Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pirates Eyes on Hawaii: Donovan Prezia on the Crown Lands

Pirates Eyes on Hawaii:  Donovan Prezia on the Crown Lands

                                 or Manipulation of the Legalese to Assume Lands


Crown Lands "Transmuted"?! -with Donovan Preza M.A.

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Donovan Preza explains who benefited from "transmuting" Hawaii's "Crown Lands" in violation of U.S. law, Hawaiian Kingdom law, and International law. Queen Lili'uokalani, in her book The Queen's Story, compares this "coveting" of land to the bilbical story about King Ahab and Naboth's Vineyard.
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Prezzia fails to post the truth - I posted a lengthy comment which was what kind of educator is he? everyone needs to know the background of the usurpers...and everyone needs to check the backgrounds, genealogies of the educators as well.. read about the premeditations documented by John Foster who helped to coordinate the overthrow … usurpers don't like seeing the truth …
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IMUA HAWAIIAN KINGDOM. now all in all no matter occupation is still illegal we can definitely take it back but everyone needs to stand as one no doubt bloodshed will be spilled true facts number one thing is to gain knowledge and try to avoid bloodshed.
We love you beyond words & trust you with our lives sweet Ben, our circle of trust is very small but very powerful. A reawaken rippling throughout our Hawaiian Islands and beyond. Hawai’i is the beacon to world peace setting an unbreakable untouchable foundation set forth by our Monarchy and our Kupuna. We all have an innate responsibility in moving forward in our capacity with truth based on facts. This generation of change is the driving force of this awakening and we are both humbled filled with gratitude overflowing with the essence of Aloha which is attainable by everyone throughout the world. Love forevermore Uncle Norman & Aunty Cookie
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1859 Darwin's book goes viral and effects the world view of everyone with a higher education. The 2nd half of the title says it all. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of FAVORED RACES in the Struggle for Life. Same world view behind TMT so called scientist
Read alot about this subject and still learned a lot from this short lecture. Mahalo Donovan and IMC for getting this out.
Pololei 1) the system of land ownership ; 2) thou shall not covet.
The Queen performed her duties well and legally secured Hawaii's status as a independent nation state under occupation. In the right venue there is no doubt we will prevail but that is only half of the answer. Why is it that with all the evidence and legal precedence we still cannot prevail????? The Queen left us very important instructions for the second part of the answer that only we can preform and succeed where she left off. Read what she wrote very carefully and pay attention to the last sentence and what must be done to fulfil her prophecy. We fight not only against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of darkness. Time to put on the full armor of God and battle in the spirit. Then you will see God move and when he moves there is no stopping him and what he wants done.
We still here ✊🏽 #AlohaAina
brilliant truth power...mana
If inheritable land could not be sold, how were kuleana lands sold? How did they get away with that?
First of all the land is private property which is protected by international law and by kingdom law. The kingdom constitution states that not one small portion of land can be conveyed or sold with out the absolute sovereignt the titleholder and landowner, of all the lands of the kingdom. Next the king the hos absolute titleholder and landowner has the right to pick his sovereignt successor. This is also in the constitution of the Kingdom. This is in law of 1843, in 1848 the sovereignt Kamehameha the III inventory his lands and incooerate these assets and properties by leager making these lands and assets separate from the Crown. Then Kamehaneha the III had his 245 Konohiki that join with him to make the mahele. This is were the lands are privitiesing. Then the absolute himself has each of his Konohiki make a one time comutation of 1/3 of there uninptovred lands to the sovereignt and the sovereign gave you back a peace or several peace. This way each and every square inch of the sovereignt land is now privatized and incorporated. So the sovereignt by conveyances and proclamations forever gives the bulk of the his lands to his Konohiki to do as they please with the best intrest of his people and his kingdom with the dignity of the Crown. This is also in law. The remaining lands belong to the sovereignt himself to do as he wishes month later the sovereignt insisted that his private lands be turned over to his 245 sovereignt successor his Konohiki. His reasoning was incase of foriegn invasion, rebellion or political unrest these lands would be protected from being taken as spoils of war. Because they are no longer dominion of the Crown or the Kingdom. They belong to the 245 Konohiki is sovereignt successor for safekeeping because they cannot be unlawfully taken or illegally seized and they are no longer domain of Crown or the Kingdom so they cannot be taken as spoils of war. These 245 sovereignt successor have an oath the lands and resources are perpetuated for the future generations and for the here and now cannot be left in destitued. This is what our sovereignt did so that on one man or. Woman could ever do as he done in February 27, 1843 and that was surrendering his Kingdom to foriegn invaders. Lands and his people are now protected from being taken or seized or illegally taken as spoils of war. None of the royals had any lands because they were supposed to be the voice of the people. The konohikis kuloiana is for today and tomorrow our kuleiana. The leager is the Ko Hawaii Pae Aina book of kamehaneha and his konohikis the Mahele. The final protection of his Kingdom and his people. Stop teaching leis. The insurgents were dead in the water their plan spoiled so they took it anyways like the thieves they are and the rest of the maggots jump on and perpetuate the lie and the destruction along with fraudulent claims and acts with the intent to deprive and deceive by illegally seized and killed the host culture of these islands. Your days on.its way everyone of you applicants status and your representative of your nation DHHL FOR you people are lost.
The biblical story about King Ahab and Naboth's vineyard does not end well for King Ahab. God sent Elijah to Naboth’s vineyard to give King Ahab a VERY serious message. The Lord was going to punish Ahab for being a part of Naboth’s murder. Ahab said to Elijah, "My enemy! You have found me!" "I have found you," he answered. "That's because you gave yourself over to do evil things. You did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord says, 'I am going to bring horrible trouble on you. I will destroy your children after you. I will cut off every male in Israel who is related to you. It does not matter whether they are slaves or free... You have made me very angry. You have caused Israel to commit sin.' " - 1 Kings 21:20-22 Elijah told Ahab that Jezebel would also be killed. These are some very strong words, but Ahab had earned his punishment. God had blessed him with being made the earthly King of God’s own people, and Ahab turned his back on God and all this was right. The Bible says, “There was never anyone like Ahab. He gave himself over to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord. His wife Jezebel talked him into it. He acted in the most evil way. He worshiped statues of gods.” (1 Kings 21:25-26a) (1 Kings 21:27-28) Say: Ahab took Elijah’s prophecy seriously. He tore his clothes and put on black clothes. This was a sign of mourning, as if someone had died. Ahab stopped eating and began to act very humble. God sent another message to Elijah about Ahab. It said, "Have you seen how Ahab has made himself low in My sight? Because he has done that, I will not bring trouble on him while he lives. But I will bring it on his royal house when his son is king." - 1 Kings 21:29 God had already decreed a punishment - Ahab, Jezebel, and their sons would be destroyed. But because Ahab finally bowed down to the Lord, and acted with humility, God would not punish Ahab’s sons until after Ahab had died. In time, all that God had spoken came to pass. Ahab died in battle when the Lord decided it should happen (1 Kings 22:20, 37). Jezebel died in the exact way Elijah had prophesied (1 Kings 21:23, 2 Kings 9:33-37). And eventually, all of Ahab’s descendants were killed (2 Kings 10:11). I want you to know that the Lord has spoken against Ahab's royal house. Not a word of what He has said will fail. The Lord has done exactly what He promised through His servant Elijah." - 2 Kings 10:10

[tranzˈmyo͞ot, tran(t)sˈmyo͞ot]
transmuted (past tense) · transmuted (past participle)

  1. change in form, nature, or substance.
    "the raw material of his experience was transmuted into stories" ·
    alter · make different · become different · undergo a change · make alterations to · adjust · make adjustments to · adapt · turn · amend · improve · modify · convert ·
    • subject (base metals) to alchemical transmutation.
      "the quest to transmute lead into gold"

  2. *****************************************************
  3. This is the comment #2 posted...the first was removed:
Prezzia fails to post the truth - I posted a lengthy comment which was what kind of educator is he? everyone needs to know the background of the usurpers...and everyone needs to check the backgrounds, genealogies of the educators as well.. read about the premeditations documented by John Foster who helped to coordinate the overthrow … usurpers don't like seeing the truth …
more references:

as you may know...the U.S. became two (2) nations in 1898 due to U.S. President McKinley's move to develop a Territory...he enlisted the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel to help.... the U.S. became two nations according to case law PEACOCK vs. Republic of Hawaii, which means that the Hawaiian Kingdom was disregarded as a nation and a new entity was created which became the territory of the American they added territories which include parts of the Hawaiian archipelago...namely, Cornwallis Island, Stewart Island, Palmyra Island... we operate as the Hawaiian Kingdom and see the 'developed' territory as the second group which became lesser than a nation, a territory which was included in the Puerto Rico, etc. group. Another example is France which has Tahiti as a territory...we do not interact with Tahiti but France - a nation..... Our Hawaiian government never went the 1899 case and draw diagrams for understanding.....and know that U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to the Queen in 1893, 1894, and 1897....Cleveland also stated that the Queen's government was the only legitimate government.....the usurpers also documented that the Hawaiian government went "underground"....well, the Kamehameha's existed then and the descendants exists today exposing the wrongs ….Maka ala you sleeping giants... we are the ones who pointed out the alodio titles, the conspiracies, etc. We are part of the House of Nobles and are Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and part of Kalanimoku's and Kaahumanu's Families as well.....genealogies tell a lot and our families were the glue that helped to keep the Hawaiian government together in the past and working today as well.....supporting all kanaka maoli with alodio titles today and defining the aliens who have done so many wrongs to our people over time....Hang in there and reclaim you tutu's aina.....questions? aloha.

792 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web

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