion which means all of the contracts, illegal maneuvers including the criminal set ups of the Court of Claims became null and void.
The issue of the Court of Claims was that Sovereigns did no wrong was the foundation rule.
1918 -  The Pan Pacific Club/Hawaii Tourist Authority gave themselves the right to purchase Hawaiian lands.
1948 - The Court of Claims was renamed the the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226)
1959 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an Executive Order making a foreign nation with Alodio Titles owned by the Kamehameha's, subjects, vs. Aliens fee simple or 30 years titles, part of the United States and the American Empire.
Opposition to Statehood was made officially by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart a cousin of my great grandmother named Mele Keawe /Mele Kauweloa another Kamehameha descendant.
Note:  As Judge Randall Lee had stated in my Paralegal class at the Chaminade University of Honolulu "because opposition was made, Sovereignty shall be."
1963 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy came to Hawaii to meet with the Mayors and announced that Hawaii's Governors would no longer be appointed by the Presidents but voted in by the people.
He left for Texas and was assassinated shortly after.
1982 - The United States Court of Claims was abolished in 1982.
There was no Treaty, Law, Lands belonging to Aliens, foreigners who had designs on the Kingdom of Hawaii since the time of Kamehameha or in 1810.
The following videos exposes the United States and the American Empire.
Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.  Treaties (1849/1850 ) supersedes all State and Federal laws and are the Supreme Laws of the Land.
  1. 50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang

    • 1 year ago
    • 5,880 views - Imagine the surprise University Of Hawai`i Professor Williamson Chang got when he discovered the ...
  2. Hawaiian Sovereignty Symposium 2: Williamson Chang

    • 10 months ago
    The symposium, "I Ka Pono: The Future of Hawaiian Sovereignty," examines the resurgence of Native Hawaiian nationalism today ...

    World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Secret US Constitution

    • 2 years ago
    World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US Constitution ...
More References:

It just may be that the FE Booth found with Ackerman both of California are related and he was a namesake for the Judge....note the following mentions that his Uncle Newton was in California......both Booth and Ackerman were from California and were visiting New York:

Fenton Whitlock Booth

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fenton Whitlock Booth.jpg
Fenton Whitlock Booth (May 12, 1869-July 26, 1947) was an Illinois State Representative, and later a long-serving judge on the United States Court of Claims.[1]
Born in MarshallClark CountyIllinois, Booth graduated from DePauw University(where he was a member of Delta Upsilon), and received an LL.B from the University of Michigan Law School in 1892. He was in private practice in Marshall from 1892 to 1905, and was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives from 1896 to 1897,[1]and a delegate to the 1904 Republican National Convention.[1] He was appointed to the United States Court of Claims by President Theodore Roosevelt, taking office on March 17, 1905. He was later nominated by President Calvin Coolidge to be Chief Justice of that court, and was so commissioned on April 23, 1928, serving in that capacity from 1928 to 1939, the year of his retirement.[1] While serving on the court, he was Dean of the YMCA Law School for several years,[2] and for seven years during the 1920s was Dean of the Howard University Law School, all the while refusing to accept payment for holding the position.[3] He also later taught at the National University Law School.
Booth was the nephew of California political figure Newton Booth.[1] He married Mabel Dana on December 17, 1893.


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e
  2. Jump up^ Alfred Findlay Mason, Samuel Epes Turner, American Law School Review (1934), p. 86.
  3. Jump up^ Marion Tinsley Bennett, Wilson Cowen, Philip Nichols, The United States Court of Claims: The Judges, 1855-1976 (1978), p. 104.
The Court of Claims was a federal court that heard claims against the United States government. It was established in 1855, renamed in 1948 to the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226), and abolished in 1982.

The Washington herald. (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:


The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 07, 1908, Last Edition, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 07, 1908, Last Edition, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:


Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States - Truthout


Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States - Truthout
Dec 13, 2010 - Queen Liliuokalani's protests to Harrison were ignored. .... ending up in a Supreme Court that is extremely hostile to indigenous claims.

Lili'uokalani Loses A Big One (The Crown Lands) -- Liliuokalani v ...

There is one and only one court case in which the ex-queen Lili'uokalani sued the .... In 1910 the ex-queen's lawsuit was decided in the U.S. Court of Claims, ...

Revisiting Fenton Booth - Court of Claims Judge Adjudicating Queen ...
Jan 11, 2015 - ... Court of Claims Judge Adjudicating Queen Liliuokalani's Case - fyi ... the Judge for the "Court of Claims Court" in which Booth said the Crown ...

The Rights of My People: Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle with the ...

Neil Thomas Proto - 2009 - ‎History
Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle with the United States, 1893-1917 Neil Thomas ... The Queen's case before the court of claims had emerged as less hers and more ...

Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States: At the ...

United States. Court of Claims - 1911 - ‎Law reports, digests, etc
Court of Claims. A p p e n d i x . PROTEST or THE QUEEN, JANUARY 17 , 1893. I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian ...

The Central Law Journal - Volume 72 - Page 460 - Google Books Result

1911 - ‎Law
If the claimant practices, or attempts to practice, fraud, the claim is forfeited to the ... In Queen Liliuokalani's case, referred to above, the court was called upon to ...

Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States at the .....

United States. Court of Claims, ‎Charles C. Nott - 1911 - ‎Law reports, digests, etc
Court of Claims, Charles C. Nott. Appendix. PROTEST OF THE QUEEN, JANUARY 17, 1893. I,Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the ...

Bellows Air Force Station Land Use and Development Plan, Waimanalo:...

Court of Claims, in ruling on queen Liliuokalani's claim to the Crown lands, held that ... In thatcase, Queen cram Claimed personal and individual rights in the ...

Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs (07-1372) | LII Supreme Court ...

In this case, the Supreme Court must determine whether the Apology ... land in other states which may have competing claims of ownership by native populations. ... Hawaii's then queen,Queen Liliuokalani, was dethroned and imprisoned and ...

Queen Liliuokalani « Rowena Akana
One fifth, or about 225,000 people claim some Hawaiian blood. ..... The Court of Claims ruled against Queen Liliuokalani in the case of Liliuokalani v. United ...


The above is proof of the U.S. involvement in the illegal overthrow of a Neutral, Friendly Nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom.

The Crown Lands has owners who are Kamehameha's bloodlines, direct descendants and part of the House of Nobles which never went away.

All the above has been researched by others and myself.

The Kamehameha descendants exist, and the Hawaiian Kingdom never went away.

Rents are due from the U.S. Government, the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Liliuokalani Trust, entity State of Hawaii, City and Counties of Hawaii, etc.




Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Important Information to Keep for Your Records - Share Far and Wide....

The Hawaiian Disgrace - 1897 - The U.S. Complicity/being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing, a Plot in Taking Over a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation

Important Testimony of Williamson Chang - 2014 
Darkness Over Hawaii by Williamson Chang - 2015
The Failed Annexation of Hawaii

Hawaii Pleads for Statehood - 1939

The U.S. Supreme Court  Hawaii et. als. vs. OHA et.. als.

Encouraging the Few - Bryant Fukutomi

FEMA Program Letter to Ms. Mililani Trask

John Foster/General/ John Foster Helped to Direct the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893

More Evidence of U.S. Conspiracy in Hawaii\

Defrauding Kanaka Maoli in the Courts - from Aaron Ardaiz

God's Pharmacy
  1. Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian ... - OpEdNews
    Jan 17, 2012 · William Lee became one of the Justices for the Hawaiian Government Court. ... the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web by Amelia Gora. ... If you value this article
  2. IOLANI - the Royal Hawk: 2019
    Researched by Amelia Gora (2019) The article below is very telling because the characters at play were keys in usurping Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. ... Liliuokalani's claims of personal ownership of the crown lands was denied by the U.S. Court of Claims, based primarily on Hawaiian Kingdom law.
  3. The Hawaiian Islands ARE NOT Part of the United ... - OpEdNews
    Jun 27, 2011 · Amelia Gora, a Royal person, a living human being, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles/Hulu Manu, One of the Representatives of …
    Nov 10, 2019 · Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors, .... out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. see: articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the.
  5. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Links to Important Information
    Aug 02, 2019 · The Court of Claims was a federal court that heard claims against the United States government. It was established in 1855, ... Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and those who are related to me are and remain the true land owners in the Hawaiian Islands and I, ...
  6. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Nation to Nation Legal Notice No ...
    Nation to Nation Legal Notice No. 2019-1221 Special History Which Supports U.S. President Trump and the American People from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Konohiki, Land owner, Landlord, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge - Court of original jurisdiction, etc
Buzzy Agard Info:

Proof the U.S. planned and executed the overthrow

Everyone needs to watch this.
Remember this clause from the Apology?
Whereas, on January 14, 1893, John L. Stevens (hereafter referred to in this Resolution as the “United States Minister”), the United States Minister assigned to the sovereign and independent Kingdom of Hawaii conspired with a small group of non-Hawaiian residents of the Kingdom of Hawaii, including citizens of the United States, to overthrow the indigenous and lawful Government of Hawaii;
Well it turns out, the conspiracy went far beyond Stevens. He was just the fall guy, along with the local military commander.
Whereas, the report of a Presidentially established investigation conducted by former Congressman James Blount into the events surrounding the insurrection and overthrow of January 17, 1893, concluded that the United States diplomatic and military representatives had abused their authority and were responsible for the change in government;
Whereas, as a result of this investigation, the United States Minister to Hawaii was recalled from his diplomatic post and the military commander of the United States armed forces stationed in Hawaii was disciplined and forced to resign his commission;
But now through some amazing research Buzzy Agard has uncovered a document that proves that the United States government and military didn’t just “support” the overthrow, they actively planned and executed it, from the very top.  Watch…. (good to get the background but at 19:55 is the actual document)
Aloha Aina Talk story with host Anne Keala Kelly delves into the hard to hear facts discovered by our Aloha Aina (Hawaiian Patriot) warriors who are on the mission to see a Free and Independent Hawaii Restored. In this show, Keala Kelly talks story with Uncle Buzzy about his lifelong work to expose Dispatch 74, a coded telegram and a decoder he found amongst all his research between here and Baltimore, Maryland.

31 comments to Proof the U.S. planned and executed the overthrow

  • Luana
    Mahalo nui, Uncle Buzzy, for your deep mana’o and aloha. These powerful gifts of patriots of his generation will echo through those that follow.
  • Jonathan Davis
    Another game changer! This changes everything! It definitely implicates a lot more than just the original so called Committee of Safety and Minister Stevens. Things are going to unravel sooner than later. I can’t wait! We seek the truth! Because. The truth will set you free!
  • Frank
    This evidentiary report is an epic. The ramifications we are now witnessing. The great unraveling is showing us the cunning complicity on the part of the United States in the overthrow of our peaceful country. Mahalo nui ia Keala Kelly and Uncle Buzzy Agard for all your hard work in providing us vital information on our path toward Restoration. Long live the Hawaiian Kingdom.
  • Because of the U.S. presence here,i.e. illegal occupation, beautiful, feminine Hawaii full of natural beauty and a kindness rarely seen elsewhere (Aloha) is beset with the display of physical strength in action at the expense of being. Mahalo Kupuna Buzzy.
  • 4myohana
    Oh….. my…. god..:-) 🙂 🙂 it is true… the pen is mightier then the sword… 100 year old books… secret codes… it’s like an indiana movie… kanaka style
    Mahalo uncle buzzy… 4 seeking the truth
    Mahalo keala… love you in this roll
    Aloha aina… 4 sharing

  • WIN808

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Keeper:  Premeditation to Dethrone Queen Liliuokalani (Rev. 10/20/2017)


                                   Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017)Rev. 10/20/17

The following articles have been found by researchers including myself.

These are some of the most incriminating articles showing a blatant disregard for the rule of laws or the operation of piracy, pillaging, genocide activities on a neutral, non-violent nation which is part of the "most favored nations" documented since 1843.

Kamehameha was recognized as the Sovereign of a Monarchy Government in 1810.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who was the selected Sovereign after his brother Liholiho/Kamehameha II died, changed the Monarchy Government to a Constitutional Monarchy Government.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had a hanai son, his true nephew named Alexander Liholiho.  His other children were Albert Kuinuiakea, Opunui, Kekipi, Kahalaoa, Keawe, Mahoe, Papa, and Nalimu.

Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died young and was succeeded by his brother Kamehameha V.  Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha appointed no one.  King Lunalilo was the Uncle of Kamehameha IV and V. King Lunalilo was the younger brother of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. His mother was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho.  

King Lunalilo was the son of Charles Kanaina who was also married to Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi another stepmother of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and others.

Queen Emma, the widow of Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho was selected by King Lunalilo but she was only married to a Kamehameha.

King David Kalakaua attended the Royal School and was one of many who could rule Hawaii.  Also, his mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

King David Kalakaua selected his brother to be his successor, but his brother died, then he designated that his sister would be his successor.

Queen Liliuokalani was also the daughter of Keohokalole who was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

The Hawaiian Kingdom, a Monarchy formed government had enemies since 1822 when the Secret Treaty of Verona was made and signed by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the Vatican (complemented for maintaining obedience among the people), England, and the United States of America.

In 1843, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized as part of the 'family of nations' which included the United States, England, France, etc.

Land Laws were established in 1848 known as the Mahele, a sharing by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Bankruptcy of the United States of America, and England occurred because of War investments in the American Civil War (1863-1865).

The United States of America representative was denied loans from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and it appears the moves to assume the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom was made soon after.

The plans to assume, pirate, pillage, claim Pearl Harbor is documented below:

1890… dated March 3, 1890 designs on Pearl Harbor by the U.S. Navy

Some of the Haytians seem to be worried at the supposed designs entertained by the United States upon Mole St. Nicholas. They fancy that our Government is perilously bent on having this place as a naval and coaling station; and with that foothold gained they perhaps foresee the ultimate annexation o...



The Daily bulletin. (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, December 02, 1891, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:




1892 -… dated October 27, 1892 ---- the U.S. did Not own Pearl Harbor in 1892 and 3 months later dethroned Queen Liliuokalani, then purchased Pearl Harbor from non-owners... aliens who did not own the alodio titles....

1893 - Buzzy Agard found the telegrams in code which helped convey the message in code to the military to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom.  See references below.

1893 -

January 8. U.S. Congress and the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison gave a standing order to take over the Hawaii Islands........see the headlines the last paragraph where it says "not to mention troops".....



WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.

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News Articles from the NEW YORK TIMES:

… printed January 9, 1893 - instructions to Take Possession of Pearl Harbor and to not "mention the troops".......the military left their ship BOSTON on the 15th or 6 days later and aided the treasonous persons to assume our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation...

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States,…



1894… Now, this happened in March 29, 1894.... after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani...

The above articles reveal the evidence found in research that proves the collusion efforts made by the United States to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.  Queen Liliuokalani did no wrong.  

The conspiracies, pirates, pilagers, treasonous persons moved in a concerted effort to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1891 and earlier.

It didn't matter who was the Sovereign at the time, the goal was to usurp anyone who was on the throne at the time.  

The greed for gold, assets, lands, minerals, wealth of an independent nation was the goal disregarding the contractual agreements made between two (2) recognized nations.

The permanent treaty of friendship was made in 1849/1850 between two (2) civilized nations.

In 1893, the formerly civilized nation, was a documented bankrupt nation moved to a status of pirate on the high seas and failed to follow U.S. President Cleveland's directions and turned to the criminal proclamations of an illegal U.S, President McKinley's move to proclaim a foreign nation outside of the 3-12 mile borders and criminally claiming what was unlawful, illegal.

 Williamson Chang's retired Professor of Richardson Law School stated the following:

"Native Hawaiians have forgotten that many Americans stood with them in 1898. After all, the Treaty of 1897, the only legal means for taking Hawaii, failed not because the Senate of the Republic of Hawaii failed to ratify the Treaty. It was the United States Senate that did not ratify the Treaty.

In conclusion, the joint resolution could not acquire Hawaii. Moreover, it was unconstitutional. Justice Scalia’s comments are evidence of the pervasive and widespread falsehoods as to annexation that have spread to the highest political and judicial offices in the United States. The myth of annexation is a deliberate deception that has oppressed the people of Hawaii for 122 years."

Historic quotes above are from Volume 31 of the Congressional Record pages 6142 to 6712, the verbatim record of the Senate debate in 1898."


PDF]Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle ...

by W Chang - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles

Williamson B.C. Chang, Federal Jurisdiction, 16 GOLDEN GATE U. L.. REV. ... See the following as generally examining the debate over Hawaii and the global.

Note:  In regards to the Crown Lands, Pearl Harbor, etc., Alodio Titles or the Paramount/ Superior titles supersedes the U.S. claims, the claimed State of Hawaii which was an illegal maneuver by U.S. President McKinley who had no authority to make claims outside of his 3-12 mile limit.

The Royal Families exists, the kanaka maoli exists and remain the true owners of lands in the Hawaiian archipelago.

This evidence is meant for all to print, keep, pass on to family, friends, etc. and to file, present, expose as truth documented.

Research incomplete.

Informing many because..............


Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


                                       Liliuo Free

Other references:

“Aloha `Ä€ina Talk Story w/ Louis “Buzzy” Agard” (decoded telegram shows US instructions on how to take over Hawaiian Islands)


[Kp update: Mr. Agard has a website,, where you may review and/or purchase his book, “Politics, hawaii sandalwood trees and hope”. There is also an interesting presentation at this Prezi page.]

Why am I posting this? Well, one of the items he speaks of is an 1892 coded telegram that, when decoded, describes how the US Department of the Navy instructs those here (the “over throwers”) how to take over the Hawaiian Islands for the US (USA CORP, of course).

Video notes:

Aloha Kakou:

It’s come to our attention that the coded telegram Uncle Buzzy shared on the program might not be the telegram that corresponds with what uncle deciphered in his book. Sincere apologies for any potentially misleading information–because it is in code the discrepancy was not obvious. We are honoring uncle’s request for patience as he searches his files to confirm the original telegram of the decoded message and have decided to allow the show to stay online. Why? Because we believe him and we want to encourage people to draw their own conclusions.


Anne Keala Kelly

Off discussion at:

  1. This was orchestrated by the U.S. Secy of State, James G. Blaine and supported by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison and key figures in Washington, D.C. Thurston was enlisted in the plot. The Turpie Resolution of 1894 threatened any U.S. government officials and other nations from intervening lest it be an unfriendly act against the United States. The Committee of Safety was a pawn and scapegoat to hide the actions of the U.S. wh set up the puppet government of the Provisional government.

  2. Great information in this post. Can’t believe this idiot Stevens would implicate himself of the crime in writing. This is better than wiki leaks by far. Thank you Mr. Stevens for being such a dumb crook.

  3. I saw a video about this letter on Vimeo a while ago. They also had an original letter from Queen Liliuokalani to Sanford Dole in the collection.

  4. The true historical narrative of our Hawaiian Kingdom continues to unwind. The depth of the deception of the U.S. shows in our brainwashed minds through the Americanization of our nationality…GENOCIDE thru INSIDIOUS EDUCATION. We the people are the evidence of the crime. De-occupation will happen. For those of us who FEAR this happening should remember fear’s acronym: F-false. E-evidence. A-appearing. R-real. Look to our past and the brilliance of our Kupuna. What they knew we are only BEGINNING to learn…

    • Maika`i Madonna even to the acronym. Additionally the americanization of my parents left me as a problem child in my family even while kupuna were whispering “not legal” in my early years. I pule for the courage to change this. Mahalo sister.

  5. When we were researching for our documentary, ACT OF WAR – THE OVERTHROW OF THE HAWAIIAN NATION, we were told about a secret coded message telegraphed from the U.S. government to the U.S.S. Boston, G. Wiltse commanding, instructing the Boston to aide in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government. We were never able to find that document, which had been dubbed “the smoking gun”. Also, historians say it was known that Secretary Blaine did not put many things in writing. So nice to find Stevens’ message now seeing the light of day. I wonder what more will come out in the future. As a researcher once told me, “We are sitting on a mountain of secrets.”

    • Go to and you will find a lot more incriminating evidence of U.S. orchestration of the plot in journals such as the North American Review, The WASP, and other communications among the plotters.

    • Aloha Joan,

      I’m not sure if this is the document you are talking about, I retyped it as I was having a hard time trying to copy and paste it for your viewing.

      I type it word for word as it was written, but the upper portion is a little mixed between both the coded words and the deciphered words. The lower portion is easier to understand as the coded words are capitalized and the deciphered messages are after the = signs.

      The secret coded message of August 13, 1892 begins the operation to overthrow Hawaii

      Code Word Code Code Meaning

      Amphilogy amphilogy “Have received following answer” (from)

      Adalant & Astrict adhalanti “If you can act please do so”

      Adecimarf & Lawinding edecan “Instructions received & carried out”

      Galaglas Sexuality galasia “Is in a position to”

      On October 20, 1897 W.A. Cooper Despatch Agent San Francisco sends a cipher message to Seawall by first steamer to Honolulu. Of the four code books reviewed, some compromised, reveals the following. Parts of deciphered coded message of August 13, 1892 (performed by former military code technician, Henry Lindsey) using Navy Secret Code Book 1887.

      ACHATABE = according to the president’s (Commander-in-Chief’s) instructions

      FLANDERLET = execute (his) orders as quickly as possible.

      GEMMEUR = proceed at once to (Hawaii)

      APFEL = as soon as you arrive (there)

      HORTULAN = (you) are advised to sail along the island (chain)

      DASILE-DISANCOLA = fire heavy cannon to threaten (&)

      CARPING = create (fear) at each

      EMBLAZONARY = island

      CHUNOS = (your final) destination (is)

      DICIANO = (the) Harbor at (Honolulu)

      ENTRONIUS = (a) decision has been rendered

      LUMAVERAT = to support

      DETECTOREM = (a) Provisional Government

      ARCHANDER = assist

      CARNIVAL = United State’s foreign Affairs (Stevens)

      EVACUARON = (he will ask for armed) military

      MORBIDABAT = troops

      PASHAWS = (with) weapons (to be landed)

      GIFTBLASE = to protect interest of

      ETHERIZING = members of the

      DETECTOREM = Provisional Government

      ARTSMAN = you are authorized to take all necessary steps to protect our interest

      HABUIMUS = remain there for the present (&)

      FLENSHING = wait for further orders

      This secret telegram and orders was the dry run for the actual events that were followed to the letter. To dismay long time residents and refute the 1893 NHSC findings of denial.

      • If you wouldn’t mind, can you source this? in the sense of identifying where a researcher could locate it? If you have done this already, I missed it. if you wish to respond privately my email is In return I will share a passage from Lucien Young’s “The Boston in Hawaii” [1898] at page 186 which references something similar. Wiltse “read a short letter of instructions to them. These instructions were taken bodily from his confidential letter from the Navy Department, and were prepared in the morning when he first decided to land.” cheers.

        • Aloha Steve,

          I have no problem giving this information to everyone. I first heard of this document while watching the program “Aloha Aina Talk Story”, hosted by Ann Keala Kelly.

          The program was aired two years ago and Uncle Louis Buzzy Agard was the guest. Uncle Buzzy had published a book in 1982, titled ” politics HAWAII SANDALWOOD TREES and hope” and the document I posted earlier was from page #128 of this book.

          It is a very interesting book and I purchased my copy from Na Mea Hawaii at Ward Center. There are two copies available, there is a short summarized version and there is the long version.

          A Hui Hou

          • I’m sorry Steve, I forgot to mention that a copy of the actual coded telegram dated August 13, 1892 is on page #88 of the Uncle Buzzy’s long version publication.

    • I believe the encrypted message to the boston was to shell the coast line of the islands causing the kanaka maoli to flee inland and disrupt their relation with the queen. I cannot for now remember the name of the maoli kane who did the intensive research but evidence exist from the u.s. national archives.

Note:  Buzzy Agard wrote about the Premeditation of the U.S. assuming Hawaii, then he approves the Papahanau Project with President Clinton --- and served on the Advisory Committee - documents he's an American and not so much a Hawaiian Patriot of the Kingdom of Hawaii

Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Legal Notice: Kingdom of Hawaii ...

Oct 7, 2016 - 2016-1007 from Amelia Gora, Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal .... Under article 22 of the constitution it stated that the ".

Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth

Jul 14, 2017 - The following was posted on various websites including a link for social media ... ArmyGeneral Schofield was in Hawaii mapping Pearl Harbor, etc. ... The following article shows the bankrupt status of the United States: ... Reference:

Missing: walker

Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Queen Liliuokalani's Issues ...

Nov 3, 2011 - Posted by Amelia Gora on October 29, 2010 at 3:13am .... Note: This article will open in PDF format. ..... Queen Liliuokalani turned over her interest to the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, former American Civil War General, ...

Missing: walker

The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora (2015 ...

Feb 1, 2015 - Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics ..... See previousarticle: Genealogies – Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, ...

Missing: general ‎walker

theiolani | A great site

Dec 20, 2015 - Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics ..... Articles/infoposted at many forums – including /British Medical Journal. aloha. ... any other such as the Attorney General Office, State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs… ...... correspondence with Annie Walker Bishop ...

Track Record of UNDOING THE CONSTITUTION compiled by Amelia ...

Jan 22, 2012 - R=view by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one Of Kamehameha's, Queen ... Mr. Aki pointed out that Article=6, clause 2 and 3 requires all elected officials to support the Constituti=n. .... The Internet charge reported widely is based on a single FBI ..... Dr. Kaminski DEFENSE MAPPING - GeneralDynamics, DynCorp

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 318 December 1, 2010

Dec 3, 2010 - This hui just posted some info about the Sai v Obama case and there is ..... The followingarticle is a response to your claimed Proclamation on ... Review by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, One of ..... Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of ...... George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Legal Notice(s): Konohiki Assignments ...

Feb 8, 2017 - researched by Amelia Gora (2017) The following American Civil War ... Rule of Law applies; however, with a corrupt basis showing identity theft by the Territory's Attorney General claiming that the Territory was "the .... These are Important Articles Which Were Posted Over Time: . ..... 320) Margaret Walker.

News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: WWIII Moved by a FRAUD U.S. ...

May 4, 2016 - Now look at Obama's recently reported news on his Birth Certificate ... researched, compiled by Amelia Gora (2015) .... of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, ArticleXIV. .... (Seven Pines) on the 31st of May 1862, and General Robert E. Lee was. ... correspondence with Annie Walker

SLAVERY: The Hawaiian Kingdom vs. the United States of America ...

Nov 15, 2015 - Review by Amelia Gora (2015) .... national convention of Negroes had been held, DavidWalker had already written his "Appeal," and a black abolitionist magazine named Freedom's Journalhad appeared. .... And with the war four months on, when General John C. Fremont in Missouri declared martial law ...


Apr 20, 2017 - PREMEDITATION OVER PEARL HARBOR etc. and REASONS ... 1893 - instructions to TakePossession of Pearl Harbor and to not .... *pearl harbor coaling station.; imperative necessity that the united states take possession.

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol VI No. 669 Part A - Exposing One World ...

Sep 22, 2017 - Instructions to take over Hawaii and "to not mention the troops" was ... (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - Imperative Necessity that the United .

Diary: More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the U.S. ...

Jun 7, 2011 - MORE EVIDENCE ON PEARL HARBOR - ALL NATIONS TAKE A GOOD LOOK .... a standing order to take over the Hawaii Islands........see the headlines .... and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station -Imperative Necessity that the ...

Sep 11, 2011 - Note that the MORGAN bankers did criminally assume the taking of ... the taking over of the PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION, etc. with ...


Amelia Gora's article found:

John Foster/General/ John Foster Helped to Direct the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893

Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


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1843 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli :

"The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Consstitution did not emanate from them; they wee not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in fouding either the Government or the Constitution.

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Terrorism as Foreign Policy

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21 hrs ·…/hawaiian-kingdom-facts-kan… Important Keeper - share with Families, Friends - primarily for kanaka maoli and supporters...

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This nation recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom as a Nation with the United States, Great Britain, France...… fyi.

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