Saturday, February 22, 2020

Vol VII No. 791 and 792 - Part 1a

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Exciting News ---Share far and wide! The latest on Coronavirus via
Tue, Feb 18, 5:43 PM (2 days ago)
The latest on Coronavirus…/the-latest-on-coronavir…/
Institute for Political Economy
Institute for Political Economy, 11475 Big Canoe, Big Canoe, GA 30143 USA. You received this email because you signed up on our website.
The latest on Coronavirus
February 18, 2020 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: | Print This Article
The latest on Coronavirus…/hubei-doctors-warn-even-deadlie…
A MD in Norway has sent this message:
Zero Hedge has published an article that has appeared, after I sent my mail to you (and many others), that confirms my assertions that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) attacks heart muscle and that it spontaneously reactivates itself and in short that it is a terrible deadly virus. The article omits the fact though that it is made in a laboratory ( though others news-outlets say it is ) and that the reason it recurs is that it is a retrovirus that can be cured with anti-HIV medication like Lamivudine. Sealed borders and liberal prophylactic treatment with Lamivudine (Nothing short of adding Lamivudine to drinking water should be considered). Inaction will have terrible consequences for humanity (read death knell). I have never been an end of times prophet , nor do I seek recognition for myself. I have no presence on the internet that can reach people. I have alerted many people and news-outlets mainly in England and the US – many seem too circumspect to reply.
The article on Zerohedge link :…/hubei-doctors-warn-even-deadlie…
Another article says that early large doses of intravenous Vitamn C is the best treatment:
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Write a comment...…/nation-to-nation… additional pirates, genocide activists, etc. recorded - the latest group are names of the SHARPSHOOTERS, the Army of the Provisional Government, etc. - Pictures obtained from Greg Wongham's (deceased) friends: Roy, and John Kelly (married to Marion Kelly)….even Reverends listed and they killed kanaka maoli/friends of in 1893!
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Important info...…...share with loved ones...families, friends...……..
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  • Bruce Pascua Who care where Sun Yat Sen was born, what treaty are they talking about that america annexed Hawaii by....
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