Friday, February 21, 2020

Vol VII No. 791 and 792 Pirates Documented and other Important Information - Part 2

Amelia Gora
Hawaiian Kingdom Facts/EVIDENCE: Sharpshooters Pictures Revealed by Whistleblowers ---They KILLED kanaka maoli and friends!
pictures from Whistleblowers Roy Nakamura, Greg Wongham (dec.), and John Kelly (dec.) (husband of Marion Kelly (dec.) - Professor)
posted by Amelia Gora (2020)
The following pictures and names are those who KILLED kanaka maoli and friends shortly after the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893......later, others hung, scalped, decapitated by guillotine, shot, drowned hundreds.
Note: another Whistleblower was David Wynn Miller (dec.) who documented that 800 kanaka maoli and friends were killed.
Yes, the Hawaiian Kingdom's history includes killing, enslaving, imprisoning, sending kanaka maoli abroad as slaves, etc.
  • Ransen Borges Everything the plantation owners did at the behest of the American Consul in Hawaii were crimes against humanity. This effected not only the Native population, but also the imported labors - ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS. Guess what: too bad so sad! Get over it and work every day to make the next generation of descendants better than last. That's my philosophy. Dwelling in the past solves no problems, rather, they create more of the same and distracts from moving forward.
    This may get me banded from FB: This is the problem with a majority of blacks in this country; they dream of reparations at the expense of living today to better their circumstances. Every single one of my imported (none native) descendants worked on the plantation for one generation. My grandparents never did. They became self made from the ground up - thank God - because they were born in and raised in a somewhat free society where one's future is determined by one's work ethic. This ethic was grounded into our psyche. Sadly, the current "next" generation of Americans - a large part of it - does not see things this way. They all want everything to be free - paid for by another person - so they can live out their poke and beer (or cheese and wine) fantasy of not having to pay bills. We, the current generation are responsible for what is going on today - everyone of us. And our circumstances, for better or worse, were brought about by the choices WE made.
  •   guess you do not see the picture....the 50+ listed were also the pirates, pillagers, plunderers, frauds, racketeers who ran with lands that they do NOT OWN....the point is that they are perpetuating the crimes of their ancestors and are squatting on lands that has ALODIO/alodio land owners who are the Paramount title owners.....they fall into the Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty from the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States....ramifications are that they are NOT the land owners and hav e been legally stripped of lands due to their participation....get over it?....tell the kanaka maoli and friends who lost their ancestors due to the planned GENOCIDE of our innocent people who did no wrong... auwe….it doesn't work that way... ramifications...Maka Ala you SLEEPING GIANTS! share far and wide!
  • Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!
    Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!
    Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum!!


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