Thursday, February 27, 2020

Vol VII No. 793 and 794 - Part 2

as you may know...the U.S. became two (2) nations in 1898 due to U.S. President McKinley's move to develop a Territory...he enlisted the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel to help.... the U.S. became two nations according to case law PEACOCK vs. Republic of Hawaii, which means that the Hawaiian Kingdom was disregarded as a nation and a new entity was created which became the territory of the American they added territories which include parts of the Hawaiian archipelago...namely, Cornwallis Island, Stewart Island, Palmyra Island... we operate as the Hawaiian Kingdom and see the 'developed' territory as the second group which became lesser than a nation, a territory which was included in the Puerto Rico, etc. group. Another example is France which has Tahiti as a territory...we do not interact with Tahiti but France - a nation..... Our Hawaiian government never went the 1899 case and draw diagrams for understanding.....and know that U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to the Queen in 1893, 1894, and 1897....Cleveland also stated that the Queen's government was the only legitimate government.....the usurpers also documented that the Hawaiian government went "underground"....well, the Kamehameha's existed then and the descendants exists today exposing the wrongs ….Maka ala you sleeping giants... we are the ones who pointed out the alodio titles, the conspiracies, etc. We are part of the House of Nobles and are Kamehameha's descendants, heirs, and part of Kalanimoku's and Kaahumanu's Families as well.....genealogies tell a lot and our families were the glue that helped to keep the Hawaiian government together in the past and working today as well.....supporting all kanaka maoli with alodio titles today and defining the aliens who have done so many wrongs to our people over time....Hang in there and reclaim you tutu's aina.....questions? aloha.

Ashley Nephi Lucas is feeling awful.
9 hrs
I dislike the face my son is sick and can’t keep anything down. It sucks he has to feel sick! I wish the sickness would go away! I pray he gets better so he can be the happy little boy instead of being the little boy who is wanting so quiet and don’t know what is wrong!
  • Sherrie Ellsworth Tinner Sweet boy get better๐Ÿ™
  • Zoe Wise Awwwww get better auntie babby ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
  • Susan Healey
  • Tina Ritz I’m sorry he’s so sick. I sure hope he feels better by tomorrow.
  • Kuulei Gora Hi Ashley Nephi Lucas you have to feed him guava juice...sips....take him to the doctors for medication to keep his food down....our families always gave babies guava juice, ancient times they gave babies a juice made from young guava leaves....but modern day it's guava juice...also, introduce some baked potato and chopped up steak - baked or broiled is best....ask your Dad and your to get that medicine from the doctors......take care of baby.....aloha.
  • Kuulei Gora dehydration is a concern especially so for babies....sounds like he's losing may even have to visit the emergency room especially if it's hard to waken him...he may need iv/intravenous fluids otherwise it could be critical....ask your Mom and Dad..they have knowledge of such issues especially since raising you folks....take care.

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