Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Molokai Bullies Exposed for the World to See - ALL Kanaka Should Know This....

Rebecca Reich
PLEASE READ AND SHARE MY DAUGHTERS STORY ! #bullyingawareness #pleaseshare#lupus#lupusawareness#sucideawareness#crisishotline
“The Molokai’i way” what does that mean to you ? To most people it means exactly what it is “ the friendly isle “ , E ho’okipa ‘ia na mea a pau , everyone is welcome, To most people it means love and culture there’s no place on earth that compares... these are all the things and more I thought of my home , Moloka’i ,while I was boarding at Kamehameha schools , I loved my home , I represented my home , my island. From the day I started at Kamehameha I wanted to go home , I begged , cried to my parents wanting to go to school at home because I thought so highly of it. My sophomore year is when I started getting sick and after numerous unexplained illnesses I was finally diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE) life was hard after my diagnosis and I struggled and after a mutual discussion with my health care team, kumu and family they decided it would be best for my overall health to come home to Molokai for my junior year while I coped and learned to live with with lupus. Although I was sad to be leaving I was so exited to be coming home. However things started to change fast I was not welcomed at the Molokai high school like I initially thought I would be and it was hard to take but I moved forward and tried my best to keep an opened mind and focus on my health . After a month or so things started to go down hill I still had no friends , no one who would even acknowledge me I was treated like such an outsider . Until one day a girl approached me and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her after school , I gladly agreed and we went out for ice cream and we had such a good time we decided to go out the next night. However that night changed my life ,long story short drinking was involved , I had never had alcohol before and knew right from wrong but I so desperately wanted to fit in and have friends that I decided do just go with it, the next thing I new I was being dumped in my yard by people I didn’t even know with no belongings, not even my phone and found by my dad , the next morning I was so embarrassed and sick , I was being blasted on social media and came to find out that the girl who had befriended me was the one initiating all the gossip and rumors . I could tell my head wasn’t in the right place and after all the things that I found out were said and done to me that night I found my self compulsively downing pills, after hours of agony and pain I finally went to my dad and he took to the ER where I was evaluated and medivaced to Quenns Hospital where I was treated for two weeks. While I was there I found out I was drugged that night, raped and I was in a very critical state because of the alcohol mixing with my medications, but through it all I only blamed myself I know that in the end it was me who had made those decisions and that I now had to deal with consequences , returning to school was a very hard thought so a decision was made that I would be isolated for awhile so I didn’t have to face anyone to prevent a relapse because I was still in a fragile state, when my psychiatrist decided I was strong enough to start attending regular classes it backfired immediately because the school was aware of the situation and everyone who was involved , retaliation was at it’s worst students were wishing death threats to me saying they wish I died that night and that I should’ve took more pills that really hit me hard because first of all who says that?! And at this point I was finally feeling like myself again and after those comments that were being made in my classroom I was pushed back to square one but the only difference this time was I had absolutely no support from the school and was deteriorating drastically in school both mentally and academically which were making my chances of returning to Kamehameha schools a long shot and that was my only motivation for staying in school , I continued for a couple months with the continuous teasing , tormenting and harassment by not only students but by staff as well and anytime I made report it would just be brushed of by the admin so I finally I got to a point where I would just not say anything and just endure it because at this time I was struggling with my health issues and trying to just focus on my well being and academics , Until things were taken to social media where a video was made saying sick disgusting things about me ,with the mindset and attitude I had developed with everything I had went through I didn’t think much of it and tried to brush it of like every thing else until the videos were being sent to me by my friends and family from across the islands and the videos had hundreds of views , this is when I realized enough was enough and I once again went to the admin with a report , the admin distributed consequences but the retaliation was and still is like nothing I’ve experienced before and until this point I have lifted myself up and held my head high in school focusing on my school work and academics not letting these things get me down but I am at a breaking point , students are continually calling me out about how ugly I am making me have such a low self esteem and on things like my race calling me a “white bitch” and telling me to “go back from where I came from “even though my family is from Molokai and so am I and I have a very ethnic background in fact my great grandma in full Hawaiian and I’m very proud of my skin color ,and race is something I’m very passionate about with all that is going on in the world today I want everyone to feel beautiful in their own skin but it’s really hard with students who treat others like this especially on a small island like Molokai with people,students with such a small diversity in their mind , I’m also very devoted to the Hawaiian culture and it just sickens me the way I’m being treated by these so call Hawaiian students ,I’m tired of having to walk on egg shells at school people who I don’t even know threatening me daily that they want to “smash my head against the concrete” for basically just existing , or being constantly targeted while I’m walking home come school by the numerous reckless unlicensed drivers who drive to school. Now going back to my question ,what does the Molokai way mean to you ?because to me it means racism , unbelievable harassment , torment ,it means putting someone through so much hell there gonna be in therapy probably for the rest of their life! Bullying someone so bad they’ll be on medication for the rest of their life , to me it means underage drinking , underage drugs , illegal driving , it means making someone so distraught they question their purpose in life ,where they come from , make them question their religion with the remarks that they promise on God they’ll come after you , make them have trust issues , make them just not want to exist anymore. I’m not posting this for sympathy or attention but awareness because I really want people understand how sick this has made me because SLE currently has no cure and the stress really is deteriorating my body my mind ,as well as my soul which in irreversible. Im also not doing this for me ,because i feel it really is to late for me I’ve already been broken, I’m posting this so no one has to experience not even half of what I have experienced at Molokai high school. So talk to your kids , know the truth of what they’re doing on social media , in school , on weekends because this isn’t right it’s very hard for me to open up and share what I went through and am continuing to go through but I know I’m not the first person this has happened to here and I certainly won’t be the last so let’s change the way people like me now view Moloka’i as from what they have experienced back to what the real meaning of Molokai is and who Molokai People are because I know deep down in everyone’s hearts they know right from wrong.
Alexis Lilinoe , a victim of bullying


Note:  Bullies...….do you know what bachi is?...…….or Karma...………..or touche…….or hoi? … it happens...…..

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